path: root/src/bin/rbw-agent.rs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/bin/rbw-agent.rs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 248 deletions
diff --git a/src/bin/rbw-agent.rs b/src/bin/rbw-agent.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 00c4dd5..0000000
--- a/src/bin/rbw-agent.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-use tokio::io::{AsyncBufReadExt as _, AsyncWriteExt as _};
-use tokio::stream::StreamExt as _;
-fn make_socket() -> anyhow::Result<tokio::net::UnixListener> {
- let runtime_dir = rbw::dirs::runtime_dir();
- std::fs::create_dir_all(&runtime_dir)?;
- let path = runtime_dir.join("socket");
- std::fs::remove_file(&path)?;
- let sock = tokio::net::UnixListener::bind(&path)?;
- log::debug!("listening on socket {}", path.to_string_lossy());
- Ok(sock)
-async fn send_response(
- sock: &mut tokio::net::UnixStream,
- res: &rbw::agent::Response,
-) {
- sock.write_all(serde_json::to_string(res).unwrap().as_bytes())
- .await
- .unwrap();
- sock.write_all(b"\n").await.unwrap();
-async fn login(
- sock: &mut tokio::net::UnixStream,
- state: std::sync::Arc<tokio::sync::RwLock<State>>,
- tty: Option<&str>,
-) {
- let mut state = state.write().await;
- let email = config_email().await;
- let mut db = rbw::db::Db::load_async(&email)
- .await
- .unwrap_or_else(|_| rbw::db::Db::new());
- if db.needs_login() {
- let password =
- rbw::pinentry::getpin("prompt", "desc", tty).await.unwrap();
- let (access_token, refresh_token, iterations, protected_key, keys) =
- rbw::actions::login(&email, &password).await.unwrap();
- state.priv_key = Some(keys);
- db.access_token = Some(access_token);
- db.refresh_token = Some(refresh_token);
- db.iterations = Some(iterations);
- db.protected_key = Some(protected_key);
- db.save_async(&email).await.unwrap();
- }
- send_response(sock, &rbw::agent::Response::Ack).await;
-async fn unlock(
- sock: &mut tokio::net::UnixStream,
- state: std::sync::Arc<tokio::sync::RwLock<State>>,
- tty: Option<&str>,
-) {
- let mut state = state.write().await;
- if state.needs_unlock() {
- let email = config_email().await;
- let password =
- rbw::pinentry::getpin("prompt", "desc", tty).await.unwrap();
- let db = rbw::db::Db::load_async(&email)
- .await
- .unwrap_or_else(|_| rbw::db::Db::new());
- let keys = rbw::actions::unlock(
- &email,
- &password,
- db.iterations.unwrap(),
- db.protected_key.as_deref().unwrap(),
- )
- .await
- .unwrap();
- state.priv_key = Some(keys);
- }
- send_response(sock, &rbw::agent::Response::Ack).await;
-async fn lock(
- sock: &mut tokio::net::UnixStream,
- state: std::sync::Arc<tokio::sync::RwLock<State>>,
-) {
- let mut state = state.write().await;
- state.priv_key = None;
- send_response(sock, &rbw::agent::Response::Ack).await;
-async fn sync(sock: &mut tokio::net::UnixStream) {
- let email = config_email().await;
- let mut db = rbw::db::Db::load_async(&email)
- .await
- .unwrap_or_else(|_| rbw::db::Db::new());
- let (protected_key, ciphers) =
- rbw::actions::sync(db.access_token.as_ref().unwrap())
- .await
- .unwrap();
- db.protected_key = Some(protected_key);
- db.ciphers = ciphers;
- db.save_async(&email).await.unwrap();
- send_response(sock, &rbw::agent::Response::Ack).await;
-async fn decrypt(
- sock: &mut tokio::net::UnixStream,
- state: std::sync::Arc<tokio::sync::RwLock<State>>,
