use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Test::Exception; BEGIN { $^P |= 0x210 } # PERLDBf_SUBLINE use Package::Stash; my $foo_stash = Package::Stash->new('Foo'); # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## test adding a CODE ok(!defined($Foo::{funk}), '... the &funk slot has not been created yet'); lives_ok { $foo_stash->add_package_symbol('&funk' => sub { "Foo::funk", __LINE__ }); } '... created &Foo::funk successfully'; ok(defined($Foo::{funk}), '... the &funk slot was created successfully'); { no strict 'refs'; ok(defined &{'Foo::funk'}, '... our &funk exists'); } is((Foo->funk())[0], 'Foo::funk', '... got the right value from the function'); my $line = (Foo->funk())[1]; is $DB::sub{'Foo::funk'}, sprintf "%s:%d-%d", __FILE__, $line, $line, '... got the right %DB::sub value for funk default args'; $foo_stash->add_package_symbol( '&dunk' => sub { "Foo::dunk" }, filename => "FileName", first_line_num => 100, last_line_num => 199 ); is $DB::sub{'Foo::dunk'}, sprintf "%s:%d-%d", "FileName", 100, 199, '... got the right %DB::sub value for dunk with specified args'; done_testing;