use crate::runner::prelude::*; pub struct Command { inner: Inner, exe: std::path::PathBuf, redirects: Vec, pre_exec: Option< Box std::io::Result<()> + Send + Sync + 'static>, >, } impl Command { pub fn new(exe: crate::parse::Exe, io: super::builtins::Io) -> Self { let exe_path = exe.exe().to_path_buf(); let redirects = exe.redirects().to_vec(); Self { inner: super::builtins::Command::new(exe, io).map_or_else( |exe| Self::new_binary(exe).inner, Inner::Builtin, ), exe: exe_path, redirects, pre_exec: None, } } #[allow(clippy::needless_pass_by_value)] pub fn new_binary(exe: crate::parse::Exe) -> Self { let exe_path = exe.exe().to_path_buf(); let redirects = exe.redirects().to_vec(); let mut cmd = tokio::process::Command::new(exe.exe()); cmd.args(exe.args()); Self { inner: Inner::Binary(cmd), exe: exe_path, redirects, pre_exec: None, } } pub fn new_builtin( exe: crate::parse::Exe, io: super::builtins::Io, ) -> Self { let exe_path = exe.exe().to_path_buf(); let redirects = exe.redirects().to_vec(); Self { inner: super::builtins::Command::new(exe, io) .map_or_else(|_| todo!(), Inner::Builtin), exe: exe_path, redirects, pre_exec: None, } } pub fn stdin(&mut self, fh: std::fs::File) { match &mut self.inner { Inner::Binary(cmd) => { cmd.stdin(fh); } Inner::Builtin(cmd) => { cmd.stdin(fh); } } } pub fn stdout(&mut self, fh: std::fs::File) { match &mut self.inner { Inner::Binary(cmd) => { cmd.stdout(fh); } Inner::Builtin(cmd) => { cmd.stdout(fh); } } } pub fn stderr(&mut self, fh: std::fs::File) { match &mut self.inner { Inner::Binary(cmd) => { cmd.stderr(fh); } Inner::Builtin(cmd) => { cmd.stderr(fh); } } } // Safety: see pre_exec in async_std::os::unix::process::CommandExt (this // is just a wrapper) pub unsafe fn pre_exec(&mut self, f: F) where F: 'static + FnMut() -> std::io::Result<()> + Send + Sync, { self.pre_exec = Some(Box::new(f)); } pub fn spawn(self, env: &Env) -> anyhow::Result { let Self { inner, exe, redirects, pre_exec, } = self; #[allow(clippy::as_conversions)] let pre_exec = pre_exec.map_or_else( || { let redirects = redirects.clone(); Box::new(move || { apply_redirects(&redirects)?; Ok(()) }) as Box std::io::Result<()> + Send + Sync> }, |mut pre_exec| { let redirects = redirects.clone(); Box::new(move || { apply_redirects(&redirects)?; pre_exec()?; Ok(()) }) }, ); match inner { Inner::Binary(mut cmd) => { // Safety: open, dup2, and close are async-signal-safe // functions unsafe { cmd.pre_exec(pre_exec) }; Ok(Child::Binary(cmd.spawn().map_err(|e| { anyhow::anyhow!( "{}: {}", crate::format::io_error(&e), exe.display() ) })?)) } Inner::Builtin(mut cmd) => { // Safety: open, dup2, and close are async-signal-safe // functions unsafe { cmd.pre_exec(pre_exec) }; cmd.apply_redirects(&redirects); Ok(Child::Builtin(cmd.spawn(env)?)) } } } } pub enum Inner { Binary(tokio::process::Command), Builtin(super::builtins::Command), } pub enum Child<'a> { Binary(tokio::process::Child), Builtin(super::builtins::Child<'a>), } impl<'a> Child<'a> { pub fn id(&self) -> Option { match self { Self::Binary(child) =>, Self::Builtin(child) =>, } } pub fn status( self, ) -> std::pin::Pin< Box< dyn std::future::Future< Output = anyhow::Result, > + Send + Sync + 'a, >, > { Box::pin(async move { match self { Self::Binary(mut child) => Ok(child.wait().await?), Self::Builtin(child) => Ok(child.status().await?), } }) } } fn apply_redirects( redirects: &[crate::parse::Redirect], ) -> std::io::Result<()> { for redirect in redirects { match & { crate::parse::RedirectTarget::Fd(fd) => { nix::unistd::dup2(*fd, redirect.from)?; } crate::parse::RedirectTarget::File(path) => { let fd =; if fd != redirect.from { nix::unistd::dup2(fd, redirect.from)?; nix::unistd::close(fd)?; } } } } Ok(()) }