use std::io::{Read as _, Write as _}; use std::os::unix::io::{AsRawFd as _, FromRawFd as _}; // ideally i would just be able to use tokio::fs::File::from_std on the // std::fs::File i create from the pty fd, but it appears that tokio::fs::File // doesn't actually support having both a read and a write operation happening // on it simultaneously - if you poll the future returned by .read() at any // point, .write().await will never complete (because it is trying to wait for // the read to finish before processing the write, which will never happen). // this unfortunately shows up in patterns like select! pretty frequently, so // we need to do this the complicated way/: pub struct AsyncPty(tokio::io::unix::AsyncFd); impl std::ops::Deref for AsyncPty { type Target = tokio::io::unix::AsyncFd; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } impl std::ops::DerefMut for AsyncPty { fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { &mut self.0 } } impl std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd for AsyncPty { fn as_raw_fd(&self) -> std::os::unix::io::RawFd { self.0.as_raw_fd() } } impl tokio::io::AsyncRead for AsyncPty { fn poll_read( self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>, buf: &mut tokio::io::ReadBuf, ) -> std::task::Poll> { loop { let mut guard = futures::ready!(self.0.poll_read_ready(cx))?; let mut b = [0_u8; 4096]; match guard.try_io(|inner| inner.get_ref().read(&mut b)) { Ok(Ok(bytes)) => { // XXX this is safe, but not particularly efficient buf.clear(); buf.initialize_unfilled_to(bytes); buf.set_filled(bytes); buf.filled_mut().copy_from_slice(b.get(..bytes).unwrap()); return std::task::Poll::Ready(Ok(())); } Ok(Err(e)) => return std::task::Poll::Ready(Err(e)), Err(_would_block) => continue, } } } } impl tokio::io::AsyncWrite for AsyncPty { fn poll_write( self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>, buf: &[u8], ) -> std::task::Poll> { loop { let mut guard = futures::ready!(self.0.poll_write_ready(cx))?; match guard.try_io(|inner| inner.get_ref().write(buf)) { Ok(result) => return std::task::Poll::Ready(result), Err(_would_block) => continue, } } } fn poll_flush( self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>, ) -> std::task::Poll> { loop { let mut guard = futures::ready!(self.0.poll_write_ready(cx))?; match guard.try_io(|inner| inner.get_ref().flush()) { Ok(_) => return std::task::Poll::Ready(Ok(())), Err(_would_block) => continue, } } } fn poll_shutdown( self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>, _cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>, ) -> std::task::Poll> { std::task::Poll::Ready(Ok(())) } } pub struct Pty { pt: AsyncPty, ptsname: std::path::PathBuf, } impl super::Pty for Pty { type Pt = AsyncPty; fn new() -> crate::error::Result { let (pt_fd, ptsname) = super::create_pt()?; let bits = nix::fcntl::fcntl(pt_fd, nix::fcntl::FcntlArg::F_GETFL) .map_err(crate::error::create_pty)?; // this should be safe because i am just using the return value of // F_GETFL directly, but for whatever reason nix doesn't like // from_bits(bits) (it claims it has an unknown field) let opts = unsafe { nix::fcntl::OFlag::from_bits_unchecked( bits | nix::fcntl::OFlag::O_NONBLOCK.bits(), ) }; nix::fcntl::fcntl(pt_fd, nix::fcntl::FcntlArg::F_SETFL(opts)) .map_err(crate::error::create_pty)?; // safe because posix_openpt (or the previous functions operating on // the result) would have returned an Err (causing us to return early) // if the file descriptor was invalid. additionally, into_raw_fd gives // up ownership over the file descriptor, allowing the newly created // File object to take full ownership. let pt = unsafe { std::fs::File::from_raw_fd(pt_fd) }; let pt = AsyncPty( tokio::io::unix::AsyncFd::new(pt) .map_err(crate::error::create_pty)?, ); Ok(Self { pt, ptsname }) } fn pt(&self) -> &Self::Pt { & } fn pt_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Pt { &mut } fn pts(&self) -> crate::error::Result { let fh = std::fs::OpenOptions::new() .read(true) .write(true) .open(&self.ptsname) .map_err(crate::error::create_pty)?; Ok(fh) } fn resize(&self, size: &super::Size) -> crate::error::Result<()> { super::set_term_size(, size) .map_err(crate::error::set_term_size) } }