use crate::prelude::*; use pest::Parser as _; #[derive(pest_derive::Parser)] #[grammar = "shell.pest"] struct Shell; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Commands { commands: Vec, } impl Commands { pub fn parse(full_cmd: &str) -> Result { Ok(Self::build_ast( Shell::parse(Rule::line, full_cmd) .map_err(|e| super::Error::new(full_cmd, e))? .next() .unwrap() .into_inner() .next() .unwrap(), )) } pub fn commands(&self) -> &[Command] { &self.commands } fn build_ast(commands: pest::iterators::Pair) -> Self { assert!(matches!(commands.as_rule(), Rule::commands)); Self { commands: commands.into_inner().map(Command::build_ast).collect(), } } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Command { Pipeline(Pipeline), If(Pipeline), While(Pipeline), For(String, Vec), Else(Option), End, } impl Command { fn build_ast(command: pest::iterators::Pair) -> Self { assert!(matches!(command.as_rule(), Rule::command)); let next = command.into_inner().next().unwrap(); match next.as_rule() { Rule::pipeline => Self::Pipeline(Pipeline::build_ast(next)), Rule::control => { let ty = next.into_inner().next().unwrap(); match ty.as_rule() { Rule::control_if => Self::If(Pipeline::build_ast( ty.into_inner().next().unwrap(), )), Rule::control_while => Self::While(Pipeline::build_ast( ty.into_inner().next().unwrap(), )), Rule::control_for => { let mut inner = ty.into_inner(); let var =; assert!(matches!(var.as_rule(), Rule::bareword)); let list =; assert!(matches!(list.as_rule(), Rule::list)); let vals = list.into_inner().map(Word::build_ast).collect(); Self::For(var.as_str().to_string(), vals) } Rule::control_else => Self::Else( ty.into_inner().next().map(Pipeline::build_ast), ), Rule::control_end => Self::End, _ => unreachable!(), } } _ => unreachable!(), } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Pipeline { exes: Vec, span: (usize, usize), } impl Pipeline { pub async fn eval(self, env: &Env) -> anyhow::Result { Ok(super::Pipeline { exes: self .exes .into_iter() .map(|exe| exe.eval(env)) .collect::>() .collect::>() .await?, }) } pub fn span(&self) -> (usize, usize) { self.span } fn build_ast(pipeline: pest::iterators::Pair) -> Self { assert!(matches!(pipeline.as_rule(), Rule::pipeline)); let span = (pipeline.as_span().start(), pipeline.as_span().end()); Self { exes: pipeline.into_inner().map(Exe::build_ast).collect(), span, } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] struct Exe { exe: Word, args: Vec, redirects: Vec, } impl Exe { async fn eval(self, env: &Env) -> anyhow::Result { let exe = self.exe.eval(env).await?; assert_eq!(exe.len(), 1); // TODO let exe = &exe[0]; Ok(super::Exe { exe: std::path::PathBuf::from(exe), args: self .args .into_iter() .map(|arg| async { arg.eval(env) }) .collect::>() .collect::, _>>() .await? .into_iter() .flatten() .collect(), redirects: self .redirects .into_iter() .map(|arg| arg.eval(env)) .collect::>() .collect::>() .await?, }) } fn build_ast(pair: pest::iterators::Pair) -> Self { assert!(matches!(pair.as_rule(), Rule::subshell | Rule::exe)); if matches!(pair.as_rule(), Rule::subshell) { let mut iter = pair.into_inner(); let commands =; assert!(matches!(commands.as_rule(), Rule::commands)); let redirects =; return Self { exe: Word { parts: vec![WordPart::SingleQuoted( std::env::current_exe() .unwrap() .to_str() .unwrap() .to_string(), )], }, args: vec![ Word { parts: vec![WordPart::SingleQuoted("-c".to_string())], }, Word { parts: vec![WordPart::SingleQuoted( commands.as_str().to_string(), )], }, ], redirects, }; } let mut iter = pair.into_inner(); let exe =; let exe = match exe.as_rule() { Rule::word => Word::build_ast(exe), Rule::redirect => todo!