path: root/t
diff options
authorJesse Luehrs <>2010-11-16 01:34:21 -0600
committerJesse Luehrs <>2010-11-16 01:34:21 -0600
commita5129e538980a4e414dffc8ded23c921642e2dea (patch)
tree11feedd27c4e446db40a3948dc7492bc0892b818 /t
parente4afde02c9d7b7c2d1c031d18df418a166c0415f (diff)
okay, working implementation selection
Diffstat (limited to 't')
6 files changed, 924 insertions, 67 deletions
diff --git a/t/90-impl-selection.t b/t/90-impl-selection.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 4457dbe..0000000
--- a/t/90-impl-selection.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
-sub clear_load {
- delete $Package::{'Stash::'};
- delete $INC{'Package/'};
- delete $INC{'Package/Stash/'};
- delete $INC{'Package/Stash/'};
-my $has_xs;
- $has_xs = eval "require Package::Stash::XS; 1";
- clear_load;
- require Package::Stash;
- warn $Package::Stash::IMPLEMENTATION;
- is($Package::Stash::IMPLEMENTATION, $has_xs ? 'XS' : 'PP',
- "autodetected properly");
- can_ok('Package::Stash', 'new', "and got some methods");
- clear_load;
- require Package::Stash;
- is($Package::Stash::IMPLEMENTATION, 'PP',
- "autodetected properly");
- can_ok('Package::Stash', 'new', "and got some methods");
- clear_load;
-SKIP: {
- skip "no XS", 2 unless $has_xs;
- require Package::Stash;
- is($Package::Stash::IMPLEMENTATION, 'XS',
- "autodetected properly");
- can_ok('Package::Stash', 'new', "and got some methods");
- clear_load;
- $Package::Stash::IMPLEMENTATION = 'PP';
- require Package::Stash;
- is($Package::Stash::IMPLEMENTATION, 'PP',
- "autodetected properly");
- can_ok('Package::Stash', 'new', "and got some methods");
- clear_load;
-SKIP: {
- skip "no XS", 2 unless $has_xs;
- $Package::Stash::IMPLEMENTATION = 'XS';
- require Package::Stash;
- is($Package::Stash::IMPLEMENTATION, 'XS',
- "autodetected properly");
- can_ok('Package::Stash', 'new', "and got some methods");
- clear_load;
diff --git a/t/impl-selection/01-choice.t b/t/impl-selection/01-choice.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bbe29c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/impl-selection/01-choice.t
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+my $has_xs = eval "require Package::Stash::XS; 1";
+require Package::Stash;
+no warnings 'once';
+my $expected = $has_xs ? 'XS' : 'PP';
+is($Package::Stash::IMPLEMENTATION, $expected,
+ "autodetected properly: $expected");
+can_ok('Package::Stash', 'new');
diff --git a/t/impl-selection/02-env.t b/t/impl-selection/02-env.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3369488
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/impl-selection/02-env.t
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+# XXX: work around dumb core segfault bug when you delete stashes
+sub get_impl { eval '$Package::Stash::IMPLEMENTATION' }
+sub set_impl { eval '$Package::Stash::IMPLEMENTATION = "' . $_[0] . '"' }
+ require Package::Stash;
+ is(get_impl, 'PP', "autodetected properly: PP");
+ can_ok('Package::Stash', 'new');
+delete $Package::{'Stash::'};
+delete $INC{'Package/'};
+delete $INC{'Package/Stash/'};
+SKIP: {
+ skip "no XS", 2 unless eval "require Package::Stash::XS; 1";
+ require Package::Stash;
+ is(get_impl, 'XS', "autodetected properly: XS");
+ can_ok('Package::Stash', 'new');
diff --git a/t/impl-selection/03-var.t b/t/impl-selection/03-var.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd5e7d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/impl-selection/03-var.t
