use crate::runner::prelude::*; mod builtins; mod command; pub use command::{Child, Command}; mod prelude; mod sys; #[derive(Debug, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub enum Event { RunPipeline((usize, usize)), Suspend, Exit(Env), } struct Stack { frames: Vec, } impl Stack { fn new() -> Self { Self { frames: vec![] } } fn push(&mut self, frame: Frame) { self.frames.push(frame); } fn pop(&mut self) -> Frame { self.frames.pop().unwrap() } fn top(&self) -> Option<&Frame> { self.frames.last() } fn top_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Frame> { self.frames.last_mut() } fn current_pc(&self, pc: usize) -> bool { match { Some(Frame::If(..)) | None => false, Some(Frame::While(_, start) | Frame::For(_, start, _)) => { *start == pc } } } fn should_execute(&self) -> bool { for frame in &self.frames { if matches!( frame, Frame::If(false, ..) | Frame::While(false, ..) | Frame::For(false, ..) ) { return false; } } true } } enum Frame { If(bool, bool), While(bool, usize), For(bool, usize, Vec), } pub async fn main( commands: String, shell_write: &mut Option, ) -> Result { let mut env = Env::new_from_env()?; run_commands(commands, &mut env, shell_write).await?; let status = env.latest_status(); write_event(shell_write, Event::Exit(env)).await?; if let Some(signal) = status.signal() { nix::sys::signal::raise(signal.try_into().unwrap())?; } Ok(status.code().unwrap()) } async fn run_commands( commands: String, env: &mut Env, shell_write: &mut Option, ) -> Result<()> { let commands = crate::parse::ast::Commands::parse(&commands)?; let commands = commands.commands(); let mut pc = 0; let mut stack = Stack::new(); while pc < commands.len() { match &commands[pc] { crate::parse::ast::Command::Pipeline(pipeline) => { if stack.should_execute() { run_pipeline(pipeline.clone(), env, shell_write).await?; } pc += 1; } crate::parse::ast::Command::If(pipeline) => { let should = stack.should_execute(); if !stack.current_pc(pc) { stack.push(Frame::If(false, false)); } if should { let status = env.latest_status(); run_pipeline(pipeline.clone(), env, shell_write).await?; if let Some(Frame::If(should, found)) = stack.top_mut() { *should = env.latest_status().success(); if *should { *found = true; } } else { unreachable!(); } env.set_status(status); } pc += 1; } crate::parse::ast::Command::While(pipeline) => { let should = stack.should_execute(); if !stack.current_pc(pc) { stack.push(Frame::While(false, pc)); } if should { let status = env.latest_status(); run_pipeline(pipeline.clone(), env, shell_write).await?; if let Some(Frame::While(should, _)) = stack.top_mut() { *should = env.latest_status().success(); } else { unreachable!(); } env.set_status(status); } pc += 1; } crate::parse::ast::Command::For(var, list) => { let should = stack.should_execute(); if !stack.current_pc(pc) { stack.push(Frame::For( false, pc, if stack.should_execute() { list.clone() .into_iter() .map(|w| async { w.eval(env) .await .map(IntoIterator::into_iter) }) .collect::>() .try_collect::>().await? .into_iter() .flatten() .collect() } else { vec![] }, )); } if should { if let Some(Frame::For(should, _, list)) = stack.top_mut() { *should = !list.is_empty(); if *should { let val = list.remove(0); // XXX i really need to just pick one location and // stick with it instead of trying to keep these // in sync env.set_var(var, &val); std::env::set_var(var, &val); } } else { unreachable!(); } } pc += 1; } crate::parse::ast::Command::Else(pipeline) => { let mut top = stack.pop(); if stack.should_execute() { if let Frame::If(ref mut should, ref mut found) = top { if *found { *should = false; } else if let Some(pipeline) = pipeline { let status = env.latest_status(); run_pipeline(pipeline.clone(), env, shell_write) .await?; *should = env.latest_status().success(); if *should { *found = true; } env.set_status(status); } else { *should = true; *found = true; } } else { todo!(); } } stack.push(top); pc += 1; } crate::parse::ast::Command::End => match { Some(Frame::If(..)) => { stack.pop(); pc += 1; } Some( Frame::While(should, start) | Frame::For(should, start, _), ) => { if *should { pc = *start; } else { stack.pop(); pc += 1; } } None => todo!