use pty_process::Command as _; use smol::io::{AsyncReadExt as _, AsyncWriteExt as _}; use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd as _; use std::os::unix::process::ExitStatusExt as _; struct RawGuard { termios: nix::sys::termios::Termios, } impl RawGuard { fn new() -> Self { let stdin = std::io::stdin().as_raw_fd(); let termios = nix::sys::termios::tcgetattr(stdin).unwrap(); let mut termios_raw = termios.clone(); nix::sys::termios::cfmakeraw(&mut termios_raw); nix::sys::termios::tcsetattr( stdin, nix::sys::termios::SetArg::TCSANOW, &termios_raw, ) .unwrap(); Self { termios } } } impl Drop for RawGuard { fn drop(&mut self) { let stdin = std::io::stdin().as_raw_fd(); let _ = nix::sys::termios::tcsetattr( stdin, nix::sys::termios::SetArg::TCSANOW, &self.termios, ); } } async fn run( child: &pty_process::smol::Child, ) -> std::result::Result<(), Box> { let _raw = RawGuard::new(); let ex = smol::Executor::new(); let input = ex.spawn(async { let mut buf = [0_u8; 4096]; let mut stdin = smol::Unblock::new(std::io::stdin()); loop { match buf).await { Ok(bytes) => { child.pty().write_all(&buf[..bytes]).await.unwrap(); } Err(e) => { eprintln!("stdin read failed: {:?}", e); break; } } } }); let output = ex.spawn(async { let mut buf = [0_u8; 4096]; let mut stdout = smol::Unblock::new(std::io::stdout()); loop { match child.pty().read(&mut buf).await { Ok(bytes) => { stdout.write_all(&buf[..bytes]).await.unwrap(); stdout.flush().await.unwrap(); } Err(e) => { // EIO means that the process closed the other // end of the pty if e.raw_os_error() != Some(libc::EIO) { eprintln!("pty read failed: {:?}", e); } break; } } } });, output)).await; Ok(()) } fn main() { let status = smol::block_on(async { let mut child = smol::process::Command::new("sleep") .args(&["500"]) .spawn_pty(Some(&pty_process::Size::new(24, 80))) .unwrap(); run(&child).await.unwrap(); child.status().await.unwrap() }); std::process::exit( status .code() .unwrap_or_else(|| status.signal().unwrap_or(0) + 128), ); }