use v6; use Test; use Bread::Board; my $DIR = $*PROGRAM_NAME.split('/')[0..*-2].join('/'); sub like ($str, Regex $rx, $reason = '') { ok($str ~~ $rx, $reason); } sub throws_ok (Callable $closure, Regex $rx, $reason = '') { try { $closure.(); CATCH { # XXX is there a way to serialize $rx to something readable? like($_, $rx, $reason) || diag("$_ doesn't match the regex"); default {} } } } # XXX better error? throws_ok { include "$DIR/lib/" }, rx/"Undeclared routine" .* function_doesnt_exist/; throws_ok { include "$DIR/lib/" }, rx/"Unable to open" .* ""/; throws_ok { include "$DIR/lib/" }, rx/"" .* "doesn't return a true value"/; class FileLogger { has $.log_file; } class MyApplication { has FileLogger $.logger; } my $c = container 'MyApp', { service 'log_file', 'logfile.log'; include "$DIR/lib/"; service 'application', ( class => MyApplication, dependencies => { logger => depends_on('logger'), }, ); }; my $logger = $c.resolve(service => 'logger'); isa_ok($logger, FileLogger); is($logger.log_file, 'logfile.log'); is($c.fetch('logger/log_file').service, $c.fetch('log_file')); is($c.fetch('logger/log_file').get, 'logfile.log'); my $app = $c.resolve(service => 'application'); isa_ok($app, MyApplication); isa_ok($app.logger, FileLogger); is($app.logger, $logger); done; # vim:ft=perl6:foldmethod=manual