use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Test::Fatal; { package My::Package::Stash; use strict; use warnings; use base 'Package::Stash'; use Symbol 'gensym'; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_); $self->{namespace} = {}; return $self; } sub add_package_symbol { my ($self, $variable, $initial_value) = @_; my ($name, $sigil, $type) = $self->_deconstruct_variable_name($variable); my $glob = gensym(); *{$glob} = $initial_value if defined $initial_value; $self->namespace->{$name} = *{$glob}; } } # No actually package Foo exists :) my $foo_stash = My::Package::Stash->new('Foo'); isa_ok($foo_stash, 'My::Package::Stash'); isa_ok($foo_stash, 'Package::Stash'); ok(!defined($Foo::{foo}), '... the %foo slot has not been created yet'); ok(!$foo_stash->has_package_symbol('%foo'), '... the foo_stash agrees'); ok(!exception { $foo_stash->add_package_symbol('%foo' => { one => 1 }); }, '... the %foo symbol is created succcessfully'); ok(!defined($Foo::{foo}), '... the %foo slot has not been created in the actual Foo package'); ok($foo_stash->has_package_symbol('%foo'), '... the foo_stash agrees'); my $foo = $foo_stash->get_package_symbol('%foo'); is_deeply({ one => 1 }, $foo, '... got the right package variable back'); $foo->{two} = 2; is($foo, $foo_stash->get_package_symbol('%foo'), '... our %foo is the same as the foo_stashs'); ok(!defined($Foo::{bar}), '... the @bar slot has not been created yet'); ok(!exception { $foo_stash->add_package_symbol('@bar' => [ 1, 2, 3 ]); }, '... created @Foo::bar successfully'); ok(!defined($Foo::{bar}), '... the @bar slot has still not been created'); ok(!defined($Foo::{baz}), '... the %baz slot has not been created yet'); ok(!exception { $foo_stash->add_package_symbol('%baz'); }, '... created %Foo::baz successfully'); ok(!defined($Foo::{baz}), '... the %baz slot has still not been created'); done_testing;