- cipherstring: &str,
-) {
- let state = state.read().await;
- let keys = state.priv_key.as_ref().unwrap();
- let cipherstring =
- rbw::cipherstring::CipherString::new(cipherstring).unwrap();
- let plaintext =
- String::from_utf8(cipherstring.decrypt(keys).unwrap()).unwrap();
- send_response(sock, &rbw::agent::Response::Decrypt { plaintext }).await;
-async fn handle_sock(
- sock: tokio::net::UnixStream,
- state: std::sync::Arc<tokio::sync::RwLock<State>>,
-) {
- let mut buf = tokio::io::BufStream::new(sock);
- let mut line = String::new();
- buf.read_line(&mut line).await.unwrap();
- let mut sock = buf.into_inner();
- let msg: rbw::agent::Request = serde_json::from_str(&line).unwrap();
- match msg.action {
- rbw::agent::Action::Login => {
- login(&mut sock, state.clone(), msg.tty.as_deref()).await
- }
- rbw::agent::Action::Unlock => {
- unlock(&mut sock, state.clone(), msg.tty.as_deref()).await
- }
- rbw::agent::Action::Lock => lock(&mut sock, state.clone()).await,
- rbw::agent::Action::Sync => sync(&mut sock).await,
- rbw::agent::Action::Decrypt { cipherstring } => {
- decrypt(&mut sock, state.clone(), &cipherstring).await
- }
- rbw::agent::Action::Quit => std::process::exit(0),
- }
-async fn config_email() -> String {
- let config = rbw::config::Config::load_async().await.unwrap();
- config.email.unwrap()
-struct State {
- priv_key: Option<rbw::locked::Keys>,
-impl State {
- fn needs_unlock(&self) -> bool {
- self.priv_key.is_none()
- }
-struct Agent {
- timeout: tokio::time::Delay,
- state: std::sync::Arc<tokio::sync::RwLock<State>>,
-impl Agent {
- fn new() -> Self {
- let config = rbw::config::Config::load().unwrap();
- Self {
- timeout: tokio::time::delay_for(
- tokio::time::Duration::from_secs(config.lock_timeout),
- ),
- state: std::sync::Arc::new(tokio::sync::RwLock::new(State {
- priv_key: None,
- })),
- }
- }
- async fn run(&mut self, mut listener: tokio::net::UnixListener) {
- loop {
- tokio::select! {
- sock = listener.next() => {
- let state = self.state.clone();
- tokio::spawn(async move {
- handle_sock(sock.unwrap().unwrap(), state).await
- });
- }
- _ = &mut self.timeout => {
- self.state.write().await.priv_key = None
- }
- }
- }
- }
-fn main() {
- env_logger::from_env(
- env_logger::Env::default().default_filter_or("info"),
- )
- .init();
- let runtime_dir = rbw::dirs::runtime_dir();
- std::fs::create_dir_all(&runtime_dir).unwrap();
- let (r, w) = nix::unistd::pipe().unwrap();
- let res = daemonize::Daemonize::new()
- .pid_file(runtime_dir.join("pidfile"))
- .exit_action(move || {
- nix::unistd::close(w).unwrap();
- let mut buf = [0; 1];
- nix::unistd::read(r, &mut buf).unwrap();
- nix::unistd::close(r).unwrap();
- })
- .start();
- nix::unistd::close(r).unwrap();
- match res {
- Ok(_) => (),
- Err(e) => {
- match e {
- daemonize::DaemonizeError::LockPidfile(_) => {
- // this means that there is already an agent running, so
- // return a special exit code to allow the cli to detect
- // this case and not error out
- std::process::exit(23);
- }
- _ => panic!("failed to daemonize: {}", e),
- }
- }
- }
- tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap().block_on(async {
- let listener = make_socket();
- nix::unistd::write(w, &[0]).unwrap();
- nix::unistd::close(w).unwrap();
- let mut agent = Agent::new();
- agent.run(listener.unwrap()).await;
- })