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+# XXX: work around dumb core segfault bug when you delete stashes
+sub get_impl { eval '$Package::Stash::IMPLEMENTATION' }
+sub set_impl { eval '$Package::Stash::IMPLEMENTATION = "' . $_[0] . '"' }
+ $Package::Stash::IMPLEMENTATION = 'PP';
+ require Package::Stash;
+ is(get_impl, 'PP', "autodetected properly: PP");
+ can_ok('Package::Stash', 'new');
+delete $Package::{'Stash::'};
+delete $INC{'Package/'};
+delete $INC{'Package/Stash/'};
+SKIP: {
+ skip "no XS", 2 unless eval "require Package::Stash::XS; 1";
+ $Package::Stash::IMPLEMENTATION = 'XS';
+ require Package::Stash;
+ is(get_impl, 'XS', "autodetected properly: XS");
+ can_ok('Package::Stash', 'new');
diff --git a/t/impl-selection/10-basic-pp.t b/t/impl-selection/10-basic-pp.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7388e80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/impl-selection/10-basic-pp.t
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Fatal;
+BEGIN { $Package::Stash::IMPLEMENTATION = 'PP' }
+use Package::Stash;
+ok(exists $INC{'Package/Stash/'}, "loaded PP");
+ok(!exists $INC{'Package/Stash/'}, "didn't load XS");
+like(exception { Package::Stash->name }, qr/Can't call name as a class method/,
+ q{... can't call name() as a class method});
+ package Foo;
+ use constant SOME_CONSTANT => 1;
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## tests adding a HASH
+my $foo_stash = Package::Stash->new('Foo');
+ok(!defined($Foo::{foo}), '... the %foo slot has not been created yet');
+ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('%foo'), '... the object agrees');
+ok(!defined($Foo::{foo}), '... checking doesn\' vivify');
+is(exception {
+ $foo_stash->add_symbol('%foo' => { one => 1 });
+}, undef, '... created %Foo::foo successfully');
+# ... scalar should NOT be created here
+ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('$foo'), '... SCALAR shouldnt have been created too');
+ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('@foo'), '... ARRAY shouldnt have been created too');
+ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('&foo'), '... CODE shouldnt have been created too');
+ok(defined($Foo::{foo}), '... the %foo slot was created successfully');
+ok($foo_stash->has_symbol('%foo'), '... the meta agrees');
+# check the value ...
+ no strict 'refs';
+ ok(exists ${'Foo::foo'}{one}, '... our %foo was initialized correctly');
+ is(${'Foo::foo'}{one}, 1, '... our %foo was initialized correctly');
+my $foo = $foo_stash->get_symbol('%foo');
+is_deeply({ one => 1 }, $foo, '... got the right package variable back');
+# ... make sure changes propogate up
+$foo->{two} = 2;
+ no strict 'refs';
+ is(\%{'Foo::foo'}, $foo_stash->get_symbol('%foo'), '... our %foo is the same as the metas');
+ ok(exists ${'Foo::foo'}{two}, '... our %foo was updated correctly');
+ is(${'Foo::foo'}{two}, 2, '... our %foo was updated correctly');
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## test adding an ARRAY
+ok(!defined($Foo::{bar}), '... the @bar slot has not been created yet');
+is(exception {
+ $foo_stash->add_symbol('@bar' => [ 1, 2, 3 ]);
+}, undef, '... created @Foo::bar successfully');
+ok(defined($Foo::{bar}), '... the @bar slot was created successfully');
+ok($foo_stash->has_symbol('@bar'), '... the meta agrees');
+# ... why does this not work ...
+ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('$bar'), '... SCALAR shouldnt have been created too');
+ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('%bar'), '... HASH shouldnt have been created too');
+ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('&bar'), '... CODE shouldnt have been created too');
+# check the value itself
+ no strict 'refs';
+ is(scalar @{'Foo::bar'}, 3, '... our @bar was initialized correctly');
+ is(${'Foo::bar'}[1], 2, '... our @bar was initialized correctly');
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## test adding a SCALAR
+ok(!defined($Foo::{baz}), '... the $baz slot has not been created yet');
+is(exception {
+ $foo_stash->add_symbol('$baz' => 10);
+}, undef, '... created $Foo::baz successfully');
+ok(defined($Foo::{baz}), '... the $baz slot was created successfully');
+ok($foo_stash->has_symbol('$baz'), '... the meta agrees');
+ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('@baz'), '... ARRAY shouldnt have been created too');
+ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('%baz'), '... HASH shouldnt have been created too');
+ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('&baz'), '... CODE shouldnt have been created too');
+is(${$foo_stash->get_symbol('$baz')}, 10, '... got the right value back');
+ no strict 'refs';
+ ${'Foo::baz'} = 1;
+ is(${'Foo::baz'}, 1, '... our $baz was assigned to correctly');
+ is(${$foo_stash->get_symbol('$baz')}, 1, '... the meta agrees');
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## test adding a CODE
+ok(!defined($Foo::{funk}), '... the &funk slot has not been created yet');
+is(exception {
+ $foo_stash->add_symbol('&funk' => sub { "Foo::funk" });
+}, undef, '... created &Foo::funk successfully');
+ok(defined($Foo::{funk}), '... the &funk slot was created successfully');
+ok($foo_stash->has_symbol('&funk'), '... the meta agrees');
+ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('$funk'), '... SCALAR shouldnt have been created too');
+ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('@funk'), '... ARRAY shouldnt have been created too');
+ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('%funk'), '... HASH shouldnt have been created too');
+ no strict 'refs';
+ ok(defined &{'Foo::funk'}, '... our &funk exists');
+is(Foo->funk(), 'Foo::funk', '... got the right value from the function');
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## test multiple slots in the glob
+my $ARRAY = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
+my $CODE = sub { "Foo::foo" };
+is(exception {
+ $foo_stash->add_symbol('@foo' => $ARRAY);
+}, undef, '... created @Foo::foo successfully');
+ok($foo_stash->has_symbol('@foo'), '... the @foo slot was added successfully');
+is($foo_stash->get_symbol('@foo'), $ARRAY, '... got the right values for @Foo::foo');
+is(exception {
+ $foo_stash->add_symbol('&foo' => $CODE);
+}, undef, '... created &Foo::foo successfully');
+ok($foo_stash->has_symbol('&foo'), '... the meta agrees');
+is($foo_stash->get_symbol('&foo'), $CODE, '... got the right value for &Foo::foo');
+is(exception {
+ $foo_stash->add_symbol('$foo' => 'Foo::foo');
+}, undef, '... created $Foo::foo successfully');
+ok($foo_stash->has_symbol('$foo'), '... the meta agrees');
+my $SCALAR = $foo_stash->get_symbol('$foo');
+is($$SCALAR, 'Foo::foo', '... got the right scalar value back');
+ no strict 'refs';
+ is(${'Foo::foo'}, 'Foo::foo', '... got the right value from the scalar');
+is(exception {
+ $foo_stash->remove_symbol('%foo');
+}, undef, '... removed %Foo::foo successfully');
+ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('%foo'), '... the %foo slot was removed successfully');
+ok($foo_stash->has_symbol('@foo'), '... the @foo slot still exists');
+ok($foo_stash->has_symbol('&foo'), '... the &foo slot still exists');
+ok($foo_stash->has_symbol('$foo'), '... the $foo slot still exists');
