#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Test::Fatal; use Test::Requires 'Package::Stash::XS'; BEGIN { $Package::Stash::IMPLEMENTATION = 'XS' } use Package::Stash; ok(exists $INC{'Package/Stash/XS.pm'}, "loaded XS"); ok(!exists $INC{'Package/Stash/PP.pm'}, "didn't load PP"); like(exception { Package::Stash->name }, qr/Can't call name as a class method/, q{... can't call name() as a class method}); { package Foo; use constant SOME_CONSTANT => 1; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## tests adding a HASH my $foo_stash = Package::Stash->new('Foo'); ok(!defined($Foo::{foo}), '... the %foo slot has not been created yet'); ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('%foo'), '... the object agrees'); ok(!defined($Foo::{foo}), '... checking doesn\' vivify'); is(exception { $foo_stash->add_symbol('%foo' => { one => 1 }); }, undef, '... created %Foo::foo successfully'); # ... scalar should NOT be created here ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('$foo'), '... SCALAR shouldnt have been created too'); ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('@foo'), '... ARRAY shouldnt have been created too'); ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('&foo'), '... CODE shouldnt have been created too'); ok(defined($Foo::{foo}), '... the %foo slot was created successfully'); ok($foo_stash->has_symbol('%foo'), '... the meta agrees'); # check the value ... { no strict 'refs'; ok(exists ${'Foo::foo'}{one}, '... our %foo was initialized correctly'); is(${'Foo::foo'}{one}, 1, '... our %foo was initialized correctly'); } my $foo = $foo_stash->get_symbol('%foo'); is_deeply({ one => 1 }, $foo, '... got the right package variable back'); # ... make sure changes propogate up $foo->{two} = 2; { no strict 'refs'; is(\%{'Foo::foo'}, $foo_stash->get_symbol('%foo'), '... our %foo is the same as the metas'); ok(exists ${'Foo::foo'}{two}, '... our %foo was updated correctly'); is(${'Foo::foo'}{two}, 2, '... our %foo was updated correctly'); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## test adding an ARRAY ok(!defined($Foo::{bar}), '... the @bar slot has not been created yet'); is(exception { $foo_stash->add_symbol('@bar' => [ 1, 2, 3 ]); }, undef, '... created @Foo::bar successfully'); ok(defined($Foo::{bar}), '... the @bar slot was created successfully'); ok($foo_stash->has_symbol('@bar'), '... the meta agrees'); # ... why does this not work ... ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('$bar'), '... SCALAR shouldnt have been created too'); ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('%bar'), '... HASH shouldnt have been created too'); ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('&bar'), '... CODE shouldnt have been created too'); # check the value itself { no strict 'refs'; is(scalar @{'Foo::bar'}, 3, '... our @bar was initialized correctly'); is(${'Foo::bar'}[1], 2, '... our @bar was initialized correctly'); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## test adding a SCALAR ok(!defined($Foo::{baz}), '... the $baz slot has not been created yet'); is(exception { $foo_stash->add_symbol('$baz' => 10); }, undef, '... created $Foo::baz successfully'); ok(defined($Foo::{baz}), '... the $baz slot was created successfully'); ok($foo_stash->has_symbol('$baz'), '... the meta agrees'); ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('@baz'), '... ARRAY shouldnt have been created too'); ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('%baz'), '... HASH shouldnt have been created too'); ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('&baz'), '... CODE shouldnt have been created too'); is(${$foo_stash->get_symbol('$baz')}, 10, '... got the right value back'); { no strict 'refs'; ${'Foo::baz'} = 1; is(${'Foo::baz'}, 1, '... our $baz was assigned to correctly'); is(${$foo_stash->get_symbol('$baz')}, 1, '... the meta agrees'); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## test adding a CODE ok(!defined($Foo::{funk}), '... the &funk slot has not been created yet'); is(exception { $foo_stash->add_symbol('&funk' => sub { "Foo::funk" }); }, undef, '... created &Foo::funk successfully'); ok(defined($Foo::{funk}), '... the &funk slot was created