use v6; use Test; use Bread::Board; # PERL6: doing anything at all with the type object for a role with required # methods is broken #sub does_ok(Mu $var, Mu $type, $msg = ("The object does '" ~ $type.perl ~ "'")) { sub does_ok(Mu $var, Mu $type, $msg = ("The object does [some role]")) { ok($var.does($type), $msg); } my $s = name => 'NoClass', block => -> $s { return { foo => $s.param('foo') } }, dependencies => { foo => => 'foo', value => 'FOO'); }, ); isa_ok($s, Bread::Board::BlockInjection); does_ok($s, Bread::Board::Service); my $x = $s.get; isa_ok($x, Hash); is_deeply($x, { foo => 'FOO' }); done; # vim:ft=perl6:foldmethod=manual