+is($foo_stash->get_symbol('@foo'), $ARRAY, '... got the right values for @Foo::foo');
+is($foo_stash->get_symbol('&foo'), $CODE, '... got the right value for &Foo::foo');
+is($foo_stash->get_symbol('$foo'), $SCALAR, '... got the right value for $Foo::foo');
+ no strict 'refs';
+ ok(!defined(*{"Foo::foo"}{HASH}), '... the %foo slot has been removed successfully');
+ ok(defined(*{"Foo::foo"}{ARRAY}), '... the @foo slot has NOT been removed');
+ ok(defined(*{"Foo::foo"}{CODE}), '... the &foo slot has NOT been removed');
+ ok(defined(${"Foo::foo"}), '... the $foo slot has NOT been removed');
+is(exception {
+ $foo_stash->remove_symbol('&foo');
+}, undef, '... removed &Foo::foo successfully');
+ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('&foo'), '... the &foo slot no longer exists');
+ok($foo_stash->has_symbol('@foo'), '... the @foo slot still exists');
+ok($foo_stash->has_symbol('$foo'), '... the $foo slot still exists');
+is($foo_stash->get_symbol('@foo'), $ARRAY, '... got the right values for @Foo::foo');
+is($foo_stash->get_symbol('$foo'), $SCALAR, '... got the right value for $Foo::foo');
+ no strict 'refs';
+ ok(!defined(*{"Foo::foo"}{HASH}), '... the %foo slot has been removed successfully');
+ ok(!defined(*{"Foo::foo"}{CODE}), '... the &foo slot has now been removed');
+ ok(defined(*{"Foo::foo"}{ARRAY}), '... the @foo slot has NOT been removed');
+ ok(defined(${"Foo::foo"}), '... the $foo slot has NOT been removed');
+is(exception {
+ $foo_stash->remove_symbol('$foo');
+}, undef, '... removed $Foo::foo successfully');
+ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('$foo'), '... the $foo slot no longer exists');
+ok($foo_stash->has_symbol('@foo'), '... the @foo slot still exists');
+is($foo_stash->get_symbol('@foo'), $ARRAY, '... got the right values for @Foo::foo');
+ no strict 'refs';
+ ok(!defined(*{"Foo::foo"}{HASH}), '... the %foo slot has been removed successfully');
+ ok(!defined(*{"Foo::foo"}{CODE}), '... the &foo slot has now been removed');
+ ok(!defined(${"Foo::foo"}), '... the $foo slot has now been removed');
+ ok(defined(*{"Foo::foo"}{ARRAY}), '... the @foo slot has NOT been removed');
+ my $syms = $foo_stash->get_all_symbols;
+ is_deeply(
+ [ sort keys %{ $syms } ],
+ [ sort $foo_stash->list_all_symbols ],
+ '... the fetched symbols are the same as the listed ones'
+ );
+ my $syms = $foo_stash->get_all_symbols('CODE');
+ is_deeply(
+ [ sort keys %{ $syms } ],
+ [ sort $foo_stash->list_all_symbols('CODE') ],
+ '... the fetched symbols are the same as the listed ones'
+ );
+ foreach my $symbol (keys %{ $syms }) {
+ is($syms->{$symbol}, $foo_stash->get_symbol('&' . $symbol), '... got the right symbol');
+ }
+ $foo_stash->add_symbol('%zork');
+ my $syms = $foo_stash->get_all_symbols('HASH');
+ is_deeply(
+ [ sort keys %{ $syms } ],
+ [ sort $foo_stash->list_all_symbols('HASH') ],
+ '... the fetched symbols are the same as the listed ones'
+ );
+ foreach my $symbol (keys %{ $syms }) {
+ is($syms->{$symbol}, $foo_stash->get_symbol('%' . $symbol), '... got the right symbol');
+ }
+ no warnings 'once';
+ is_deeply(
+ $syms,
+ { zork => \%Foo::zork },
+ "got the right ones",
+ );
+# check some errors
+like(exception {
+ $foo_stash->add_symbol('@bar', {})
+}, qr/HASH.*is not of type ARRAY/, "can't initialize a slot with the wrong type of value");
+like(exception {
+ $foo_stash->add_symbol('bar', [])
+}, qr/ARRAY.*is not of type IO/, "can't initialize a slot with the wrong type of value");
+like(exception {
+ $foo_stash->add_symbol('$bar', sub { })
+}, qr/CODE.*is not of type SCALAR/, "can't initialize a slot with the wrong type of value");
+ package Bar;
+ open *foo, '<', $0;
+like(exception {
+ $foo_stash->add_symbol('$bar', *Bar::foo{IO})
+}, qr/IO.*is not of type SCALAR/, "can't initialize a slot with the wrong type of value");
+# check compile time manipulation
+ package Baz;
+ our $foo = 23;
