#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Package::Stash; { BEGIN { my $stash = Package::Stash->new('Hash'); my $val = $stash->get_package_symbol('%foo'); is($val, undef, "got nothing yet"); } { no warnings 'void', 'once'; %Hash::foo; } BEGIN { my $stash = Package::Stash->new('Hash'); my $val = $stash->get_package_symbol('%foo'); is(ref($val), 'HASH', "got something"); $val->{bar} = 1; is_deeply($stash->get_package_symbol('%foo'), {bar => 1}, "got the right variable"); is_deeply(\%Hash::foo, {bar => 1}, "stash has the right variable"); } } { BEGIN { my $stash = Package::Stash->new('Array'); my $val = $stash->get_package_symbol('@foo'); is($val, undef, "got nothing yet"); } { no warnings 'void', 'once'; @Array::foo; } BEGIN { my $stash = Package::Stash->new('Array'); my $val = $stash->get_package_symbol('@foo'); is(ref($val), 'ARRAY', "got something"); push @$val, 1; is_deeply($stash->get_package_symbol('@foo'), [1], "got the right variable"); is_deeply(\@Array::foo, [1], "stash has the right variable"); } } { BEGIN { my $stash = Package::Stash->new('Scalar'); my $val = $stash->get_package_symbol('$foo'); is($val, undef, "got nothing yet"); } { no warnings 'void', 'once'; $Scalar::foo; } BEGIN { my $stash = Package::Stash->new('Scalar'); my $val = $stash->get_package_symbol('$foo'); is(ref($val), 'SCALAR', "got something"); $$val = 1; is_deeply($stash->get_package_symbol('$foo'), \1, "got the right variable"); is($Scalar::foo, 1, "stash has the right variable"); } } { BEGIN { my $stash = Package::Stash->new('Io'); my $val = $stash->get_package_symbol('FOO'); is($val, undef, "got nothing yet"); } { no warnings 'void', 'once'; package Io; fileno(FOO); } BEGIN { my $stash = Package::Stash->new('Io'); my $val = $stash->get_package_symbol('FOO'); isa_ok($val, 'IO'); my $str = "foo"; open $val, '<', \$str; is(readline($stash->get_package_symbol('FOO')), "foo", "got the right variable"); { package Io; ::isa_ok(*FOO{IO}, 'IO'); } } } TODO: { # making TODO tests at a mixture of BEGIN and runtime is irritating my $_TODO; BEGIN { $_TODO = "obviously I don't understand this well enough"; } BEGIN { $TODO = $_TODO; } $TODO = $_TODO; BEGIN { my $stash = Package::Stash->new('Code'); my $val = $stash->get_package_symbol('&foo'); is($val, undef, "got nothing yet"); } { no warnings 'void', 'once'; \&Code::foo; } BEGIN { my $stash = Package::Stash->new('Code'); my $val = $stash->get_package_symbol('&foo'); undef $TODO; is(ref($val), 'CODE', "got something"); $TODO = $_TODO; SKIP: { eval "require PadWalker" or skip "needs PadWalker", 1; # avoid padwalker segfault if (!defined($val)) { fail("got the right variable"); } else { PadWalker::set_closed_over($val, {'$x' => 1}); is_deeply({PadWalker::closed_over($stash->get_package_symbol('&foo'))}, {'$x' => 1}, "got the right variable"); is_deeply({PadWalker::closed_over(\&Code::foo)}, {'$x' => 1}, "stash has the right variable"); } } } BEGIN { undef $TODO; } undef $TODO; } { my $stash = Package::Stash->new('Hash::Vivify'); my $val = $stash->get_or_add_package_symbol('%foo'); is(ref($val), 'HASH', "got something"); $val->{bar} = 1; is_deeply($stash->get_or_add_package_symbol('%foo'), {bar => 1}, "got the right variable"); no warnings 'once'; is_deeply(\%Hash::Vivify::foo, {bar => 1}, "stash has the right variable"); } { my $stash = Package::Stash->new('Array::Vivify'); my $val = $stash->get_or_add_package_symbol('@foo'); is(ref($val), 'ARRAY', "got something"); push @$val, 1; is_deeply($stash->get_or_add_package_symbol('@foo'), [1], "got the right variable"); no warnings 'once'; is_deeply(\@Array::Vivify::foo, [1], "stash has the right variable"); } { my $stash = Package::Stash->new('Scalar::Vivify'); my $val = $stash->get_or_add_package_symbol('$foo'); is(ref($val), 'SCALAR', "got something"); $$val = 1; is_deeply($stash->get_or_add_package_symbol('$foo'), \1, "got the right variable"); no warnings 'once'; is($Scalar::Vivify::foo, 1, "stash has the right variable"); } { BEGIN { my $stash = Package::Stash->new('Io::Vivify'); my $val = $stash->get_or_add_package_symbol('FOO'); isa_ok($val, 'IO'); my $str = "foo"; open $val, '<', \$str; is(readline($stash->get_package_symbol('FOO')), "foo", "got the right variable"); } { package Io::Vivify; no warnings 'once'; ::isa_ok(*FOO{IO}, 'IO'); } } done_testing;