# termcast

This module is a client for the L<http://termcast.org/> service, which allows
broadcasting of a terminal session for remote viewing. It can be installed
either via `pip install termcast_client` or by downloading the standalone

To run it, just run `termcast`. A new shell will open, and it will start
streaming data to the termcast server. You can view the contents by following
the instructions at [termcast.org](http://termcast.org/).

## Detailed Usage

    termcast [--host <host>] [--port <port>] [--username <username>]
             [--password <password>] [command...]

* `--host` defaults to `noway.ratry.ru`
* `--port` defaults to `31337`
* `--username` defaults to the contents of `$USER`
* `--password` defaults to asdf
* the command defaults to the contents of `$SHELL`, or `/bin/sh` if not set