#![allow(clippy::large_enum_variant)] use anyhow::Context as _; use std::io::Write as _; use structopt::StructOpt as _; mod actions; mod commands; mod sock; #[derive(Debug, structopt::StructOpt)] #[structopt(about = "Unofficial Bitwarden CLI")] enum Opt { #[structopt(about = "Get or set configuration options")] Config { #[structopt(subcommand)] config: Config, }, #[structopt(about = "Log in to the Bitwarden server")] Login { #[structopt( long, help = "Log in to the Bitwarden server using your user API key (see https://bitwarden.com/help/article/personal-api-key/)" )] apikey: bool, }, #[structopt(about = "Unlock the local Bitwarden database")] Unlock, #[structopt(about = "Check if the local Bitwarden database is unlocked")] Unlocked, #[structopt(about = "Update the local copy of the Bitwarden database")] Sync, #[structopt( about = "List all entries in the local Bitwarden database", visible_alias = "ls" )] List { #[structopt( long, help = "Fields to display. \ Available options are id, name, user, folder. \ Multiple fields will be separated by tabs.", default_value = "name", use_delimiter = true )] fields: Vec, }, #[structopt(about = "Display the password for a given entry")] Get { #[structopt(help = "Name or UUID of the entry to display")] name: String, #[structopt(help = "Username of the entry to display")] user: Option, #[structopt(long, help = "Folder name to search in")] folder: Option, #[structopt( long, help = "Display the notes in addition to the password" )] full: bool, }, #[structopt(about = "Display the authenticator code for a given entry")] Code { #[structopt(help = "Name or UUID of the entry to display")] name: String, #[structopt(help = "Username of the entry to display")] user: Option, #[structopt(long, help = "Folder name to search in")] folder: Option, }, #[structopt( about = "Add a new password to the database", long_about = "Add a new password to the database\n\n\ This command will open a text editor to enter \ the password and notes. The editor to use is determined \ by the value of the $VISUAL or $EDITOR environment variables. The first line will be saved as the password and the \ remainder will be saved as a note." )] Add { #[structopt(help = "Name of the password entry")] name: String, #[structopt(help = "Username for the password entry")] user: Option, #[structopt( long, help = "URI for the password entry", multiple = true, number_of_values = 1 )] uri: Vec, #[structopt(long, help = "Folder for the password entry")] folder: Option, }, #[structopt( about = "Generate a new password", long_about = "Generate a new password\n\n\ If given a password entry name, also save the generated \ password to the database.", visible_alias = "gen", group = structopt::clap::ArgGroup::with_name("password-type").args(&[ "no-symbols", "only-numbers", "nonconfusables", "diceware", ]) )] Generate { #[structopt(help = "Length of the password to generate")] len: usize, #[structopt(help = "Name of the password entry")] name: Option, #[structopt(help = "Username for the password entry")] user: Option, #[structopt( long, help = "URI for the password entry", multiple = true, number_of_values = 1 )] uri: Vec, #[structopt(long, help = "Folder for the password entry")] folder: Option, #[structopt( long = "no-symbols", help = "Generate a password with no special characters" )] no_symbols: bool, #[structopt( long = "only-numbers", help = "Generate a password consisting of only numbers" )] only_numbers: bool, #[structopt( long, help = "Generate a password without visually similar \ characters (useful for passwords intended to be \ written down)" )] nonconfusables: bool, #[structopt( long, help = "Generate a password of multiple dictionary \ words chosen from the EFF word list. The len \ parameter for this option will set the number \ of words to generate, rather than characters." )] diceware: bool, }, #[structopt( about = "Modify an existing password", long_about = "Modify an existing password\n\n\ This command will open a text editor with the existing \ password and notes of the given entry for editing. \ The editor to use is determined by the value of the \ $VISUAL or $EDITOR environment variables. The first line \ will be saved as the password and the remainder will be saved \ as a note." )] Edit { #[structopt(help = "Name or UUID of the password entry")] name: String, #[structopt(help = "Username for the password entry")] user: Option, #[structopt(long, help = "Folder name to search in")] folder: Option, }, #[structopt(about = "Remove a given entry", visible_alias = "rm")] Remove { #[structopt(help = "Name or UUID of the password entry")] name: String, #[structopt(help = "Username for the password entry")] user: Option, #[structopt(long, help = "Folder name to search in")] folder: Option, }, #[structopt(about = "View the password history for a given entry")] History { #[structopt(help = "Name or UUID of the password entry")] name: String, #[structopt(help = "Username for the password entry")] user: Option, #[structopt(long, help = "Folder name to search in")] folder: Option, }, #[structopt(about = "Lock the password database")] Lock, #[structopt(about = "Remove the local copy of the password database")] Purge, #[structopt( name = "stop-agent", about = "Terminate the background agent" )] StopAgent, #[structopt( name = "gen-completions", about = "Generate completion script for the given shell" )] GenCompletions { shell: String }, } impl Opt { fn subcommand_name(&self) -> String { match self { Self::Config { config } => { format!