+ our @foo = "bar";
+ our %foo = (baz => 1);
+ sub foo { }
+ open *foo, '<', $0;
+ BEGIN { Package::Stash->new(__PACKAGE__)->remove_symbol('&foo') }
+ my $stash = Package::Stash->new('Baz');
+ is(${ $stash->get_symbol('$foo') }, 23, "got \$foo");
+ is_deeply($stash->get_symbol('@foo'), ['bar'], "got \@foo");
+ is_deeply($stash->get_symbol('%foo'), {baz => 1}, "got \%foo");
+ ok(!$stash->has_symbol('&foo'), "got \&foo");
+ is($stash->get_symbol('foo'), *Baz::foo{IO}, "got foo");
+ package Quux;
+ our $foo = 23;
+ our @foo = "bar";
+ our %foo = (baz => 1);
+ sub foo { }
+ open *foo, '<', $0;
+ my $stash = Package::Stash->new('Quux');
+ my %expect = (
+ '$foo' => \23,
+ '@foo' => ["bar"],
+ '%foo' => { baz => 1 },
+ '&foo' => \&Quux::foo,
+ 'foo' => *Quux::foo{IO},
+ );
+ for my $sym ( sort keys %expect ) {
+ is_deeply(
+ $stash->get_symbol($sym),
+ $expect{$sym},
+ "got expected value for $sym"
+ );
+ }
+ $stash->add_symbol('%bar' => {x => 42});
+ $expect{'%bar'} = {x => 42};
+ for my $sym ( sort keys %expect ) {
+ is_deeply(
+ $stash->get_symbol($sym),
+ $expect{$sym},
+ "got expected value for $sym"
+ );
+ }
+ $stash->add_symbol('%bar' => {x => 43});
+ $expect{'%bar'} = {x => 43};
+ for my $sym ( sort keys %expect ) {
+ is_deeply(
+ $stash->get_symbol($sym),
+ $expect{$sym},
+ "got expected value for $sym"
+ );
+ }
+ package Quuux;
+ our $foo;
+ our @foo;
+ our @bar;
+ our %baz;
+ sub baz { }
+ use constant quux => 1;
+ use constant quuux => [];
+ sub quuuux;
+ my $quuux = Package::Stash->new('Quuux');
+ is_deeply(
+ [sort $quuux->list_all_symbols],
+ [qw(BEGIN bar baz foo quuuux quuux quux)],
+ "list_all_symbols",
+ );
+ { local $TODO = ($] < 5.010 || $Package::Stash::IMPLEMENTATION eq 'PP')
+ ? "undef scalars aren't visible on 5.8, or from pure perl at all"
+ : undef;
+ is_deeply(
+ [sort $quuux->list_all_symbols('SCALAR')],
+ [qw(foo)],
+ "list_all_symbols SCALAR",
+ );
+ }
+ is_deeply(
+ [sort $quuux->list_all_symbols('ARRAY')],
+ [qw(bar foo)],
+ "list_all_symbols ARRAY",
+ );
+ is_deeply(
+ [sort $quuux->list_all_symbols('HASH')],
+ [qw(baz)],
+ "list_all_symbols HASH",
+ );
+ is_deeply(
+ [sort $quuux->list_all_symbols('CODE')],
+ [qw(baz quuuux quuux quux)],
+ "list_all_symbols CODE",
+ );
diff --git a/t/impl-selection/11-basic-xs.t b/t/impl-selection/11-basic-xs.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bffd3b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/impl-selection/11-basic-xs.t
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Fatal;
+use Test::Requires 'Package::Stash::XS';
+BEGIN { $Package::Stash::IMPLEMENTATION = 'XS' }
+use Package::Stash;
+ok(exists $INC{'Package/Stash/'}, "loaded XS");
+ok(!exists $INC{'Package/Stash/'}, "didn't load PP");
+like(exception { Package::Stash->name }, qr/Can't call name as a class method/,
+ q{... can't call name() as a class method});
+ package Foo;
+ use constant SOME_CONSTANT => 1;
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## tests adding a HASH
+my $foo_stash = Package::Stash->new('Foo');
+ok(!defined($Foo::{foo}), '... the %foo slot has not been created yet');
+ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('%foo'), '... the object agrees');
+ok(!defined($Foo::{foo}), '... checking doesn\' vivify');
+is(exception {
+ $foo_stash->add_symbol('%foo' => { one => 1 });
+}, undef, '... created %Foo::foo successfully');
+# ... scalar should NOT be created here
+ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('$foo'), '... SCALAR shouldnt have been created too');
+ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('@foo'), '... ARRAY shouldnt have been created too');
+ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('&foo'), '... CODE shouldnt have been created too');
+ok(defined($Foo::{foo}), '... the %foo slot was created successfully');
+ok($foo_stash->has_symbol('%foo'), '... the meta agrees');
+# check the value ...
