#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; no warnings "experimental::signatures"; use 5.020; use feature 'signatures'; use Getopt::Long; package NewGitRepo { use Cwd; use HTTP::Tiny; use JSON::PP; sub new($class, %opts) { bless { github_user => $opts{github_user}, gitlab_user => $opts{gitlab_user}, root => $opts{root}, }, $class; } sub init($self, %opts) { my $new_dir = "${\$self->{root}}/$opts{name}"; my $github_user = $self->{github_user}; my $gitlab_user = $self->{gitlab_user}; my $github_token = $self->github_token; my $gitlab_token = $self->gitlab_token; local $ENV{GIT_DIR} = $new_dir; if ($opts{from_github}) { git( 'clone', '--bare', "https://github.com/$github_user/$opts{name}", $new_dir ); git(qw(remote rm origin)); if (defined($opts{description})) { $self->set_github_description($opts{name}, $opts{description}); } } else { mkdir($new_dir); git(qw(init --bare)); $self->create_github_repository($opts{name}, $opts{description}); } $self->create_gitlab_repository($opts{name}, $opts{description}); git( 'remote', 'add', 'github', "https://$github_user:$github_token\@github.com/$github_user/$opts{name}", ); git( 'remote', 'add', 'gitlab', "https://$gitlab_user:$gitlab_token\@gitlab.com/$gitlab_user/$opts{name}.git", ); my $cgitrc = $self->generate_cgitrc(%opts); spew("$new_dir/cgitrc", $cgitrc); my $hook_file = "$new_dir/hooks/post-receive"; spew($hook_file, slurp("/usr/local/share/git/post-receive")); chmod 0755, $hook_file or die "couldn't chmod $hook_file: $!"; if ($opts{from_github}) { my $old_dir = getcwd; chdir $new_dir || die "couldn't chdir to $new_dir: $!"; eval { system('./hooks/post-receive'); }; my $err = $@; chdir $old_dir; if ($err) { $@ = $err; die; } } } sub generate_cgitrc($self, %opts) { my $desc = defined($opts{description}) ? $opts{description} : $self->repo_metadata($opts{name})->{description}; my %cgit_opts = ( (defined($desc) ? (desc => $desc) : ()), section => $opts{unmaintained} ? "unmaintained" : "maintained", ); join("\n", map { "$_=$cgit_opts{$_}" } sort keys %cgit_opts) . "\n"; } sub repo_metadata($self, $name) { my $query = <{github_user}}", name: "$name") { description } } EOF $self->github_v4($query)->{data}{repository}; } sub set_github_description($self, $name, $description) { $self->github_v3( 'PATCH', "/repos/${\$self->{github_user}}/$name", { description => $description, } ); } sub create_github_repository($self, $name, $description) { $self->github_v3( 'POST', '/user/repos', { name => $name, (defined($description) ? (description => $description) : ()), } ); } sub create_gitlab_repository($self, $name, $description) { $self->gitlab_v4( 'POST', '/projects', { name => $name, (defined($description) ? (description => $description) : ()), visibility => 'public', } ); } sub github_v3($self, $method, $path, $data=undef) { my $res = $self->github_ua->request( $method, "https://api.github.com$path", { (defined($data) ? (content => encode_json($data)) : ()), } ); if (!$res->{success}) { die "query failed ($res->{status}): $res->{content}"; } decode_json($res->{content}) } sub github_v4($self, $query) { my $res = $self->github_ua->post( "https://api.github.com/graphql", { content => encode_json({query => $query}), } ); if (!$res->{success}) { die "query failed ($res->{status}): $res->{content}"; } decode_json($res->{content}) } sub gitlab_v4($self, $method, $path, $data=undef) { my $res = $self->gitlab_ua->request( $method, "https://gitlab.com/api/v4$path", { (defined($data) ? (content => encode_json($data)) : ()), } ); if (!$res->{success}) { die "query failed ($res->{status}): $res->{content}"; } decode_json($res->{content}) } sub github_ua($self) { $self->{github_ua} ||= HTTP::Tiny->new( default_headers => { 'Authorization' => "bearer ${\$self->github_token}", 'Content-Type' => "application/json", 'Accept' => "application/json", }, verify_SSL => 1, ); } sub gitlab_ua($self) { $self->{gitlab_ua} ||= HTTP::Tiny->new( default_headers => { 'Authorization' => "bearer ${\$self->gitlab_token}", 'Content-Type' => "application/json", 'Accept' => "application/json", }, verify_SSL => 1, ); } sub github_token($self) { $self->{github_token} ||= do { chomp(my $token = slurp("$ENV{HOME}/.github")); $token } } sub gitlab_token($self) { $self->{gitlab_token} ||= do { chomp(my $token = slurp("$ENV{HOME}/.gitlab")); $token } } sub git(@args) { system('git', @args) and die "couldn't run git: $!"; } sub slurp($filename) { open my $fh, '<', $filename or die "couldn't open $filename: $!"; do { local $/; <$fh> }; } sub spew($filename, $contents) { open my $fh, '>', $filename or die "couldn't open $filename: $!"; print $fh $contents or die "couldn't write to $filename: $!"; close $fh or die "couldn't close $filename: $!"; } } sub main(@argv) { my %opts = parse_args(\@argv); my $github_user = delete $opts{github_user}; my $gitlab_user = delete $opts{gitlab_user}; my $root = delete $opts{root}; NewGitRepo->new( github_user => $github_user, gitlab_user => $gitlab_user, root => $root, )->init(%opts); } sub parse_args($argv) { my %opts = ( from_github => undef, github_user => "doy", gitlab_user => "doyster", root => "$ENV{HOME}/git", unmaintained => undef, description => undef, ); Getopt::Long::GetOptionsFromArray( $argv, 'from-github' => \$opts{from_github}, 'github_user=s' => \$opts{github_user}, 'gitlab_user=s' => \$opts{gitlab_user}, 'root=s' => \$opts{root}, 'unmaintained' => \$opts{unmaintained}, 'description=s' => \$opts{description}, ); $opts{name} = shift @$argv; die "extra args found: " . join(' ', @$argv) if @$argv; %opts } main(@ARGV);