(), _ => unreachable!(), }; let mut args = vec![]; let mut redirects = vec![]; for arg in iter { match arg.as_rule() { Rule::word => args.push(Word::build_ast(arg)), Rule::redirect => redirects.push(Redirect::build_ast(arg)), _ => unreachable!(), } } Self { exe, args, redirects, } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Word { parts: Vec, } impl Word { pub async fn eval(self, env: &Env) -> anyhow::Result> { let mut opts = glob::MatchOptions::new(); opts.require_literal_separator = true; opts.require_literal_leading_dot = true; let mut alternations: Vec>> = vec![]; let mut cur: Vec = vec![]; for part in { if let WordPart::Alternation(words) = part { if !cur.is_empty() { alternations.push(vec![cur.clone()]); cur.clear(); } alternations .push(words.into_iter().map(|word|; } else { cur.push(part.clone()); } } if !cur.is_empty() { alternations.push(vec![cur]); } let mut words: Vec> = std::iter::repeat(vec![]) .take(alternations.iter().map(Vec::len).product()) .collect(); for i in 0..words.len() { let mut len = words.len(); for alternation in &alternations { let idx = (i * alternation.len() / len) % alternation.len(); words[i].extend(alternation[idx].clone().into_iter()); len /= alternation.len(); } } let mut expanded_words = vec![]; for word in words { let mut s = String::new(); let mut pat = String::new(); let mut is_glob = false; let initial_bareword = word .get(0) .map_or(false, |part| matches!(part, WordPart::Bareword(_))); for part in word { match part { WordPart::Alternation(_) => unreachable!(), WordPart::Bareword(_) => { let part = part.eval(env).await; s.push_str(&part); pat.push_str(&part); if part.contains(&['*', '?', '['][..]) { is_glob = true; } } WordPart::Substitution(_) | WordPart::Var(_) | WordPart::DoubleQuoted(_) | WordPart::SingleQuoted(_) => { let part = part.eval(env).await; s.push_str(&part); pat.push_str(&glob::Pattern::escape(&part)); } } } if initial_bareword { s = expand_home(&s)?; pat = expand_home(&pat)?; } if is_glob { let mut found = false; for file in glob::glob_with(&pat, opts)? { let file = file?; let s = file.to_str().unwrap(); if s == "." || s == ".." || s.ends_with("/.") || s.ends_with("/..") { continue; } found = true; expanded_words.push(s.to_string()); } if !found { anyhow::bail!("no matches for {}", s); } } else { expanded_words.push(s); } } Ok(expanded_words) } fn build_ast(pair: pest::iterators::Pair) -> Self { assert!(matches!( pair.as_rule(), Rule::word | Rule::alternation_word )); Self { parts: pair.into_inner().flat_map(WordPart::build_ast).collect(), } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] enum WordPart { Alternation(Vec), Substitution(String), Var(String), Bareword(String), DoubleQuoted(String), SingleQuoted(String), } impl WordPart { async fn eval(self, env: &Env) -> String { match self { Self::Alternation(_) => unreachable!(), Self::Substitution(commands) => { let mut cmd = async_std::process::Command::new( std::env::current_exe().unwrap(), ); cmd.args(&["-c", &commands]); cmd.stdin(async_std::process::Stdio::inherit()); cmd.stderr(async_std::process::Stdio::inherit()); let mut out = String::from_utf8(cmd.output().await.unwrap().stdout) .unwrap(); if out.ends_with('\n') { out.truncate(out.len() - 1); } out } Self::Var(name) => { env.var(&name).unwrap_or_else(|| "".to_string()) } Self::Bareword(s) | Self::DoubleQuoted(s) | Self::SingleQuoted(s) => s, } } fn build_ast( pair: pest::iterators::Pair, ) -> impl Iterator + '_ { assert!(matches!( pair.as_rule(), Rule::word_part | Rule::alternation_word_part )); pair.into_inner().map(|pair| match pair.as_rule() { Rule::substitution => { let commands = pair.into_inner().next().unwrap(); assert!