("config {}", config.subcommand_name()) } Self::Login { .. } => "login".to_string(), Self::Unlock => "unlock".to_string(), Self::Unlocked => "unlocked".to_string(), Self::Sync => "sync".to_string(), Self::List { .. } => "list".to_string(), Self::Get { .. } => "get".to_string(), Self::Code { .. } => "code".to_string(), Self::Add { .. } => "add".to_string(), Self::Generate { .. } => "generate".to_string(), Self::Edit { .. } => "edit".to_string(), Self::Remove { .. } => "remove".to_string(), Self::History { .. } => "history".to_string(), Self::Lock => "lock".to_string(), Self::Purge => "purge".to_string(), Self::StopAgent => "stop-agent".to_string(), Self::GenCompletions { .. } => "gen-completions".to_string(), } } } #[derive(Debug, structopt::StructOpt)] enum Config { #[structopt(about = "Show the values of all configuration settings")] Show, #[structopt(about = "Set a configuration option")] Set { #[structopt(help = "Configuration key to set")] key: String, #[structopt(help = "Value to set the configuration option to")] value: String, }, #[structopt(about = "Reset a configuration option to its default")] Unset { #[structopt(help = "Configuration key to unset")] key: String, }, } impl Config { fn subcommand_name(&self) -> String { match self { Self::Show => "show", Self::Set { .. } => "set", Self::Unset { .. } => "unset", } .to_string() } } #[paw::main] fn main(opt: Opt) { env_logger::Builder::from_env( env_logger::Env::default().default_filter_or("info"), ) .format(|buf, record| { if let Some((w, _)) = term_size::dimensions() { let out = format!("{}: {}", record.level(), record.args()); writeln!(buf, "{}", textwrap::fill(&out, w - 1)) } else { writeln!(buf, "{}: {}", record.level(), record.args()) } }) .init(); let res = match &opt { Opt::Config { config } => match config { Config::Show => commands::config_show(), Config::Set { key, value } => commands::config_set(key, value), Config::Unset { key } => commands::config_unset(key), }, Opt::Login { apikey } => commands::login(*apikey), Opt::Unlock => commands::unlock(), Opt::Unlocked => commands::unlocked(), Opt::Sync => commands::sync(), Opt::List { fields } => commands::list(fields), Opt::Get { name, user, folder, full, } => commands::get(name, user.as_deref(), folder.as_deref(), *full), Opt::Code { name, user, folder } => { commands::code(name, user.as_deref(), folder.as_deref()) } Opt::Add { name, user, uri, folder, } => commands::add( name, user.as_deref(), uri.iter() // XXX not sure what the ui for specifying the match type // should be .map(|uri| (uri.clone(), None)) .collect::>(), folder.as_deref(), ), Opt::Generate { len, name, user, uri, folder, no_symbols, only_numbers, nonconfusables, diceware, } => { let ty = if *no_symbols { rbw::pwgen::Type::NoSymbols } else if *only_numbers { rbw::pwgen::Type::Numbers } else if *nonconfusables { rbw::pwgen::Type::NonConfusables } else if *diceware { rbw::pwgen::Type::Diceware } else { rbw::pwgen::Type::AllChars }; commands::generate( name.as_deref(), user.as_deref(), uri.iter() // XXX not sure what the ui for specifying the match type // should be .map(|uri| (uri.clone(), None)) .collect::>(), folder.as_deref(), *len, ty, ) } Opt::Edit { name, user, folder } => { commands::edit(name, user.as_deref(), folder.as_deref()) } Opt::Remove { name, user, folder } => { commands::remove(name, user.as_deref(), folder.as_deref()) } Opt::History { name, user, folder } => { commands::history(name, user.as_deref(), folder.as_deref()) } Opt::Lock => commands::lock(), Opt::Purge => commands::purge(), Opt::StopAgent => commands::stop_agent(), Opt::GenCompletions { shell } => gen_completions(shell), } .context(format!("rbw {}", opt.subcommand_name())); if let Err(e) = res { eprintln!("{:#}", e); std::process::exit(1); } } fn gen_completions(shell: &str) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let shell = match shell { "bash" => structopt::clap::Shell::Bash, "zsh" => structopt::clap::Shell::Zsh, "fish" => structopt::clap::Shell::Fish, "powershell" => structopt::clap::Shell::PowerShell, "elvish" => structopt::clap::Shell::Elvish, _ => return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("unknown shell {}", shell)), }; Opt::clap().gen_completions_to("rbw", shell, &mut std::io::stdout()); Ok(()) }