use crate::shell::prelude::*; use notify::Watcher as _; pub struct Handler { git_w: tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedSender, } impl Handler { pub fn new(event_w: crate::shell::event::Writer) -> Self { let (git_w, git_r) = tokio::sync::mpsc::unbounded_channel(); tokio::spawn(Self::task(git_r, event_w)); Self { git_w } } pub fn new_dir(&self, path: std::path::PathBuf) { self.git_w.send(path).unwrap(); } async fn task( mut git_r: tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedReceiver, event_w: crate::shell::event::Writer, ) { // clippy can't tell that we assign to this later #[allow(clippy::no_effect_underscore_binding)] let mut _active_watcher = None; while let Some(mut dir) = git_r.recv().await { while let Ok(newer_dir) = git_r.try_recv() { dir = newer_dir; } let repo = git2::Repository::discover(&dir).ok(); if repo.is_some() { let (sync_watch_w, sync_watch_r) = std::sync::mpsc::channel(); let (watch_w, mut watch_r) = tokio::sync::mpsc::unbounded_channel(); let mut watcher = notify::RecommendedWatcher::new( sync_watch_w, std::time::Duration::from_millis(100), ) .unwrap(); watcher .watch(&dir, notify::RecursiveMode::Recursive) .unwrap(); tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || { while let Ok(event) = sync_watch_r.recv() { if watch_w.send(event).is_err() { break; } } }); let event_w = event_w.clone(); tokio::spawn(async move { while watch_r.recv().await.is_some() { let repo = git2::Repository::discover(&dir).ok(); let info = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(|| {|repo| Info::new(&repo)) }) .await .unwrap(); event_w.send(Event::GitInfo(info)); } }); _active_watcher = Some(watcher); } else { _active_watcher = None; } let info = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(|| {|repo| Info::new(&repo)) }) .await .unwrap(); event_w.send(Event::GitInfo(info)); } } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Info { modified_files: bool, staged_files: bool, new_files: bool, commits: bool, active_operation: ActiveOperation, branch: Option, remote_branch_diff: Option<(usize, usize)>, } const MODIFIED: git2::Status = git2::Status::WT_DELETED .union(git2::Status::WT_MODIFIED) .union(git2::Status::WT_RENAMED) .union(git2::Status::WT_TYPECHANGE) .union(git2::Status::CONFLICTED); const STAGED: git2::Status = git2::Status::INDEX_DELETED .union(git2::Status::INDEX_MODIFIED) .union(git2::Status::INDEX_NEW) .union(git2::Status::INDEX_RENAMED) .union(git2::Status::INDEX_TYPECHANGE); const NEW: git2::Status = git2::Status::WT_NEW; impl Info { pub fn new(git: &git2::Repository) -> Self { let mut status_options = git2::StatusOptions::new(); status_options.include_untracked(true); status_options.update_index(true); let statuses = git.statuses(Some(&mut status_options)); let mut modified_files = false; let mut staged_files = false; let mut new_files = false; if let Ok(statuses) = statuses { for file in statuses.iter() { if file.status().intersects(MODIFIED) { modified_files = true; } if file.status().intersects(STAGED) { staged_files = true; } if file.status().intersects(NEW) { new_files = true; } } } let head = git.head(); let mut commits = false; let mut branch = None; let mut remote_branch_diff = None; if let Ok(head) = head { commits = true; if head.is_branch() { branch = head.shorthand().map(ToString::to_string); remote_branch_diff = head.resolve() .ok() .map(|head| { (, head.shorthand().map(ToString::to_string), ) }) .and_then(|(head_id, name)| { head_id.and_then(|head_id| { name.and_then(|name| { git.refname_to_id(&format!( "refs/remotes/origin/{}", name )) .ok() .and_then(|remote_id| { git.graph_ahead_behind( head_id, remote_id, ) .ok() }) }) }) }); } else { branch = head.resolve().ok().and_then(|head| |oid| { let mut sha: String = oid .as_bytes() .iter() .take(4) .map(|b| format!("{:02x}", b)) .collect(); sha.truncate(7); sha }, ); } } let active_operation = match git.state() { git2::RepositoryState::Merge => ActiveOperation::Merge, git2::RepositoryState::Revert | git2::RepositoryState::RevertSequence => { ActiveOperation::Revert } git2::RepositoryState::CherryPick | git2::RepositoryState::CherryPickSequence => { ActiveOperation::CherryPick } git2::RepositoryState::Bisect => ActiveOperation::Bisect, git2::RepositoryState::Rebase | git2::RepositoryState::RebaseInteractive | git2::RepositoryState::RebaseMerge => ActiveOperation::Rebase, _ => ActiveOperation::None, }; Self { modified_files, staged_files, new_files, commits, active_operation, branch, remote_branch_diff, } } } impl std::fmt::Display for Info { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(f, "g")?; if self.modified_files { write!(f, "*")?; } if self.staged_files { write!(f, "+")?; } if self.new_files { write!(f, "?")?; } if !self.commits { write!(f, "!")?; return Ok(()); } let branch = self.branch.as_ref().map_or("???", |branch| { if branch == "master" { "" } else { branch } }); if !branch.is_empty() { write!(f, ":")?; } write!(f, "{}", branch)?; if let Some((local, remote)) = self.remote_branch_diff { if local > 0 || remote > 0 { write!(f, ":")?; } if local > 0 { write!(f, "+{}", local)?; } if remote > 0 { write!(f, "-{}", remote)?; } } else { write!(f, ":-")?; } write!(f, "{}", self.active_operation)?; Ok(()) } } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub enum ActiveOperation { None, Merge, Revert, CherryPick, Bisect, Rebase, } impl std::fmt::Display for ActiveOperation { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { match self { ActiveOperation::None => Ok(()), ActiveOperation::Merge => write!(f, "(m)"), ActiveOperation::Revert => write!(f, "(v)"), ActiveOperation::CherryPick => write!(f, "(c)"), ActiveOperation::Bisect => write!(f, "(b)"), ActiveOperation::Rebase => write!(f, "(r)"), } } }