use crate::shell::prelude::*; use tokio::io::AsyncBufReadExt as _; use pest::Parser as _; #[derive(pest_derive::Parser)] #[grammar = "history.pest"] struct HistoryLine; pub struct History { entries: std::sync::Arc>>, } impl History { pub fn new() -> Self { let entries = std::sync::Arc::new(std::sync::Mutex::new(vec![])); tokio::spawn(Self::task(std::sync::Arc::clone(&entries))); Self { entries } } pub fn entry_count(&self) -> usize { self.entries.lock().unwrap().len() } async fn task(entries: std::sync::Arc>>) { // TODO: we should actually read this in reverse order, because we // want to populate the most recent entries first let mut stream = tokio_stream::wrappers::LinesStream::new( tokio::io::BufReader::new( tokio::fs::File::open(crate::dirs::history_file()) .await .unwrap(), ) .lines(), ); while let Some(line) = { let line = if let Ok(line) = line { line } else { continue; }; let entry = if let Ok(entry) = line.parse() { entry } else { continue; }; entries.lock().unwrap().push(entry); } } } pub struct Entry { cmdline: String, start_time: Option, duration: Option, } impl Entry { pub fn render( &self, out: &mut impl textmode::Textmode, offset: time::UtcOffset, ) { let size = out.screen().size(); let mut time = "".to_string(); if let Some(duration) = self.duration { time.push_str(&crate::format::duration(duration)); } if let Some(start_time) = self.start_time { time.push_str(&crate::format::time(start_time.to_offset(offset))); } out.write_str(" $ "); let start = usize::from(out.screen().cursor_position().1); let end = usize::from(size.1) - time.len() - 2; let max_len = end - start; let cmd = if self.cmdline.len() > max_len { &self.cmdline[..(max_len - 4)] } else { &self.cmdline }; out.write_str(cmd); if self.cmdline.len() > max_len { out.write_str(" "); out.set_fgcolor(textmode::color::BLUE); out.write_str("..."); } out.reset_attributes(); out.set_bgcolor(textmode::Color::Rgb(0x20, 0x20, 0x20)); let cur_pos = out.screen().cursor_position(); out.write_str(&" ".repeat( usize::from(size.1) - time.len() - 1 - usize::from(cur_pos.1), )); out.write_str(&time); out.write_str(" "); out.reset_attributes(); } pub fn cmd(&self) -> &str { &self.cmdline } } impl std::str::FromStr for Entry { type Err = anyhow::Error; fn from_str(line: &str) -> std::result::Result { let mut parsed = HistoryLine::parse(Rule::line, line).map_err(|e| anyhow!(e))?; let line =; assert!(matches!(line.as_rule(), Rule::line)); let mut start_time = None; let mut duration = None; let mut cmdline = None; for part in line.into_inner() { match part.as_rule() { Rule::time => { start_time = Some(time::OffsetDateTime::from_unix_timestamp( part.as_str().parse()?, )?); } Rule::duration => { if part.as_str() == "0" { continue; } let mut dur_parts = part.as_str().split('.'); let secs: u64 =; let nsec_str ="0"); let nsec_str = &nsec_str[..9.min(nsec_str.len())]; let nsecs: u64 = nsec_str.parse()?; duration = Some(std::time::Duration::from_nanos( secs * 1_000_000_000 + nsecs * (10u64.pow( (9 - nsec_str.len()).try_into().unwrap(), )), )); } Rule::command => { cmdline = Some(part.as_str().to_string()); } Rule::line => unreachable!(), Rule::EOI => break, } } Ok(Self { cmdline: cmdline.unwrap(), start_time, duration, }) } } #[test] fn test_parse() { let entry: Entry = ": 1646779848:1234.56;vim ~/.zsh_history".parse().unwrap(); assert_eq!(entry.cmdline, "vim ~/.zsh_history"); assert_eq!( entry.duration, Some(std::time::Duration::from_nanos(1_234_560_000_000)) ); assert_eq!( entry.start_time, Some(time::macros::datetime!(2022-03-08 22:50:48).assume_utc()) ); let entry: Entry = ": 1646779848:1;vim ~/.zsh_history".parse().unwrap(); assert_eq!(entry.cmdline, "vim ~/.zsh_history"); assert_eq!(entry.duration, Some(std::time::Duration::from_secs(1))); assert_eq!( entry.start_time, Some(time::macros::datetime!(2022-03-08 22:50:48).assume_utc()) ); let entry: Entry = "vim ~/.zsh_history".parse().unwrap(); assert_eq!(entry.cmdline, "vim ~/.zsh_history"); assert_eq!(entry.duration, None); assert_eq!(entry.start_time, None); }