(matches!(commands.as_rule(), Rule::commands)); Self::Substitution(commands.as_str().to_string()) } Rule::var => { let s = pair.as_str(); let inner = s.strip_prefix('$').unwrap(); Self::Var( inner .strip_prefix('{') .map_or(inner, |inner| { inner.strip_suffix('}').unwrap() }) .to_string(), ) } Rule::bareword | Rule::alternation_bareword => { Self::Bareword(strip_escape(pair.as_str())) } Rule::double_string => { Self::DoubleQuoted(strip_escape(pair.as_str())) } Rule::single_string => { Self::SingleQuoted(strip_basic_escape(pair.as_str())) } Rule::alternation => Self::Alternation( pair.into_inner().map(Word::build_ast).collect(), ), _ => unreachable!(), }) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] struct Redirect { from: std::os::unix::io::RawFd, to: Word, dir: super::Direction, } impl Redirect { fn build_ast(pair: pest::iterators::Pair) -> Self { assert!(matches!(pair.as_rule(), Rule::redirect)); let mut iter = pair.into_inner(); let prefix =; let (from, dir) = if let Some(from) = prefix.strip_suffix(">>") { (from, super::Direction::Append) } else if let Some(from) = prefix.strip_suffix('>') { (from, super::Direction::Out) } else if let Some(from) = prefix.strip_suffix('<') { (from, super::Direction::In) } else { unreachable!() }; let from = if from.is_empty() { match dir { super::Direction::In => 0, super::Direction::Out | super::Direction::Append => 1, } } else { parse_fd(from) }; let to = Word::build_ast(; Self { from, to, dir } } async fn eval(self, env: &Env) -> anyhow::Result { let to = if == 1 { if let WordPart::Bareword(s) = &[0] { if let Some(fd) = s.strip_prefix('&') { super::RedirectTarget::Fd(parse_fd(fd)) } else { let to =; assert_eq!(to.len(), 1); // TODO let to = &to[0]; super::RedirectTarget::File(std::path::PathBuf::from(to)) } } else { let to =; assert_eq!(to.len(), 1); // TODO let to = &to[0]; super::RedirectTarget::File(std::path::PathBuf::from(to)) } } else { let to =; assert_eq!(to.len(), 1); // TODO let to = &to[0]; super::RedirectTarget::File(std::path::PathBuf::from(to)) }; Ok(super::Redirect { from: self.from, to, dir: self.dir, }) } } fn strip_escape(s: &str) -> String { let mut new = String::new(); let mut escape = false; for c in s.chars() { if escape { new.push(c); escape = false; } else { match c { '\\' => escape = true, _ => new.push(c), } } } new } fn strip_basic_escape(s: &str) -> String { let mut new = String::new(); let mut escape = false; for c in s.chars() { if escape { match c { '\\' | '\'' => {} _ => new.push('\\'), } new.push(c); escape = false; } else { match c { '\\' => escape = true, _ => new.push(c), } } } new } fn parse_fd(s: &str) -> std::os::unix::io::RawFd { match s { "in" => 0, "out" => 1, "err" => 2, _ => s.parse().unwrap(), } } fn expand_home(dir: &str) -> anyhow::Result { if dir.starts_with('~') { let path: std::path::PathBuf = dir.into(); if let std::path::Component::Normal(prefix) = path.components().next().unwrap() { let prefix_bytes = prefix.as_bytes(); let name = if prefix_bytes == b"~" { None } else { Some(std::ffi::OsStr::from_bytes(&prefix_bytes[1..])) }; if let Some(home) = home(name) { Ok(home .join(path.strip_prefix(prefix).unwrap()) .to_str() .unwrap() .to_string()) } else { anyhow::bail!( "no such user: {}", .as_ref() .unwrap_or(&std::borrow::Cow::Borrowed("(deleted)")) ); } } else { unreachable!() } } else { Ok(dir.to_string()) } } fn home(user: Option<&std::ffi::OsStr>) -> Option { let user = user.map_or_else( || users::get_user_by_uid(users::get_current_uid()), users::get_user_by_name, );|user| user.home_dir().to_path_buf()) } #[cfg(test)] #[path = ""] mod test;