diff options
authorJesse Luehrs <>2013-03-08 18:19:35 -0600
committerJesse Luehrs <>2013-03-08 18:22:34 -0600
commite7d2870c35a1a7d09832a7a82c7b1a53a8eb80c6 (patch)
parentc1e010c43d2b0c711446331ee766ca4c29777198 (diff)
1 files changed, 79 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/lib/OX/View/ b/lib/OX/View/
index 7fc3f0d..5e11579 100644
--- a/lib/OX/View/
+++ b/lib/OX/View/
@@ -1,9 +1,47 @@
package OX::View::TT;
use Moose;
+# ABSTRACT: View wrapper class for TT renderers
use MooseX::Types::Path::Class;
use Template;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ package MyApp;
+ use OX;
+ has view => (
+ is => 'ro',
+ isa => 'OX::View::TT',
+ dependencies => ['template_root'],
+ );
+This is a very thin wrapper around L<Template> which exposes some OX
+functionality to your template files. Templates rendered with this class will
+have access to these additional variables:
+=over 4
+=item C<base>
+The base URL that this app is hosted at (C<SCRIPT_NAME>).
+=item C<uri_for>
+A function which forwards its arguments to the C<uri_for> method in
+=item C<m>
+The hashref of match variables for the current route (equivalent to the
+C<mapping> method on the L<OX::Request> object).
has 'template_root' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Path::Class::Dir',
@@ -41,6 +79,14 @@ sub _build_template_params {
+=method C<< render($r, $template, $params) >>
+Renders a template, and returns a string containing the contents. C<$r> is the
+request object, C<$template> is the name of the template, and C<$params> are
+extra variables to pass to the template.
sub render {
my ($self, $r, $template, $params) = @_;
my $out = '';
@@ -52,6 +98,16 @@ sub render {
+=method C<< template($r) >>
+This is an action method which can be used directly as a route endpoint:
+ route '/about' => 'view.template', (
+ template => '',
+ );
sub template {
my $self = shift;
my ($r) = @_;
@@ -64,48 +120,48 @@ sub template {
+no Moose;
-no Moose; 1;
+=head1 BUGS
+No known bugs.
+Please report any bugs through RT: email
+C<bug-ox-view-tt at>, or browse to
-=head1 NAME
+=head1 SEE ALSO
-OX::View::TT - A Moosey solution to this problem
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
+=head1 SUPPORT
- use OX::View::TT;
+You can find this documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
+ perldoc OX::View::TT
-=head1 METHODS
+You can also look for information at:
=over 4
-=item B<>
+=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
-=head1 BUGS
-All complex software has bugs lurking in it, and this module is no
-exception. If you find a bug please either email me, or add the bug
-to cpan-RT.
+=item * CPAN Ratings
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Stevan Little E<lt>stevan.little@iinteractive.comE<gt>
+=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker
-Copyright 2009 Infinity Interactive, Inc.
+=item * Search CPAN
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the same terms as Perl itself.