; configuration {{{ .asciitable MAP "-" = 1 MAP "|" = 2 MAP ":" = 3 MAP "." = 4 MAP "," = 5 MAP "'" = 6 .enda .struct point x db y db .endst ; }}} ; memory layout {{{ ; rom {{{ .ROMBANKMAP BANKSTOTAL 2 BANKSIZE $4000 BANKS 1 BANKSIZE $2000 BANKS 1 .ENDRO ; }}} ; ram {{{ .MEMORYMAP DEFAULTSLOT 0 SLOTSIZE $4000 SLOT 0 $C000 SLOTSIZE $2000 SLOT 1 $0000 ; location doesn't matter, CHR data isn't in main memory .ENDME .ENUM $0000 buttons_pressed DB sleeping DB game_state DB ; 0: menu, 1: playing, 2: redrawing head DW length DB direction DB ; 0: up, 1: down, 2: left, 3: right frame_skip DB frame_count DB rand_state DB apple INSTANCEOF point .ENDE ; }}} ; }}} ; prg {{{ .bank 0 .org $0000 ; main codepath {{{ ; initialization {{{ ; the ppu takes two frames to initialize, so we have some time to do whatever ; initialization of our own that we want to while we wait. we choose here to ; set up cpu flags in the first frame and clear out system ram in the second ; frame (clearing out ram isn't at all necessary, but we can't do anything ; useful at this point anyway, so we may as well in order to make things more ; predictable). RESET: SEI ; disable IRQs CLD ; disable decimal mode LDX #$40 STX $4017.w ; disable APU frame IRQ LDX #$FF TXS ; Set up stack (grows down from $FF to $00, at $0100-$01FF) INX ; now X = 0 STX $2000.w ; disable NMI (we'll enable it later once the ppu is ready) STX $2001.w ; disable rendering (same) STX $4010.w ; disable DMC IRQs ; First wait for vblank to make sure PPU is ready - BIT $2002 ; bit 7 of $2002 is reset once vblank ends BPL - ; and bit 7 is what is checked by BPL ; set everything in ram ($0000-$07FF) to $00, except for $0200-$02FF which ; is conventionally used to hold sprite attribute data. we set that range ; to $FE, since that value as a position moves the sprites offscreen, and ; when the sprites are offscreen, it doesn't matter which sprites are ; selected or what their attributes are clrmem: LDA #$00 STA $0000, x STA $0100, x STA $0300, x STA $0400, x STA $0500, x STA $0600, x STA $0700, x LDA #$FE STA $0200, x INX BNE clrmem ; initialize variables in ram LDA #$03 LDX #$01 STA head, x LDA #30 STA frame_skip ; Second wait for vblank, PPU is ready after this - BIT $2002 BPL - ; now that the ppu is ready, we can start initializing it LoadPalettes: LDA $2002 ; read PPU status to reset the high/low latch LDA #$3F STA $2006 ; write the high byte of $3F00 address LDA #$00 STA $2006 ; write the low byte of $3F00 address LDX #$00 LoadPalettesLoop: LDA palette.w, x ;load palette byte STA $2007 ;write to PPU INX ;set index to next byte CPX #$20 BNE LoadPalettesLoop ;if x = $20, 32 bytes copied, all done LDA #%10000000 ; enable NMI interrupts STA $2000 JSR end_game ; }}} ; main loop {{{ loop: INC sleeping - LDA sleeping BNE - JSR read_controller1 LDA game_state BNE + JSR start_screen_loop JMP loop + JSR game_loop JMP loop ; }}} ; }}} ; nmi interrupt {{{ NMI: PHA TXA PHA TYA PHA LDA game_state BEQ reset_sprites CMP #$01 BEQ draw_game CMP #$02 BEQ end_nmi draw_game: LDY #$01 LDA (head), y STA $0200 LDA #$00 STA $0201 LDA #$00 STA $0202 LDY #$00 LDA (head), y STA $0203 LDA apple.y STA $0204 LDA #$07 STA $0205 LDA #$00 STA $0206 LDA apple.x STA $0207 JMP do_dmi reset_sprites: LDA #$FE STA $0200 STA $0203 STA $0204 STA $0207 do_dmi: LDA #$00 STA $2003 LDA #$02 STA $4014 end_nmi: LDA #$00 STA sleeping PLA TAY PLA TAX PLA RTI ; }}} ; subroutines {{{ start_screen_loop: ; {{{ LDX rand_state INX STX rand_state handle_start: LDA buttons_pressed AND #%00010000 CMP #$00 BEQ end_start_screen_loop JSR start_game end_start_screen_loop: RTS ; }}} game_loop: ; {{{ handle_up: LDA buttons_pressed AND #%00001000 CMP #$00 BEQ handle_down LDA #$00 STA direction handle_down: LDA buttons_pressed AND #%00000100 CMP #$00 BEQ handle_left LDA #$01 STA direction handle_left: LDA buttons_pressed AND #%00000010 CMP #$00 BEQ handle_right LDA #$02 STA direction handle_right: LDA buttons_pressed AND #%00000001 CMP #$00 BEQ handle_frame LDA #$03 STA direction handle_frame: LDX frame_count INX STX frame_count CPX frame_skip BMI end_game_loop LDA #$00 STA frame_count set_offset: LDX #$F8 ; i.e., -8 LDA direction AND #%00000001 ; low bit determines negative or positive BEQ set_axis LDX #$08 set_axis: LDY #$01 LDA direction AND #%00000010 ; high bit determines which axis to change BEQ apply_direction LDY #$00 apply_direction: TXA CLC ADC (head), y ; head.x offset by 1 is head.y STA (head), y check_collisions LDY #$00 LDA (head), y CMP #$40 BCC collision CMP #$C0 BCS collision LDY #$01 LDA (head), y CMP #$3D BCC collision CMP #$BD BCS collision JMP end_game_loop collision: JSR end_game end_game_loop: RTS ; }}} read_controller1: ; {{{ ; latch LDA #$01 STA $4016 LDA #$00 STA $4016 ; clock LDX #$00 read_controller1_values: CPX #$08 BPL end_read_controller1 LDA $4016 AND #%00000001 ASL buttons_pressed ORA buttons_pressed STA buttons_pressed INX JMP read_controller1_values end_read_controller1: RTS ; }}} start_game: ; {{{ LDA #$02 STA game_state LDA #$80 LDY #$00 STA (head), y LDA #$7D LDY #$01 STA (head), y JSR rand LDA rand_state AND #%01111000 CLC ADC #$40 STA apple.x JSR rand LDA rand_state AND #%01111000 CLC ADC #$3D STA apple.y - BIT $2002 BPL - LDA #%00000000 STA $2001 ; disable rendering (since this will take longer than vblank) LDA #$20 STA $2006 LDA #$00 STA $2006 LDA #$20 LDY #$07 -- LDX #$00 - STA $2007 INX CPX #$20 BNE - DEY BNE -- LDX #$00 - LDA game_background_top.w, x STA $2007 INX CPX #$20 BNE - LDY #$10 -- LDX #$00 - LDA game_background_middle.w, x STA $2007 INX CPX #$20 BNE - DEY BNE -- LDX #$00 - LDA game_background_bottom.w, x STA $2007 INX CPX #$20 BNE - LDA #$20 LDX #$00 - STA $2007 INX CPX #$20 BNE - LDA #%00011000 STA $2001 ; reenable rendering LDA #$01 STA game_state RTS ; }}} end_game: ; {{{ LDA #$02 STA game_state - BIT $2002 BPL - LDA #%00000000 STA $2001 ; disable rendering (since this will take longer than vblank) LDA #$20 STA $2006 LDA #$00 STA $2006 LDA #$20 LDX #$0F -- LDY #$00 - STA $2007 INY CPY #$20 BNE - DEX BNE -- LDY #$00 - LDA intro_screen, y STA $2007 INY CPY #$20 BNE - LDA #$20 LDX #$0E -- LDY #$00 - STA $2007 INY CPY #$20 BNE - DEX BNE -- LDA #%00011000 STA $2001 ; reenable rendering LDA #$00 STA game_state RTS ; }}} rand: ; {{{ ; linear feedback shift register with taps at 8, 6, 5, and 4 LDY rand_state TYA AND #%10000000 STA rand_state TYA AND #%00100000 ASL ASL EOR rand_state STA rand_state TYA AND #%00010000 ASL ASL ASL EOR rand_state STA rand_state TYA AND #%00001000 ASL ASL ASL ASL EOR rand_state ROL STA rand_state TYA ASL ORA rand_state STA rand_state RTS ; }}} ; }}} ; data {{{ palette: ; {{{ .db $0F,$31,$32,$33,$0F,$35,$36,$37,$0F,$39,$3A,$3B,$0F,$3D,$3E,$0F .db $0F,$1C,$15,$14,$0F,$02,$38,$3C,$0F,$1C,$15,$14,$0F,$02,$38,$3C ; }}} intro_screen: ; {{{ .asc " SNAKE " ; }}} game_background_top: ; {{{ .asc " ,----------------. " ; }}} game_background_middle: ; {{{ .asc " | | " ; }}} game_background_bottom: ; {{{ .asc " '----------------: " ; }}} ; }}} .orga $FFFA ;first of the three vectors starts here ; interrupt vectors {{{ .dw NMI ;when an NMI happens (once per frame if enabled) the ;processor will jump to the label NMI: .dw RESET ;when the processor first turns on or is reset, it will jump ;to the label RESET: .dw 0 ;external interrupt IRQ is not used in this tutorial ; }}} ; }}} ; chr {{{ .bank 1 slot 1 .org $0000 .incbin "sprites.chr" ; }}}