#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use lib 't/try/lib'; BEGIN { if (!eval { require Try::Tiny }) { plan skip_all => "This test requires Try::Tiny"; } } use Try; try { my $a = 1+1; } catch { fail('Cannot go into catch block because we did not throw an exception') } finally { pass('Moved into finally from try'); } try { die('Die'); } catch { ok($_ =~ /Die/, 'Error text as expected'); pass('Into catch block as we died in try'); } finally { pass('Moved into finally from catch'); } try { die('Die'); } finally { pass('Moved into finally block when try throws an exception and we have no catch block'); } try { # do not die } finally { if (@_) { fail("errors reported: @_"); } else { pass("no error reported") ; } } try { die("Die\n"); } finally { is_deeply(\@_, [ "Die\n" ], "finally got passed the exception"); } try { try { die "foo"; } catch { die "bar"; } finally { pass("finally called"); } pass("syntax ok"); } $_ = "foo"; try { is($_, "foo", "not localized in try"); } catch { } finally { is(scalar(@_), 0, "nothing in \@_ (finally)"); is($_, "foo", "\$_ not localized (finally)"); } is($_, "foo", "same afterwards"); $_ = "foo"; try { is($_, "foo", "not localized in try"); die "bar\n"; } catch { is($_[0], "bar\n", "error in \@_ (catch)"); is($_, "bar\n", "error in \$_ (catch)"); } finally { is(scalar(@_), 1, "error in \@_ (finally)"); is($_[0], "bar\n", "error in \@_ (finally)"); is($_, "foo", "\$_ not localized (finally)"); } is($_, "foo", "same afterwards"); done_testing;