# Phase 0: absolute basics that we must start with # things that must be provided by the underlying system: a place to store the # mop itself, a data structure for instance data (with no associated behavior), # and a way to run a chunk of code, given an invocant and argument list Class = None Object = None Method = None Attribute = None class BasicInstance(object): def __init__(self, metaclass, slots): self.metaclass = metaclass self.slots = slots def execute_method(method, invocant, args, kwargs): return method.slots["body"](invocant, *args, **kwargs) # shim layer to interface with python - in a real system, this wouldn't be # necessary, but this allows us to pass python-level method calls through to # our mop infrastructure UNDERLYING_CLASSES = {} def python_class_for(c, name=None): key = c.__hash__() if key not in UNDERLYING_CLASSES.keys(): if name is None: name = c.get_name() UNDERLYING_CLASSES[key] = type(name, (object,), {}) return UNDERLYING_CLASSES[key] def python_install_method(c, name, method): setattr( python_class_for(c), name, lambda self, *args, **kwargs: method.execute(self, args, kwargs) ) def bootstrap(): # Phase 1: construct the core classes def bootstrap_create_class(name, superclass): c = BasicInstance( globals().get("Class"), { "name": name, "superclass": superclass, "methods": {}, "attributes": {}, }, ) # need to make sure we call this explicitly with the class name during # the bootstrap, since we won't have get_name() yet python_class_for(c, name) return c def bootstrap_create_method(name, body): return BasicInstance( globals().get("Method"), { "name": name, "body": body, } ) def bootstrap_create_attribute(name, default): return BasicInstance( globals().get("Attribute"), { "name": name, "default": default, } ) global Class, Object, Method, Attribute Class = bootstrap_create_class('Class', None) Object = bootstrap_create_class('Object', None) Method = bootstrap_create_class('Method', Object) Attribute = bootstrap_create_class('Attribute', Object) # this add_method implementation is temporary, since it touches the slots # directly and fiddles with method.__class__ and such - once the full mop # is complete, we won't need to do those things (and they might even be the # wrong things to do), so we will replace it at the end def add_method(self, method): name = method.slots["name"] self.slots["methods"][name] = method method.__class__ = python_class_for(Method) python_install_method(self, name, method) Class.slots["methods"]["add_method"] = bootstrap_create_method( "add_method", add_method ) Method.slots["methods"]["execute"] = bootstrap_create_method( "execute", execute_method ) # Phase 2: tie the knot Class.metaclass = Class Class.slots["superclass"] = Object # Phase 3: associate the core classes with their underlying method table Class.__class__ = python_class_for(Class) Object.__class__ = python_class_for(Class) Method.__class__ = python_class_for(Class) Attribute.__class__ = python_class_for(Class) m1 = Class.slots["methods"]["add_method"] m1.metaclass = Method m1.__class__ = python_class_for(Method) python_install_method(Class, "add_method", m1) # note: not using python_install_method here, since that installs a method # which calls method.execute, and this is where we have the recursion base # case m2 = Method.slots["methods"]["execute"] m2.metaclass = Method m2.__class__ = python_class_for(Method) setattr(python_class_for(Method), "execute", execute_method) # Phase 4: manually assemble enough scaffolding to allow object construction def gen_reader(name): return lambda self: self.slots[name] # get_mro needs get_superclass Class.add_method(bootstrap_create_method( "get_superclass", gen_reader("superclass") )) # get_all_attributes requires get_mro def get_mro(self): mro = [ self ] parent = self.get_superclass() if parent: mro.extend(parent.get_mro()) return mro Class.add_method(bootstrap_create_method( "get_mro", get_mro )) # get_all_attributes requires get_local_attributes Class.add_method(bootstrap_create_method( "get_local_attributes", gen_reader("attributes") )) # create_instance requires get_all_attributes def get_all_attributes(self): attributes = {} for c in reversed(self.get_mro()): attributes.update(c.get_local_attributes()) return