package Plack::Client; use strict; use warnings; # ABSTRACT: abstract interface to remote web servers and local PSGI apps use HTTP::Message::PSGI; use HTTP::Request; use Plack::App::Proxy; use Plack::Middleware::ContentLength; use Plack::Response; use Scalar::Util qw(blessed reftype); =head1 SYNOPSIS use Plack::Client; my $client = Plack::Client->new({ myapp => sub { ... } }); my $res1 = $client->get(''); my $res2 = $client->post( 'psgi-local://myapp/foo.html', ['Content-Type' => 'text/plain'], "foo" ); =head1 DESCRIPTION A common task required in more complicated web applications is communicating with various web services for different tasks. These web services may be spread among a number of different servers, but some of them may be on the local server, and for those, there's no reason to require accessing them through the network; assuming the app is written using Plack, the app coderef for the service already exists in the current process, so a lot of time could be saved by just calling it directly. The key issue here then becomes providing an interface that allows accessing both local and remote services through a common api, so that services can be moved between servers with only a small change in configuration, rather than having to change the actual code involved in accessing it. This module solves this issue by providing an API similar to L, but using an underlying implementation consisting entirely of Plack apps. Local apps are distinguished from remote apps by the URL scheme: remote URLs use C or C, while local URLs use C or C. For instance, accessing C on a remote application would look like this: C<< $client->get('') >>, and accessing the same thing on a local application would look like this: C<< $client->get('psgi-local://myapp/foo') >>, but they will both give the same result. This API allows a simple config file change to be all that's necessary to migrate your service to a different server. =cut =method new my $client = Plack::Client->new( apps => { foo => sub { ... }, bar => MyApp->new->to_app, } ) Constructor. Takes a hash of arguments, with these keys being valid: =over 4 =item apps A mapping of local app names to PSGI app coderefs. These are the apps that will be available via the C URL scheme. =back =cut sub new { my $class = shift; my %params = @_; die 'apps must be a hashref' if exists($params{apps}) && ref($params{apps}) ne 'HASH'; bless { apps => $params{apps}, }, $class; } =method apps my $apps = $client->apps; Returns the C hashref that was passed to the constructor. =cut sub apps { shift->{apps} } =method app_for my $app = $client->app_for('foo'); Returns the app corresponding to the given app name (or undef, if no such app exists). =cut sub app_for { my $self = shift; my ($for) = @_; return $self->apps->{$for}; } =method request $client->request( 'POST', '', ['Content-Type' => 'text/plain'], "content", ); $client->request(HTTP::Request->new(...)); $client->request($env); $client->request(Plack::Request->new(...)); This method performs most of the work for this module. It takes a request in any of several forms, makes the request, and returns the response as a L object. The request can be in the form of an L or L object directly, or it can take arguments to pass to the constructor of either of those two modules (so see those two modules for a description of exactly what is valid). =cut sub request { my $self = shift; my ($app, $env) = $self->_parse_request_args(@_); my $psgi_res = $self->_resolve_response($app->($env)); # is there a better place to do this? Plack::App::Proxy already takes care # of this (since it's making a real http request) $psgi_res->[2] = [] if $env->{REQUEST_METHOD} eq 'HEAD'; # XXX: or just return the arrayref? return Plack::Response->new(@$psgi_res); } sub _parse_request_args { my $self = shift; if (blessed($_[0])) { if ($_[0]->isa('HTTP::Request')) { return $self->_request_from_http_request(@_); } elsif ($_[0]->isa('Plack::Request')) { return $self->_request_from_plack_request(@_); } else { die 'Request object must be either an HTTP::Request or a Plack::Request'; } } elsif ((reftype($_[0]) || '') eq 'HASH') { return $self->_request_from_env(@_); } else { return $self->_request_from_http_request_args(@_); } } sub _request_from_http_request { my $self = shift; my ($http_request) = @_; my $env = $self->_http_request_to_env($http_request); return $self->_request_from_env($env); } sub _request_from_plack_request { my $self = shift; my ($req) = @_; return ($self->_app_from_req($req), $req->env); } sub _request_from_env { my $self = shift; return $self->_request_from_plack_request(Plack::Request->new(@_)); } sub _request_from_http_request_args { my $self = shift; return $self->_request_from_http_request(HTTP::Request->new(@_)); } sub _http_request_to_env { my $self = shift; my ($req) = @_; my $scheme = $req->uri->scheme; my $app_name; # hack around with this - psgi requires a host and port to exist, and # for the scheme to be either http or https if ($scheme eq 'psgi-local') { $app_name = $req->uri->authority; $req->uri->scheme('http'); $req->uri->host('Plack::Client'); $req->uri->port(-1); } elsif ($scheme eq 'psgi-local-ssl') { $app_name = $req->uri->authority; $req->uri->scheme('https'); $req->uri->host('Plack::Client'); $req->uri->port(-1); } elsif ($scheme ne 'http' && $scheme ne 'https') { die 'Invalid URL scheme ' . $scheme; } # work around http::message::psgi bug - see github issue 163 for plack if (!$req->uri->path) { $req->uri->path('/'); } my $env = $req->to_psgi; # work around http::message::psgi bug - see github issue 150 for plack $env->{CONTENT_LENGTH} ||= length($req->content); $env->{'plack.client.url_scheme'} = $scheme; $env->{'plack.client.app_name'} = $app_name if defined $app_name; return $env; } sub _app_from_req { my $self = shift; my ($req) = @_; my $uri = $req->uri; my $scheme = $req->env->{'plack.client.url_scheme'} || $uri->scheme; my $app_name = $req->env->{'plack.client.app_name'}; my $app; if ($scheme eq 'psgi-local') { if (!defined $app_name) { $app_name = $uri->authority; $app_name =~ s/(.*):.*/$1/; # in case a port was added at some point } $app = $self->app_for($app_name); die "Unknown app: $app_name" unless $app; $app = Plack::Middleware::ContentLength->wrap($app); } elsif ($scheme eq 'http' || $scheme eq 'https') { my $uri = $uri->clone; $uri->path('/'); $app = Plack::App::Proxy->new(remote => $uri->as_string)->to_app; } die "Couldn't find app" unless $app; return $app; } sub _resolve_response { my $self = shift; my ($psgi_res) = @_; if (ref($psgi_res) eq 'CODE') { my $body = []; $psgi_res->(sub { $psgi_res = shift; return Plack::Util::inline_object( write => sub { push @$body, $_[0] }, close => sub { push @$psgi_res, $body }, ); }); } use Data::Dumper; die Dumper($psgi_res) unless ref($psgi_res) eq 'ARRAY'; return $psgi_res; } =method get =method head =method post =method put =method delete $client->get(''); $client->head('psgi-local://bar/admin'); $client->post('', [], "my submission"); $client->put('psgi-local-ssl://foo/new-item', [], "something new"); $client->delete(''); These methods are just shorthand for C. They only allow the "URL, headers, body" API; for anything more complicated, C should be used directly. =cut sub get { shift->request('GET', @_) } sub head { shift->request('HEAD', @_) } sub post { shift->request('POST', @_) } sub put { shift->request('PUT', @_) } sub delete { shift->request('DELETE', @_) } =head1 BUGS No known bugs. Please report any bugs through RT: email C, or browse to L. =head1 SEE ALSO L L =head1 SUPPORT You can find this documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Plack::Client You can also look for information at: =over 4 =item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation L =item * CPAN Ratings L =item * RT: CPAN's request tracker L =item * Search CPAN L =back =cut 1;