use async_std::io::{ReadExt as _, WriteExt as _}; use futures_lite::future::FutureExt as _; use pty_process::Command as _; use textmode::Textmode as _; pub struct History { size: (u16, u16), entries: Vec>, action: async_std::channel::Sender, } impl History { pub fn new( action: async_std::channel::Sender, ) -> Self { Self { size: (24, 80), entries: vec![], action, } } pub async fn run(&mut self, cmd: &str) -> anyhow::Result { let (exe, args) = parse_cmd(cmd); let mut process = async_std::process::Command::new(&exe); process.args(&args); let child = process .spawn_pty(Some(&pty_process::Size::new( self.size.0, self.size.1, ))) .unwrap(); let (input_w, input_r) = async_std::channel::unbounded(); let (resize_w, resize_r) = async_std::channel::unbounded(); let entry = crate::util::mutex(HistoryEntry::new( cmd,, self.size, input_w, resize_w, )); let task_entry = async_std::sync::Arc::clone(&entry); let task_action = self.action.clone(); async_std::task::spawn(async move { loop { enum Res { Read(Result), Write(Result, async_std::channel::RecvError>), Resize(Result<(u16, u16), async_std::channel::RecvError>), } let mut buf = [0_u8; 4096]; let mut pty = child.pty(); let read = async { Res::Read( buf).await) }; let write = async { Res::Write(input_r.recv().await) }; let resize = async { Res::Resize(resize_r.recv().await) }; match read.race(write).race(resize).await { Res::Read(res) => { match res { Ok(bytes) => { task_entry .lock_arc() .await .vt .process(&buf[..bytes]); } Err(e) => { if e.raw_os_error() != Some(libc::EIO) { eprintln!("pty read failed: {:?}", e); } task_entry.lock_arc().await.running = false; task_action .send(crate::action::Action::UpdateFocus( crate::state::Focus::Readline, )) .await .unwrap(); break; } } task_action .send(crate::action::Action::Render) .await .unwrap(); } Res::Write(res) => match res { Ok(bytes) => { pty.write(&bytes).await.unwrap(); } Err(e) => { panic!( "failed to read from input channel: {}", e ); } }, Res::Resize(res) => match res { Ok(size) => { child .resize_pty(&pty_process::Size::new( size.0, size.1, )) .unwrap(); task_entry .lock_arc() .await .vt .set_size(size.0, size.1); } Err(e) => { panic!( "failed to read from resize channel: {}", e ); } }, } } }); self.entries.push(entry); self.action .send(crate::action::Action::UpdateFocus( crate::state::Focus::History(self.entries.len() - 1), )) .await .unwrap(); Ok(self.entries.len() - 1) } pub async fn handle_key( &mut self, key: textmode::Key, idx: usize, ) -> bool { match key { textmode::Key::Ctrl(b'c') => { let pid = self.entries[idx].lock_arc(); nix::sys::signal::kill(pid, nix::sys::signal::Signal::SIGINT) .unwrap(); } textmode::Key::Ctrl(b'z') => { self.action .send(crate::action::Action::UpdateFocus( crate::state::Focus::Readline, )) .await .unwrap(); } key => { self.send_process_input(idx, &key.into_bytes()) .await .unwrap(); } } false } pub async fn render( &self, out: &mut textmode::Output, repl_lines: usize, focus: Option, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut used_lines = repl_lines; let mut pos = None; for (idx, entry) in self.entries.iter().enumerate().rev() { let entry = entry.lock_arc().await; let screen = entry.vt.screen(); let mut last_row = 0; for (idx, row) in screen.rows(0, self.size.1).enumerate() { if !row.is_empty() { last_row = idx + 1; } } if focus == Some(idx) { last_row = std::cmp::max( last_row, screen.cursor_position().0 as usize + 1, ); } used_lines += 1 + std::cmp::min(6, last_row); if used_lines > self.size.0 as usize { break; } if used_lines == 1 { used_lines = 2; pos = Some((self.size.0 - 1, 0)); } out.move_to( (self.size.0 as usize - used_lines).try_into().unwrap(), 0, ); out.write_str("$ "); if entry.running { out.set_bgcolor(vt100::Color::Rgb(16, 64, 16)); } out.write_str(&entry.cmd); out.reset_attributes(); if last_row > 5 { out.write(b"\r\n"); out.set_bgcolor(textmode::color::RED); out.write(b"..."); out.reset_attributes(); } let mut end_pos = (0, 0); for row in screen .rows_formatted(0, self.size.1) .take(last_row) .skip(last_row.saturating_sub(5)) { out.write(b"\r\n"); out.write(&row); end_pos = out.screen().cursor_position(); } if pos.is_none() { pos = Some(end_pos); } out.reset_attributes(); } if let Some(pos) = pos { out.move_to(pos.0, pos.1); } Ok(()) } pub async fn resize(&mut self, size: (u16, u16)) { self.size = size; for entry in &self.entries { let entry = entry.lock_arc().await; if entry.running { entry.resize.send(size).await.unwrap(); } } } async fn send_process_input( &self, idx: usize, input: &[u8], ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { self.entries[idx] .lock_arc() .await .input .send(input.to_vec()) .await .unwrap(); Ok(()) } } struct HistoryEntry { cmd: String, pid: nix::unistd::Pid, vt: vt100::Parser, input: async_std::channel::Sender>, resize: async_std::channel::Sender<(u16, u16)>, running: bool, // option end time // start time } impl HistoryEntry { fn new( cmd: &str, pid: i32, size: (u16, u16), input: async_std::channel::Sender>, resize: async_std::channel::Sender<(u16, u16)>, ) -> Self { Self { cmd: cmd.into(), pid: nix::unistd::Pid::from_raw(pid), vt: vt100::Parser::new(size.0, size.1, 0), input, resize, running: true, } } } fn parse_cmd(full_cmd: &str) -> (String, Vec) { let mut parts = full_cmd.split(' '); let cmd =; ( cmd.to_string(),, ) }