(), }, } } Ok(()) } async fn run_pipeline( pipeline: crate::parse::ast::Pipeline, env: &mut Env, shell_write: &mut Option, ) -> Result<()> { write_event(shell_write, Event::RunPipeline(pipeline.span())).await?; // Safety: pipelines are run serially, so only one copy of these will ever // exist at once. note that reusing a single copy of these at the top // level would not be safe, because in the case of a command line like // "echo foo; ls", we would pass the stdout fd to the ls process while it // is still open here, and may still have data buffered. let stdin = unsafe { std::fs::File::from_raw_fd(0) }; let stdout = unsafe { std::fs::File::from_raw_fd(1) }; let stderr = unsafe { std::fs::File::from_raw_fd(2) }; let mut io = builtins::Io::new(); io.set_stdin(stdin); io.set_stdout(stdout); io.set_stderr(stderr); let pwd = env.pwd().to_path_buf(); let pipeline = pipeline.eval(env).await?; let interactive = shell_write.is_some(); let (children, pg) = spawn_children(pipeline, env, &io, interactive)?; let status = wait_children(children, pg, shell_write).await; if interactive { sys::set_foreground_pg(nix::unistd::getpid())?; } env.update()?; env.set_status(status); if env.pwd() != pwd { env.set_prev_pwd(pwd); } Ok(()) } async fn write_event( fh: &mut Option, event: Event, ) -> Result<()> { if let Some(fh) = fh { fh.write_all(&bincode::serialize(&event)?).await?; fh.flush().await?; } Ok(()) } fn spawn_children( pipeline: crate::parse::Pipeline, env: &Env, io: &builtins::Io, interactive: bool, ) -> Result<(Vec, Option)> { let mut cmds: Vec<_> = pipeline .into_exes() .map(|exe| Command::new(exe, io.clone())) .collect(); for i in 0..(cmds.len() - 1) { let (r, w) = sys::pipe()?; cmds[i].stdout(w); cmds[i + 1].stdin(r); } let mut children = vec![]; let mut pg_pid = None; for mut cmd in cmds { // Safety: setpgid is an async-signal-safe function unsafe { cmd.pre_exec(move || { sys::setpgid_child(pg_pid)?; Ok(()) }); } let child = cmd.spawn(env)?; if let Some(id) = { let child_pid = sys::id_to_pid(id); sys::setpgid_parent(child_pid, pg_pid)?; if pg_pid.is_none() { pg_pid = Some(child_pid); if interactive { sys::set_foreground_pg(child_pid)?; } } } children.push(child); } Ok((children, pg_pid)) } async fn wait_children( children: Vec, pg: Option, shell_write: &mut Option, ) -> std::process::ExitStatus { enum Res { Child(nix::Result), Builtin((Result, bool)), } macro_rules! bail { ($e:expr) => { eprintln!("nbsh: {}\n", $e); return std::process::ExitStatus::from_raw(1 << 8); }; } let mut final_status = None; let count = children.len(); let (children, builtins): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = children .into_iter() .enumerate() .partition(|(_, child)|; let mut children: std::collections::HashMap<_, _> = children .into_iter() .map(|(i, child)| { (sys::id_to_pid(, (child, i == count - 1)) }) .collect(); let mut builtin_count = builtins.len(); let builtins: futures_util::stream::FuturesUnordered<_> = builtins .into_iter() .map(|(i, child)| async move { (child.status().await, i == count - 1) }) .collect(); let (wait_w, wait_r) = tokio::sync::mpsc::unbounded_channel(); if let Some(pg) = pg { tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || loop { let res = nix::sys::wait::waitpid( sys::neg_pid(pg), Some(nix::sys::wait::WaitPidFlag::WUNTRACED), ); match wait_w.send(res) { Ok(_) => {} Err(tokio::sync::mpsc::error::SendError(res)) => { // we should never drop wait_r while there are still valid // things to read assert!(res.is_err()); break; } } }); } let mut stream: futures_util::stream::SelectAll<_> = [ tokio_stream::wrappers::UnboundedReceiverStream::new(wait_r) .map(Res::Child) .boxed(),, ] .into_iter() .collect(); while let Some(res) = { match res { Res::Child(Ok(status)) => { match status { // we can't call child.status() here to unify these // branches because our waitpid call already collected the // status nix::sys::wait::WaitStatus::Exited(pid, code) => { let (_, last) = children.remove(&pid).unwrap(); if last { final_status = Some( std::process::ExitStatus::from_raw(code << 8), ); } } nix::sys::wait::WaitStatus::Signaled(pid, signal, _) => { let (_, last) = children.remove(&pid).unwrap(); if signal == nix::sys::signal::Signal::SIGINT { if let Err(e) = nix::sys::signal::raise( nix::sys::signal::Signal::SIGINT, ) { bail!(e); } } // this conversion is safe because the Signal enum is // repr(i32) #[allow(clippy::as_conversions)] if last { final_status = Some(std::process::ExitStatus::from_raw( signal as i32, )); } } nix::sys::wait::WaitStatus::Stopped(pid, signal) => { if signal == nix::sys::signal::Signal::SIGTSTP { if let Err(e) = write_event(shell_write, Event::Suspend).await { bail!(e); } if let Err(e) = nix::sys::signal::kill( pid, nix::sys::signal::Signal::SIGCONT, ) { bail!(e); } } } _ => {} } } Res::Child(Err(e)) => { bail!(e); } Res::Builtin((Ok(status), last)) => { // this conversion is safe because the Signal enum is // repr(i32) #[allow(clippy::as_conversions)] if status.signal() == Some(nix::sys::signal::Signal::SIGINT as i32) { if let Err(e) = nix::sys::signal::raise( nix::sys::signal::Signal::SIGINT, ) { bail!(e); } } if last { final_status = Some(status); } builtin_count -= 1; } Res::Builtin((Err(e), _)) => { bail!(e); } } if children.is_empty() && builtin_count == 0 { break; } } final_status.unwrap() }