successfully'); ok($foo_stash->has_symbol('&funk'), '... the meta agrees'); ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('$funk'), '... SCALAR shouldnt have been created too'); ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('@funk'), '... ARRAY shouldnt have been created too'); ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('%funk'), '... HASH shouldnt have been created too'); { no strict 'refs'; ok(defined &{'Foo::funk'}, '... our &funk exists'); } is(Foo->funk(), 'Foo::funk', '... got the right value from the function'); # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## test multiple slots in the glob my $ARRAY = [ 1, 2, 3 ]; my $CODE = sub { "Foo::foo" }; is(exception { $foo_stash->add_symbol('@foo' => $ARRAY); }, undef, '... created @Foo::foo successfully'); ok($foo_stash->has_symbol('@foo'), '... the @foo slot was added successfully'); is($foo_stash->get_symbol('@foo'), $ARRAY, '... got the right values for @Foo::foo'); is(exception { $foo_stash->add_symbol('&foo' => $CODE); }, undef, '... created &Foo::foo successfully'); ok($foo_stash->has_symbol('&foo'), '... the meta agrees'); is($foo_stash->get_symbol('&foo'), $CODE, '... got the right value for &Foo::foo'); is(exception { $foo_stash->add_symbol('$foo' => 'Foo::foo'); }, undef, '... created $Foo::foo successfully'); ok($foo_stash->has_symbol('$foo'), '... the meta agrees'); my $SCALAR = $foo_stash->get_symbol('$foo'); is($$SCALAR, 'Foo::foo', '... got the right scalar value back'); { no strict 'refs'; is(${'Foo::foo'}, 'Foo::foo', '... got the right value from the scalar'); } is(exception { $foo_stash->remove_symbol('%foo'); }, undef, '... removed %Foo::foo successfully'); ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('%foo'), '... the %foo slot was removed successfully'); ok($foo_stash->has_symbol('@foo'), '... the @foo slot still exists'); ok($foo_stash->has_symbol('&foo'), '... the &foo slot still exists'); ok($foo_stash->has_symbol('$foo'), '... the $foo slot still exists'); is($foo_stash->get_symbol('@foo'), $ARRAY, '... got the right values for @Foo::foo'); is($foo_stash->get_symbol('&foo'), $CODE, '... got the right value for &Foo::foo'); is($foo_stash->get_symbol('$foo'), $SCALAR, '... got the right value for $Foo::foo'); { no strict 'refs'; ok(!defined(*{"Foo::foo"}{HASH}), '... the %foo slot has been removed successfully'); ok(defined(*{"Foo::foo"}{ARRAY}), '... the @foo slot has NOT been removed'); ok(defined(*{"Foo::foo"}{CODE}), '... the &foo slot has NOT been removed'); ok(defined(${"Foo::foo"}), '... the $foo slot has NOT been removed'); } is(exception { $foo_stash->remove_symbol('&foo'); }, undef, '... removed &Foo::foo successfully'); ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('&foo'), '... the &foo slot no longer exists'); ok($foo_stash->has_symbol('@foo'), '... the @foo slot still exists'); ok($foo_stash->has_symbol('$foo'), '... the $foo slot still exists'); is($foo_stash->get_symbol('@foo'), $ARRAY, '... got the right values for @Foo::foo'); is($foo_stash->get_symbol('$foo'), $SCALAR, '... got the right value for $Foo::foo'); { no strict 'refs'; ok(!defined(*{"Foo::foo"}{HASH}), '... the %foo slot has been removed successfully'); ok(!defined(*{"Foo::foo"}{CODE}), '... the &foo slot has now been removed'); ok(defined(*{"Foo::foo"}{ARRAY}), '... the @foo slot has NOT been removed'); ok(defined(${"Foo::foo"}), '... the $foo slot has NOT been removed'); } is(exception { $foo_stash->remove_symbol('$foo'); }, undef, '... removed $Foo::foo successfully'); ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('$foo'), '... the $foo slot no longer exists'); ok($foo_stash->has_symbol('@foo'), '... the @foo slot still exists'); is($foo_stash->get_symbol('@foo'), $ARRAY, '... got the right values for @Foo::foo'); { no strict 'refs'; ok(!defined(*{"Foo::foo"}{HASH}), '... the %foo slot has been removed successfully'); ok(!defined(*{"Foo::foo"}{CODE}), '... the &foo slot has now been removed'); ok(!defined(${"Foo::foo"}), '... the $foo slot has now been removed'); ok(defined(*{"Foo::foo"}{ARRAY}), '... the @foo slot has NOT been removed'); } { my $syms = $foo_stash->get_all_symbols; is_deeply( [ sort keys %{ $syms } ], [ sort $foo_stash->list_all_symbols ], '... the fetched symbols are the same as the listed ones' ); } { my $syms = $foo_stash->get_all_symbols('CODE'); is_deeply( [ sort keys %{ $syms } ], [ sort $foo_stash->list_all_symbols('CODE') ], '... the fetched symbols are the same as the listed ones' ); foreach my $symbol (keys %{ $syms }) { is($syms->{$symbol}, $foo_stash->get_symbol('&' . $symbol), '... got the right symbol'); } } { $foo_stash->add_symbol('%bare'); ok(!