+ no strict 'refs';
+ ok(exists ${'Foo::foo'}{one}, '... our %foo was initialized correctly');
+ is(${'Foo::foo'}{one}, 1, '... our %foo was initialized correctly');
+my $foo = $foo_stash->get_symbol('%foo');
+is_deeply({ one => 1 }, $foo, '... got the right package variable back');
+# ... make sure changes propogate up
+$foo->{two} = 2;
+ no strict 'refs';
+ is(\%{'Foo::foo'}, $foo_stash->get_symbol('%foo'), '... our %foo is the same as the metas');
+ ok(exists ${'Foo::foo'}{two}, '... our %foo was updated correctly');
+ is(${'Foo::foo'}{two}, 2, '... our %foo was updated correctly');
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## test adding an ARRAY
+ok(!defined($Foo::{bar}), '... the @bar slot has not been created yet');
+is(exception {
+ $foo_stash->add_symbol('@bar' => [ 1, 2, 3 ]);
+}, undef, '... created @Foo::bar successfully');
+ok(defined($Foo::{bar}), '... the @bar slot was created successfully');
+ok($foo_stash->has_symbol('@bar'), '... the meta agrees');
+# ... why does this not work ...
+ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('$bar'), '... SCALAR shouldnt have been created too');
+ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('%bar'), '... HASH shouldnt have been created too');
+ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('&bar'), '... CODE shouldnt have been created too');
+# check the value itself
+ no strict 'refs';
+ is(scalar @{'Foo::bar'}, 3, '... our @bar was initialized correctly');
+ is(${'Foo::bar'}[1], 2, '... our @bar was initialized correctly');
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## test adding a SCALAR
+ok(!defined($Foo::{baz}), '... the $baz slot has not been created yet');
+is(exception {
+ $foo_stash->add_symbol('$baz' => 10);
+}, undef, '... created $Foo::baz successfully');
+ok(defined($Foo::{baz}), '... the $baz slot was created successfully');
+ok($foo_stash->has_symbol('$baz'), '... the meta agrees');
+ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('@baz'), '... ARRAY shouldnt have been created too');
+ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('%baz'), '... HASH shouldnt have been created too');
+ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('&baz'), '... CODE shouldnt have been created too');
+is(${$foo_stash->get_symbol('$baz')}, 10, '... got the right value back');
+ no strict 'refs';
+ ${'Foo::baz'} = 1;
+ is(${'Foo::baz'}, 1, '... our $baz was assigned to correctly');
+ is(${$foo_stash->get_symbol('$baz')}, 1, '... the meta agrees');
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## test adding a CODE
+ok(!defined($Foo::{funk}), '... the &funk slot has not been created yet');
+is(exception {
+ $foo_stash->add_symbol('&funk' => sub { "Foo::funk" });
+}, undef, '... created &Foo::funk successfully');
+ok(defined($Foo::{funk}), '... the &funk slot was created successfully');
+ok($foo_stash->has_symbol('&funk'), '... the meta agrees');
+ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('$funk'), '... SCALAR shouldnt have been created too');
+ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('@funk'), '... ARRAY shouldnt have been created too');
+ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('%funk'), '... HASH shouldnt have been created too');
+ no strict 'refs';
+ ok(defined &{'Foo::funk'}, '... our &funk exists');
+is(Foo->funk(), 'Foo::funk', '... got the right value from the function');
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## test multiple slots in the glob
+my $ARRAY = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
+my $CODE = sub { "Foo::foo" };
+is(exception {
+ $foo_stash->add_symbol('@foo' => $ARRAY);
+}, undef, '... created @Foo::foo successfully');
