#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use lib 't/lib'; use My::Parser; { my $ret = eval 'foo'; # not testing the value of $@ because it's just "whatever the parser # happens to do after getting into a confused state" ok($@); ok(!$ret); ok(!$My::Parser::got_code); } { my $ret = eval 'foo { }'; ok(!$@); ok($ret); ok($My::Parser::got_code); } { my $ret = eval 'foo { $baz }'; like($@, qr/^Global symbol "\$baz" requires explicit package name/); ok(!$ret); ok(!$My::Parser::got_code); } # wrapping a parsing function in an eval doesn't actually help, because parsing # doesn't throw errors in the same way. errors are all saved up until parsing # finishes, and then they are all reported at once if there were any. { my $ret = eval 'bar'; # not testing the value of $@ because it's just "whatever the parser # happens to do after getting into a confused state" ok($@); ok(!$ret); ok(!$My::Parser::got_code); } { my $ret = eval 'bar { }'; ok(!$@); ok($ret); ok($My::Parser::got_code); } { my $ret = eval 'bar { $baz }'; # the eval does, however, prevent perl from seeing what the message was like($@, qr/^Compilation error/); ok(!$ret); ok(!$My::Parser::got_code); } { skip "Capture::Tiny is required here", 1 unless eval { require Capture::Tiny }; my ($out, $err, $exit) = Capture::Tiny::capture(sub { system($^X, (map { qq[-I$_] } @INC), 't/error.pl') }); is($out, ''); is( $err, <<'ERR' Global symbol "$baz" requires explicit package name at t/error.pl line 9. Execution of t/error.pl aborted due to compilation errors. ERR ); isnt($exit, 0); } done_testing;