$foo_stash->has_symbol('$bare'), "add_symbol with single argument doesn't vivify scalar slot"); } { $foo_stash->add_symbol('%zork', {}); my $syms = $foo_stash->get_all_symbols('HASH'); is_deeply( [ sort keys %{ $syms } ], [ sort $foo_stash->list_all_symbols('HASH') ], '... the fetched symbols are the same as the listed ones' ); foreach my $symbol (keys %{ $syms }) { is($syms->{$symbol}, $foo_stash->get_symbol('%' . $symbol), '... got the right symbol'); } is_deeply( $syms, { zork => *{ $Foo::{zork} }{HASH} }, "got the right ones", ); } # check some errors like(exception { $foo_stash->add_symbol('@bar', {}) }, qr/HASH.*is not of type ARRAY/, "can't initialize a slot with the wrong type of value"); like(exception { $foo_stash->add_symbol('bar', []) }, qr/ARRAY.*is not of type IO/, "can't initialize a slot with the wrong type of value"); like(exception { $foo_stash->add_symbol('$bar', sub { }) }, qr/CODE.*is not of type SCALAR/, "can't initialize a slot with the wrong type of value"); { package Bar; open *foo, '<', $0; } like(exception { $foo_stash->add_symbol('$bar', *Bar::foo{IO}) }, qr/IO.*is not of type SCALAR/, "can't initialize a slot with the wrong type of value"); # check compile time manipulation { package Baz; our $foo = 23; our @foo = "bar"; our %foo = (baz => 1); sub foo { } open *foo, '<', $0; BEGIN { Package::Stash->new(__PACKAGE__)->remove_symbol('&foo') } } { my $stash = Package::Stash->new('Baz'); is(${ $stash->get_symbol('$foo') }, 23, "got \$foo"); is_deeply($stash->get_symbol('@foo'), ['bar'], "got \@foo"); is_deeply($stash->get_symbol('%foo'), {baz => 1}, "got \%foo"); ok(!$stash->has_symbol('&foo'), "got \&foo"); is($stash->get_symbol('foo'), *Baz::foo{IO}, "got foo"); } { package Quux; our $foo = 23; our @foo = "bar"; our %foo = (baz => 1); sub foo { } open *foo, '<', $0; } { my $stash = Package::Stash->new('Quux'); my %expect = ( '$foo' => \23, '@foo' => ["bar"], '%foo' => { baz => 1 }, '&foo' => \&Quux::foo, 'foo' => *Quux::foo{IO}, ); for my $sym ( sort keys %expect ) { is_deeply( $stash->get_symbol($sym), $expect{$sym}, "got expected value for $sym" ); } $stash->add_symbol('%bar' => {x => 42}); $expect{'%bar'} = {x => 42}; for my $sym ( sort keys %expect ) { is_deeply( $stash->get_symbol($sym), $expect{$sym}, "got expected value for $sym" ); } $stash->add_symbol('%bar' => {x => 43}); $expect{'%bar'} = {x => 43}; for my $sym ( sort keys %expect ) { is_deeply( $stash->get_symbol($sym), $expect{$sym}, "got expected value for $sym" ); } } { package Quuux; our $foo; our @foo; our @bar; our %baz; sub baz { } use constant quux => 1; use constant quuux => []; sub quuuux; } { my $quuux = Package::Stash->new('Quuux'); is_deeply( [sort $quuux->list_all_symbols], [qw(BEGIN bar baz foo quuuux quuux quux)], "list_all_symbols", ); { local $TODO = $] < 5.010 ? "undef scalars aren't visible on 5.8" : undef; is_deeply( [sort $quuux->list_all_symbols('SCALAR')], [qw(foo)], "list_all_symbols SCALAR", ); } is_deeply( [sort $quuux->list_all_symbols('ARRAY')], [qw(bar foo)], "list_all_symbols ARRAY", ); is_deeply( [sort $quuux->list_all_symbols('HASH')], [qw(baz)], "list_all_symbols HASH", ); is_deeply( [sort $quuux->list_all_symbols('CODE')], [qw(baz quuuux quuux quux)], "list_all_symbols CODE", ); } for my $package ('Foo:Bar', 'Foo/Bar', 'Foo Bar', 'Foo:::Bar', '') { like( exception { Package::Stash->new($package) }, qr/^$package is not a module name/, "$package is not a module name" ); } like( exception { Package::Stash->new([]) }, qr/^Package::Stash->new must be passed the name of the package to access/, "module name must be a string" ); like( exception { Package::Stash->new(undef) }, qr/^Package::Stash->new must be passed the name of the package to access/, "module name must be a string" ); done_testing;