use anyhow::Context as _; use tokio::stream::StreamExt as _; #[derive(Debug)] pub enum TimeoutEvent { Set, Clear, } pub struct State { pub priv_key: Option, pub timeout_chan: tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedSender, } impl State { pub fn needs_unlock(&self) -> bool { self.priv_key.is_none() } pub fn set_timeout(&mut self) { // no real better option to unwrap here self.timeout_chan.send(TimeoutEvent::Set).unwrap(); } pub fn clear(&mut self) { self.priv_key = None; // no real better option to unwrap here self.timeout_chan.send(TimeoutEvent::Clear).unwrap(); } } pub struct Agent { timeout_duration: tokio::time::Duration, timeout: Option, timeout_chan: tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedReceiver, state: std::sync::Arc>, } impl Agent { pub fn new() -> anyhow::Result { let config = rbw::config::Config::load().context("failed to load config")?; let timeout_duration = tokio::time::Duration::from_secs(config.lock_timeout); let (w, r) = tokio::sync::mpsc::unbounded_channel(); Ok(Self { timeout_duration, timeout: None, timeout_chan: r, state: std::sync::Arc::new(tokio::sync::RwLock::new(State { priv_key: None, timeout_chan: w, })), }) } fn set_timeout(&mut self) { self.timeout = Some(tokio::time::delay_for(self.timeout_duration)); } fn clear_timeout(&mut self) { self.timeout = None; } pub async fn run( &mut self, mut listener: tokio::net::UnixListener, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { // tokio only supports timeouts up to 2^36 milliseconds let mut forever = tokio::time::delay_for( tokio::time::Duration::from_secs(60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 2), ); loop { let timeout = if let Some(timeout) = &mut self.timeout { timeout } else { &mut forever }; tokio::select! { Some(sock) = => { let mut sock = crate::sock::Sock::new( sock.context("failed to accept incoming connection")? ); let state = self.state.clone(); tokio::spawn(async move { let res = handle_request(&mut sock, state.clone()).await; if let Err(e) = res { // unwrap is the only option here sock.send(&rbw::protocol::Response::Error { error: format!("{:#}", e), }).await.unwrap(); } }); } _ = timeout => { let state = self.state.clone(); tokio::spawn(async move{ state.write().await.clear(); }); } Some(ev) = &mut => { match ev { TimeoutEvent::Set => self.set_timeout(), TimeoutEvent::Clear => self.clear_timeout(), } } } } } } async fn handle_request( sock: &mut crate::sock::Sock, state: std::sync::Arc>, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let req = sock .recv() .await .context("failed to receive incoming message")?; let req = match req { Ok(msg) => msg, Err(error) => { sock.send(&rbw::protocol::Response::Error { error }) .await .context("failed to send response")?; return Ok(()); } }; let set_timeout = match &req.action { rbw::protocol::Action::Login => { crate::actions::login(sock, state.clone(), req.tty.as_deref()) .await?; true } rbw::protocol::Action::Unlock => { crate::actions::unlock(sock, state.clone(), req.tty.as_deref()) .await?; true } rbw::protocol::Action::Lock => { crate::actions::lock(sock, state.clone()).await?; false } rbw::protocol::Action::Sync => { crate::actions::sync(sock).await?; false } rbw::protocol::Action::Decrypt { cipherstring } => { crate::actions::decrypt(sock, state.clone(), &cipherstring) .await?; true } rbw::protocol::Action::Encrypt { plaintext } => { crate::actions::encrypt(sock, state.clone(), &plaintext).await?; true } rbw::protocol::Action::Quit => std::process::exit(0), }; if set_timeout { state.write().await.set_timeout(); } Ok(()) }