+ok($foo_stash->has_symbol('@foo'), '... the @foo slot was added successfully');
+is($foo_stash->get_symbol('@foo'), $ARRAY, '... got the right values for @Foo::foo');
+is(exception {
+ $foo_stash->add_symbol('&foo' => $CODE);
+}, undef, '... created &Foo::foo successfully');
+ok($foo_stash->has_symbol('&foo'), '... the meta agrees');
+is($foo_stash->get_symbol('&foo'), $CODE, '... got the right value for &Foo::foo');
+is(exception {
+ $foo_stash->add_symbol('$foo' => 'Foo::foo');
+}, undef, '... created $Foo::foo successfully');
+ok($foo_stash->has_symbol('$foo'), '... the meta agrees');
+my $SCALAR = $foo_stash->get_symbol('$foo');
+is($$SCALAR, 'Foo::foo', '... got the right scalar value back');
+ no strict 'refs';
+ is(${'Foo::foo'}, 'Foo::foo', '... got the right value from the scalar');
+is(exception {
+ $foo_stash->remove_symbol('%foo');
+}, undef, '... removed %Foo::foo successfully');
+ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('%foo'), '... the %foo slot was removed successfully');
+ok($foo_stash->has_symbol('@foo'), '... the @foo slot still exists');
+ok($foo_stash->has_symbol('&foo'), '... the &foo slot still exists');
+ok($foo_stash->has_symbol('$foo'), '... the $foo slot still exists');
+is($foo_stash->get_symbol('@foo'), $ARRAY, '... got the right values for @Foo::foo');
+is($foo_stash->get_symbol('&foo'), $CODE, '... got the right value for &Foo::foo');
+is($foo_stash->get_symbol('$foo'), $SCALAR, '... got the right value for $Foo::foo');
+ no strict 'refs';
+ ok(!defined(*{"Foo::foo"}{HASH}), '... the %foo slot has been removed successfully');
+ ok(defined(*{"Foo::foo"}{ARRAY}), '... the @foo slot has NOT been removed');
+ ok(defined(*{"Foo::foo"}{CODE}), '... the &foo slot has NOT been removed');
+ ok(defined(${"Foo::foo"}), '... the $foo slot has NOT been removed');
+is(exception {
+ $foo_stash->remove_symbol('&foo');
+}, undef, '... removed &Foo::foo successfully');
+ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('&foo'), '... the &foo slot no longer exists');
+ok($foo_stash->has_symbol('@foo'), '... the @foo slot still exists');
+ok($foo_stash->has_symbol('$foo'), '... the $foo slot still exists');
+is($foo_stash->get_symbol('@foo'), $ARRAY, '... got the right values for @Foo::foo');
+is($foo_stash->get_symbol('$foo'), $SCALAR, '... got the right value for $Foo::foo');
+ no strict 'refs';
+ ok(!defined(*{"Foo::foo"}{HASH}), '... the %foo slot has been removed successfully');
+ ok(!defined(*{"Foo::foo"}{CODE}), '... the &foo slot has now been removed');
+ ok(defined(*{"Foo::foo"}{ARRAY}), '... the @foo slot has NOT been removed');
+ ok(defined(${"Foo::foo"}), '... the $foo slot has NOT been removed');
+is(exception {
+ $foo_stash->remove_symbol('$foo');
+}, undef, '... removed $Foo::foo successfully');
+ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('$foo'), '... the $foo slot no longer exists');
+ok($foo_stash->has_symbol('@foo'), '... the @foo slot still exists');
+is($foo_stash->get_symbol('@foo'), $ARRAY, '... got the right values for @Foo::foo');
+ no strict 'refs';
+ ok(!defined(*{"Foo::foo"}{HASH}), '... the %foo slot has been removed successfully');
+ ok(!defined(*{"Foo::foo"}{CODE}), '... the &foo slot has now been removed');
+ ok(!defined(${"Foo::foo"}), '... the $foo slot has now been removed');
+ ok(defined(*{"Foo::foo"}{ARRAY}), '... the @foo slot has NOT been removed');
+ my $syms = $foo_stash->get_all_symbols;
+ is_deeply(
+ [ sort keys %{ $syms } ],
+ [ sort $foo_stash->list_all_symbols ],
+ '... the fetched symbols are the same as the listed ones'
+ );
+ my $syms = $foo_stash->get_all_symbols('CODE');
+ is_deeply(
+ [ sort keys %{ $syms } ],