attributes Class.add_method(bootstrap_create_method( "get_all_attributes", get_all_attributes )) # get_default_for_instance requires get_default Attribute.add_method(bootstrap_create_method( "get_default", gen_reader("default") )) # create_instance requires get_default_for_instance def get_default_for_instance(self): default = self.get_default() if callable(default): default = default() return default Attribute.add_method(bootstrap_create_method( "get_default_for_instance", get_default_for_instance )) # new requires create_instance def create_instance(self, kwargs): slots = {} attrs = self.get_all_attributes() for attr_name in attrs: attr = attrs[attr_name] if attr_name in kwargs.keys(): slots[attr_name] = kwargs[attr_name] else: slots[attr_name] = attr.get_default_for_instance() instance = BasicInstance(self, slots) instance.__class__ = python_class_for(self) return instance Class.add_method(bootstrap_create_method( "create_instance", create_instance )) def new(self, **kwargs): return self.create_instance(kwargs) Class.add_method(bootstrap_create_method( "new", new )) # Phase 5: Object construction works, just need attributes to construct with Attribute.add_method(bootstrap_create_method( "get_name", gen_reader("name") )) def add_attribute(self, attr): self.get_local_attributes()[attr.get_name()] = attr Class.add_method(bootstrap_create_method( "add_attribute", add_attribute )) attr_name = bootstrap_create_attribute("name", None) attr_name.__class__ = python_class_for(Attribute) Attribute.add_attribute(attr_name) attr_default = bootstrap_create_attribute("default", None) attr_default.__class__ = python_class_for(Attribute) Attribute.add_attribute(attr_default) # and now object creation works! add the method attributes now to allow # creating method objects Method.add_attribute(Attribute.new(name="name")) Method.add_attribute(Attribute.new(name="body")) # Phase 6: now we can populate the rest of the mop Method.add_method(Method.new( name="get_name", body=gen_reader("name") )) Method.add_method(Method.new( name="get_body", body=gen_reader("body") )) def get_value(self, instance): return instance.slots[self.get_name()] Attribute.add_method(Method.new( name="get_value", body=get_value )) Class.add_attribute(Attribute.new(name="name")) Class.add_attribute(Attribute.new(name="superclass")) Class.add_attribute(Attribute.new(name="attributes", default=lambda: {})) Class.add_attribute(Attribute.new(name="methods", default=lambda: {})) Class.add_method(Method.new( name="get_name", body=gen_reader("name") )) Class.add_method(Method.new( name="get_local_methods", body=gen_reader("methods") )) def get_all_methods(self): methods = {} for c in reversed(self.get_mro()): methods.update(c.get_local_methods()) return methods Class.add_method(Method.new( name="get_all_methods", body=get_all_methods )) Class.add_method(Method.new( name="attribute_class", body=lambda self: Attribute )) Class.add_method(Method.new( name="method_class", body=lambda self: Method )) Class.add_method(Method.new( name="base_object_class", body=lambda self: Object )) def finalize(self): for method in self.get_all_methods().values(): python_install_method(self, method.get_name(), method) Class.add_method(Method.new( name="finalize", body=finalize )) def isa(self, other): mro = self.metaclass.get_mro() return other in mro Object.add_method(Method.new( name="isa", body=isa )) def can(self, method_name): return self.metaclass.get_all_methods().get(method_name) Object.add_method(Method.new( name="can", body=can )) # Phase 7: now we have to clean up after ourselves for c in [ Class, Object, Method, Attribute ]: for method in c.get_local_methods().values(): method.__class__ = python_class_for(Method) for attribute in c.get_local_attributes().values(): attribute.__class__ = python_class_for(Attribute) for method in Object.get_local_methods().values(): python_install_method(Class, method.get_name(), method) python_install_method(Method, method.get_name(), method) python_install_method(Attribute, method.get_name(), method) def add_method(self, method): self.get_local_methods()[method.get_name()] = method Class.add_method(Method.new( name="add_method", body=add_method )) bootstrap()