mod history; mod readline; #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] enum Focus { Readline, History(usize), Scrolling(Option), } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] enum Scene { Readline, Fullscreen, } pub enum Action { Refresh, HardRefresh, Resize(u16, u16), Quit, } pub struct State { readline: readline::Readline, history: history::History, focus: Focus, scene: Scene, escape: bool, hide_readline: bool, offset: time::UtcOffset, } impl State { pub fn new(offset: time::UtcOffset) -> Self { Self { readline: readline::Readline::new(), history: history::History::new(), focus: Focus::Readline, scene: Scene::Readline, escape: false, hide_readline: false, offset, } } // render always happens on the main task #[allow(clippy::future_not_send)] pub async fn render( &self, out: &mut impl textmode::Textmode, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { out.clear(); out.write(&vt100::Parser::default().screen().input_mode_formatted()); match self.scene { Scene::Readline => match self.focus { Focus::Readline => { self.history .render( out, self.readline.lines(), None, false, self.offset, ) .await?; self.readline .render( out, self.history.entry_count(), true, self.offset, ) .await?; } Focus::History(idx) => { if self.hide_readline { self.history .render(out, 0, Some(idx), false, self.offset) .await?; } else { self.history .render( out, self.readline.lines(), Some(idx), false, self.offset, ) .await?; let pos = out.screen().cursor_position(); self.readline .render( out, self.history.entry_count(), false, self.offset, ) .await?; out.move_to(pos.0, pos.1); } } Focus::Scrolling(idx) => { self.history .render( out, self.readline.lines(), idx, true, self.offset, ) .await?; self.readline .render( out, self.history.entry_count(), idx.is_none(), self.offset, ) .await?; out.hide_cursor(true); } }, Scene::Fullscreen => { if let Focus::History(idx) = self.focus { self.history.render_fullscreen(out, idx).await; } else { unreachable!(); } } } Ok(()) } pub async fn handle_event( &mut self, event: crate::event::Event, event_w: &async_std::channel::Sender, ) -> Option { match event { crate::event::Event::Key(key) => { return if self.escape { self.escape = false; self.handle_key_escape(key, event_w.clone()).await } else if key == textmode::Key::Ctrl(b'e') { self.escape = true; None } else { match self.focus { Focus::Readline => { self.handle_key_readline(key, event_w.clone()) .await } Focus::History(idx) => { self.handle_key_history(key, idx).await; None } Focus::Scrolling(_) => { self.handle_key_escape(key, event_w.clone()).await } } }; } crate::event::Event::Resize(new_size) => { self.readline.resize(new_size).await; self.history.resize(new_size).await; return Some(Action::Resize(new_size.0, new_size.1)); } crate::event::Event::PtyOutput => { // the number of visible lines may have changed, so make sure // the focus is still visible self.history .make_focus_visible( self.readline.lines(), self.focus_idx(), matches!(self.focus, Focus::Scrolling(_)), ) .await; self.scene = self.default_scene(self.focus, None).await; } crate::event::Event::PtyClose => { if let Some(idx) = self.focus_idx() { let entry = self.history.entry(idx).await; if !entry.running() { self.set_focus( if self.hide_readline { Focus::Readline } else { Focus::Scrolling(Some(idx)) }, Some(entry), ) .await; } } } crate::event::Event::ChildSuspend(idx) => { if self.focus_idx() == Some(idx) { self.set_focus(Focus::Readline, None).await; } } crate::event::Event::ClockTimer => {} }; Some(Action::Refresh) } async fn handle_key_escape( &mut self, key: textmode::Key, event_w: async_std::channel::Sender, ) -> Option { match key { textmode::Key::Ctrl(b'd') => { return Some(Action::Quit); } textmode::Key::Ctrl(b'e') => { self.set_focus(Focus::Scrolling(self.focus_idx()), None) .await; } textmode::Key::Ctrl(b'l') => { return Some(Action::HardRefresh); } textmode::Key::Ctrl(b'm') => { if let Some(idx) = self.focus_idx() { self.readline.clear_input(); let entry = self.history.entry(idx).await; let input = entry.cmd(); match self.parse(input) { Ok(ast) => { let idx = self .history .run(ast, event_w.clone()) .await .unwrap(); self.set_focus(Focus::History(idx), Some(entry)) .await; self.hide_readline = true; } Err(e) => { self.history .parse_error(e, event_w.clone()) .await; } } } else { self.set_focus(Focus::Readline, None).await; } } textmode::Key::Char(' ') => { let idx = self.focus_idx(); let (focus, entry) = if let Some(idx) = idx { let entry = self.history.entry(idx).await; (entry.running(), Some(entry)) } else { (true, None) }; if focus { self.set_focus( idx.map_or(Focus::Readline, |idx| { Focus::History(idx) }), entry, ) .await; } } textmode::Key::Char('e') => { if let