+ [ sort $foo_stash->list_all_symbols('CODE') ],
+ '... the fetched symbols are the same as the listed ones'
+ );
+ foreach my $symbol (keys %{ $syms }) {
+ is($syms->{$symbol}, $foo_stash->get_symbol('&' . $symbol), '... got the right symbol');
+ }
+ $foo_stash->add_symbol('%zork');
+ my $syms = $foo_stash->get_all_symbols('HASH');
+ is_deeply(
+ [ sort keys %{ $syms } ],
+ [ sort $foo_stash->list_all_symbols('HASH') ],
+ '... the fetched symbols are the same as the listed ones'
+ );
+ foreach my $symbol (keys %{ $syms }) {
+ is($syms->{$symbol}, $foo_stash->get_symbol('%' . $symbol), '... got the right symbol');
+ }
+ no warnings 'once';
+ is_deeply(
+ $syms,
+ { zork => \%Foo::zork },
+ "got the right ones",
+ );
+# check some errors
+like(exception {
+ $foo_stash->add_symbol('@bar', {})
+}, qr/HASH.*is not of type ARRAY/, "can't initialize a slot with the wrong type of value");
+like(exception {
+ $foo_stash->add_symbol('bar', [])
+}, qr/ARRAY.*is not of type IO/, "can't initialize a slot with the wrong type of value");
+like(exception {
+ $foo_stash->add_symbol('$bar', sub { })
+}, qr/CODE.*is not of type SCALAR/, "can't initialize a slot with the wrong type of value");
+ package Bar;
+ open *foo, '<', $0;
+like(exception {
+ $foo_stash->add_symbol('$bar', *Bar::foo{IO})
+}, qr/IO.*is not of type SCALAR/, "can't initialize a slot with the wrong type of value");
+# check compile time manipulation
+ package Baz;
+ our $foo = 23;
+ our @foo = "bar";
+ our %foo = (baz => 1);
+ sub foo { }
+ open *foo, '<', $0;
+ BEGIN { Package::Stash->new(__PACKAGE__)->remove_symbol('&foo') }
+ my $stash = Package::Stash->new('Baz');
+ is(${ $stash->get_symbol('$foo') }, 23, "got \$foo");
+ is_deeply($stash->get_symbol('@foo'), ['bar'], "got \@foo");
+ is_deeply($stash->get_symbol('%foo'), {baz => 1}, "got \%foo");
+ ok(!$stash->has_symbol('&foo'), "got \&foo");
+ is($stash->get_symbol('foo'), *Baz::foo{IO}, "got foo");
+ package Quux;
+ our $foo = 23;
+ our @foo = "bar";
+ our %foo = (baz => 1);
+ sub foo { }
+ open *foo, '<', $0;
+ my $stash = Package::Stash->new('Quux');
+ my %expect = (
+ '$foo' => \23,
+ '@foo' => ["bar"],
+ '%foo' => { baz => 1 },
+ '&foo' => \&Quux::foo,
+ 'foo' => *Quux::foo{IO},
+ );
+ for my $sym ( sort keys %expect ) {
+ is_deeply(
+ $stash->get_symbol($sym),
+ $expect{$sym},
+ "got expected value for $sym"
+ );
+ }
+ $stash->add_symbol('%bar' => {x => 42});
+ $expect{'%bar'} = {x => 42};
+ for my $sym ( sort keys %expect ) {
+ is_deeply(
+ $stash->get_symbol($sym),
+ $expect{$sym},
+ "got expected value for $sym"
+ );
+ }
+ $stash->add_symbol('%bar' => {x => 43});
+ $expect{'%bar'} = {x => 43};
+ for my $sym ( sort keys %expect ) {
+ is_deeply(
+ $stash->get_symbol($sym),
+ $expect{$sym},
+ "got expected value for $sym"
+ );
+ }
+ package Quuux;
+ our $foo;
+ our @foo;
+ our @bar;
+ our %baz;
+ sub baz { }
+ use constant quux => 1;
+ use constant quuux => [];
+ sub quuuux;
+ my $quuux = Package::Stash->new('Quuux');
+ is_deeply(
+ [sort $quuux->list_all_symbols],
+ [qw(BEGIN bar baz foo quuuux quuux quux)],
+ "list_all_symbols",
+ );
+ { local $TODO = ($] < 5.010 || $Package::Stash::IMPLEMENTATION eq 'PP')
+ ? "undef scalars aren't visible on 5.8, or from pure perl at all"
+ : undef;
+ is_deeply(
+ [sort $quuux->list_all_symbols('SCALAR')],
+ [qw(foo)],
+ "list_all_symbols SCALAR",
+ );
+ }
+ is_deeply(
+ [sort $quuux->list_all_symbols('ARRAY')],
+ [qw(bar foo)],
+ "list_all_symbols ARRAY",
+ );
+ is_deeply(
+ [sort $quuux->list_all_symbols('HASH')],
+ [qw(baz)],
+ "list_all_symbols HASH",
+ );
+ is_deeply(
+ [sort $quuux->list_all_symbols('CODE')],
+ [qw(baz quuuux quuux quux)],
+ "list_all_symbols CODE",
+ );