dbrp "telegraf"."autogen" var message = ''' {{- if eq .Level "OK" -}} {{ index .Tags "host" }} is no longer using excessive disk IO {{- else -}} {{ index .Tags "host" }} is using excessive disk IO {{- end -}} ''' var details = ''' {{- if eq .Level "OK" -}} {{ index .Tags "host" }} is now only averaging {{ index .Fields "activity" }}B/s of disk usage {{- else -}} {{ index .Tags "host" }} has been averaging {{ index .Fields "activity" }}B/s of disk usage for the last 10 minutes {{- end -}} ''' stream |from() .measurement('diskio') .groupBy('host') |eval(lambda: "read_bytes" + "write_bytes") .as('activity') |sum('activity') .as('activity') |derivative('activity') .nonNegative() |window() .period(10m) |mean('activity') .as('activity') |alert() .crit(lambda: "activity" > 512*1024) .message(message) .details(details)