use crate::prelude::*; use block_modes::BlockMode as _; use rand::RngCore as _; pub struct CipherString { ty: u8, iv: Vec, ciphertext: Vec, mac: Option>, } impl CipherString { pub fn new(s: &str) -> Result { let parts: Vec<&str> = s.split('.').collect(); if parts.len() != 2 { return Err(Error::InvalidCipherString); } let ty = parts[0].as_bytes(); if ty.len() != 1 { return Err(Error::InvalidCipherString); } let ty = ty[0] - b'0'; let contents = parts[1]; let parts: Vec<&str> = contents.split('|').collect(); if parts.len() < 2 || parts.len() > 3 { return Err(Error::InvalidCipherString); } let iv = base64::decode(parts[0]).context(crate::error::InvalidBase64)?; let ciphertext = base64::decode(parts[1]).context(crate::error::InvalidBase64)?; let mac = if parts.len() > 2 { Some( base64::decode(parts[2]) .context(crate::error::InvalidBase64)?, ) } else { None }; Ok(Self { ty, iv, ciphertext, mac, }) } pub fn encrypt( keys: &crate::locked::Keys, plaintext: &[u8], ) -> Result { let iv = random_iv(); // ring doesn't currently support CBC ciphers, so we have to do it // manually. see let cipher = block_modes::Cbc::< aes::Aes256, block_modes::block_padding::Pkcs7, >::new_var(keys.enc_key(), &iv) .context(crate::error::CreateBlockMode)?; let ciphertext = cipher.encrypt_vec(plaintext); let mut digest = ring::hmac::Context::with_key( &ring::hmac::Key::new(ring::hmac::HMAC_SHA256, keys.mac_key()), ); digest.update(&iv); digest.update(&ciphertext); let mac = digest.sign().as_ref().to_vec(); Ok(Self { ty: 2, iv, ciphertext, mac: Some(mac), }) } pub fn decrypt(&self, keys: &crate::locked::Keys) -> Result> { let cipher = self.decrypt_common(keys)?; cipher .decrypt_vec(&self.ciphertext) .context(crate::error::Decrypt) } pub fn decrypt_locked( &self, keys: &crate::locked::Keys, ) -> Result { let mut res = crate::locked::Vec::new(); res.extend(self.ciphertext.iter().copied()); let cipher = self.decrypt_common(keys)?; cipher .decrypt(res.data_mut()) .context(crate::error::Decrypt)?; Ok(res) } fn decrypt_common( &self, keys: &crate::locked::Keys, ) -> Result< block_modes::Cbc, > { if self.ty != 2 { unimplemented!() } if let Some(mac) = &self.mac { let key = ring::hmac::Key::new(ring::hmac::HMAC_SHA256, keys.mac_key()); // it'd be nice to not have to pull this into a vec, but ring // doesn't currently support non-contiguous verification. see // let data: Vec<_> = self .iv .iter() .chain(self.ciphertext.iter()) .copied() .collect(); if ring::hmac::verify(&key, &data, mac).is_err() { return Err(Error::InvalidMac); } } // ring doesn't currently support CBC ciphers, so we have to do it // manually. see Ok(block_modes::Cbc::< aes::Aes256, block_modes::block_padding::Pkcs7, >::new_var(keys.enc_key(), &self.iv) .context(crate::error::CreateBlockMode)?) } } impl std::fmt::Display for CipherString { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { let iv = base64::encode(&self.iv); let ciphertext = base64::encode(&self.ciphertext); if let Some(mac) = &self.mac { let mac = base64::encode(&mac); write!(f, "{}.{}|{}|{}", self.ty, iv, ciphertext, mac) } else { write!(f, "{}.{}|{}", self.ty, iv, ciphertext) } } } fn random_iv() -> Vec { let mut iv = vec![0_u8; 16]; let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); rng.fill_bytes(&mut iv); iv }