NAME = $(shell cargo metadata --no-deps --format-version 1 | jq '.packages[0].name') VERSION = $(shell cargo metadata --no-deps --format-version 1 | jq '.packages[0].version') DEB_PACKAGE = $(NAME)_$(VERSION)_amd64.deb all: build .PHONY: all build: @cargo build --all-targets --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl .PHONY: build release: @cargo build --release --all-targets --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl .PHONY: release test: @RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo test --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl .PHONY: test check: @cargo check --all-targets --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl .PHONY: check doc: @cargo doc --workspace .PHONY: doc clean: @rm -rf *.log pkg .PHONY: clean cleanall: clean @cargo clean .PHONY: cleanall package: pkg/$(DEB_PACKAGE) .PHONY: package pkg: @mkdir pkg pkg/$(DEB_PACKAGE): release | pkg @cargo deb --no-build --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl && mv target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/debian/$(DEB_PACKAGE) pkg pkg/$(DEB_PACKAGE).minisig: pkg/$(DEB_PACKAGE) @minisign -Sm pkg/$(DEB_PACKAGE) release-dir-deb: @ssh mkdir -p releases/rbw/deb .PHONY: release-dir-deb publish: publish-crates-io publish-git-tags publish-deb .PHONY: publish publish-crates-io: test @cargo publish .PHONY: publish-crates-io # force shell instead of exec to work around # since i have ~/.bin/git as a directory publish-git-tags: test @:; git tag $(VERSION) @:; git push --tags .PHONY: publish-git-tags publish-deb: test pkg/$(DEB_PACKAGE) pkg/$(DEB_PACKAGE).minisig release-dir-deb @scp pkg/$(DEB_PACKAGE) pkg/$(DEB_PACKAGE).minisig .PHONY: publish-deb