#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Test::Fatal; use lib 't/lib'; use Package::Stash; use Symbol; plan skip_all => "Anonymous stashes in PP need at least perl 5.14" if $] < 5.014 && $Package::Stash::IMPLEMENTATION eq 'PP'; plan skip_all => "This isn't really going to work yet, probably"; my $anon = {}; my $stash = Package::Stash->new($anon); # no way to bless something into a hashref yet # my $obj = $anon->bless({}); { my $code = sub { 'FOO' }; $stash->add_symbol('&foo' => $code); is($stash->get_symbol('&foo'), $code); # is($obj->foo, 'FOO'); } { local $TODO = ($Package::Stash::IMPLEMENTATION eq 'PP') ? "can't inflate weird stash entries" : undef; $anon->{bar} = \123; is( exception { my $code = $stash->get_symbol('&bar'); is(ref($code), 'CODE'); is($code->(), 123); # is($obj->bar, 123); }, undef ); } { local $TODO = ($Package::Stash::IMPLEMENTATION eq 'PP') ? "can't inflate weird stash entries" : undef; $anon->{baz} = -1; is( exception { my $code = $stash->get_symbol('&baz'); is(ref($code), 'CODE'); like( exception { $code->() }, qr/Undefined subroutine \&__ANON__::baz called/ ); }, undef ); } done_testing;