Focus::History(idx) = self.focus { self.handle_key_history(textmode::Key::Ctrl(b'e'), idx) .await; } } textmode::Key::Char('f') => { if let Some(idx) = self.focus_idx() { let mut entry = self.history.entry(idx).await; let mut focus = Focus::History(idx); if let Focus::Scrolling(_) = self.focus { entry.set_fullscreen(true); } else { entry.toggle_fullscreen(); if !entry.should_fullscreen() && !entry.running() { focus = Focus::Scrolling(Some(idx)); } } self.set_focus(focus, Some(entry)).await; } } textmode::Key::Char('i') => { if let Some(idx) = self.focus_idx() { let entry = self.history.entry(idx).await; self.readline.set_input(entry.cmd()); self.set_focus(Focus::Readline, Some(entry)).await; } } textmode::Key::Char('j') | textmode::Key::Down => { self.set_focus( Focus::Scrolling(self.scroll_down(self.focus_idx())), None, ) .await; } textmode::Key::Char('k') | textmode::Key::Up => { self.set_focus( Focus::Scrolling(self.scroll_up(self.focus_idx())), None, ) .await; } textmode::Key::Char('n') => { self.set_focus(self.next_running().await, None).await; } textmode::Key::Char('p') => { self.set_focus(self.prev_running().await, None).await; } textmode::Key::Char('r') => { self.set_focus(Focus::Readline, None).await; } _ => { return None; } } Some(Action::Refresh) } async fn handle_key_readline( &mut self, key: textmode::Key, event_w: async_std::channel::Sender, ) -> Option { match key { textmode::Key::Char(c) => { self.readline.add_input(&c.to_string()); } textmode::Key::Ctrl(b'c') => self.readline.clear_input(), textmode::Key::Ctrl(b'd') => { return Some(Action::Quit); } textmode::Key::Ctrl(b'l') => { return Some(Action::HardRefresh); } textmode::Key::Ctrl(b'm') => { let input = self.readline.input(); if !input.is_empty() { match self.parse(input) { Ok(ast) => { let idx = self .history .run(ast, event_w.clone()) .await .unwrap(); self.set_focus(Focus::History(idx), None).await; self.hide_readline = true; } Err(e) => { self.history .parse_error(e, event_w.clone()) .await; } } self.readline.clear_input(); } } textmode::Key::Ctrl(b'u') => self.readline.clear_backwards(), textmode::Key::Backspace => self.readline.backspace(), textmode::Key::Left => self.readline.cursor_left(), textmode::Key::Right => self.readline.cursor_right(), textmode::Key::Up => { let entry_count = self.history.entry_count(); if entry_count > 0 { self.set_focus( Focus::Scrolling(Some(entry_count - 1)), None, ) .await; } } _ => return None, } Some(Action::Refresh) } async fn handle_key_history(&mut self, key: textmode::Key, idx: usize) { self.history.send_input(idx, key.into_bytes()).await; } async fn default_scene( &self, focus: Focus, entry: Option>, ) -> Scene { match focus { Focus::Readline | Focus::Scrolling(_) => Scene::Readline, Focus::History(idx) => { let fullscreen = if let Some(entry) = entry { entry.should_fullscreen() } else { self.history.entry(idx).await.should_fullscreen() }; if fullscreen { Scene::Fullscreen } else { Scene::Readline } } } } async fn set_focus( &mut self, new_focus: Focus, entry: Option>, ) { self.focus = new_focus; self.hide_readline = false; self.scene = self.default_scene(new_focus, entry).await; // passing entry into default_scene above consumes it, which means // that the mutex lock will be dropped before we call into // make_focus_visible, which is important because otherwise we might // get a deadlock depending on what is visible self.history .make_focus_visible( self.readline.lines(), self.focus_idx(), matches!(self.focus, Focus::Scrolling(_)), ) .await; } fn focus_idx(&self) -> Option { match self.focus { Focus::History(idx) => Some(idx), Focus::Readline => None, Focus::Scrolling(idx) => idx, } } fn scroll_up(&self, idx: Option) -> Option { idx.map_or_else( || { let count = self.history.entry_count(); if count == 0 { None } else { Some(count - 1) } }, |idx| Some(idx.saturating_sub(1)), ) } fn scroll_down(&self, idx: Option) -> Option { idx.and_then(|idx| { if idx >= self.history.entry_count() - 1 { None } else { Some(idx + 1) } }) } async fn next_running(&self) -> Focus { let count = self.history.entry_count(); let cur = self.focus_idx().unwrap_or(count); for idx in ((cur + 1)..count).chain(0..cur) { if self.history.entry(idx).await.running() { return Focus::History(idx); } } self.focus_idx().map_or(Focus::Readline, Focus::History) } async fn prev_running(&self) -> Focus { let count = self.history.entry_count(); let cur = self.focus_idx().unwrap_or(count); for idx in ((cur + 1)..count).chain(0..cur).rev() { if self.history.entry(idx).await.running() { return Focus::History(idx); } } self.focus_idx().map_or(Focus::Readline, Focus::History) } fn parse( &self, cmd: &str, ) -> Result { let ast = crate::parse::Commands::parse(cmd)?; // todo: interpolate Ok(ast) } }