use crate::shell::prelude::*; pub struct Pty { pty: async_std::sync::Arc, close_w: async_std::channel::Sender<()>, } impl Pty { pub fn new( size: (u16, u16), entry: &crate::mutex::Mutex, input_r: async_std::channel::Receiver>, resize_r: async_std::channel::Receiver<(u16, u16)>, event_w: async_std::channel::Sender, ) -> anyhow::Result { let (close_w, close_r) = async_std::channel::unbounded(); let pty = pty_process::Pty::new()?; pty.resize(pty_process::Size::new(size.0, size.1))?; let pty = async_std::sync::Arc::new(pty); async_std::task::spawn(pty_task( async_std::sync::Arc::clone(&pty), crate::mutex::clone(entry), input_r, resize_r, close_r, event_w, )); Ok(Self { pty, close_w }) } pub fn spawn( &self, mut cmd: pty_process::Command, ) -> anyhow::Result { Ok(cmd.spawn(&self.pty)?) } pub async fn close(&self) { self.close_w.send(()).await.unwrap(); } } async fn pty_task( pty: async_std::sync::Arc, entry: crate::mutex::Mutex, input_r: async_std::channel::Receiver>, resize_r: async_std::channel::Receiver<(u16, u16)>, close_r: async_std::channel::Receiver<()>, event_w: async_std::channel::Sender, ) { loop { enum Res { Read(Result), Write(Result, async_std::channel::RecvError>), Resize(Result<(u16, u16), async_std::channel::RecvError>), Close(Result<(), async_std::channel::RecvError>), } let mut buf = [0_u8; 4096]; let read = async { Res::Read((&*pty).read(&mut buf).await) }; let write = async { Res::Write(input_r.recv().await) }; let resize = async { Res::Resize(resize_r.recv().await) }; let close = async { Res::Close(close_r.recv().await) }; match read.race(write).race(resize).or(close).await { Res::Read(res) => match res { Ok(bytes) => { entry.lock_arc().await.process(&buf[..bytes]); event_w.send(Event::PtyOutput).await.unwrap(); } Err(e) => { if e.raw_os_error() == Some(libc::EIO) { continue; } panic!("pty read failed: {:?}", e); } }, Res::Write(res) => match res { Ok(bytes) => { (&*pty).write(&bytes).await.unwrap(); } Err(e) => { panic!("failed to read from input channel: {}", e); } }, Res::Resize(res) => match res { Ok(size) => { pty.resize(pty_process::Size::new(size.0, size.1)) .unwrap(); } Err(e) => { panic!("failed to read from resize channel: {}", e); } }, Res::Close(res) => match res { Ok(()) => { event_w.send(Event::PtyClose).await.unwrap(); return; } Err(e) => { panic!("failed to read from close channel: {}", e); } }, } } }