#[derive(Debug, snafu::Snafu)] #[snafu(visibility = "pub")] pub enum Error { #[snafu(display("email address not set"))] ConfigMissingEmail, #[snafu(display("failed to create block mode decryptor"))] CreateBlockMode { source: block_modes::InvalidKeyIvLength, }, #[snafu(display("failed to create directory at {}", file.display()))] CreateDirectory { source: std::io::Error, file: std::path::PathBuf, }, #[snafu(display("failed to decrypt"))] Decrypt { source: block_modes::BlockModeError }, #[snafu(display("failed to parse pinentry output ({:?})", out))] FailedToParsePinentry { out: String }, #[snafu(display( "failed to run editor {}: {:?}", editor.to_string_lossy(), res ))] FailedToRunEditor { editor: std::path::PathBuf, res: std::process::ExitStatus, }, #[snafu(display("failed to expand with hkdf"))] HkdfExpand, #[snafu(display("username or password incorrect"))] IncorrectPassword, #[snafu(display("invalid base64"))] InvalidBase64 { source: base64::DecodeError }, #[snafu(display("invalid cipherstring"))] InvalidCipherString, #[snafu(display("invalid value for $EDITOR: {}", editor.to_string_lossy()))] InvalidEditor { editor: std::ffi::OsString }, #[snafu(display("invalid mac"))] InvalidMac, #[snafu(display("failed to parse JSON"))] JSON { source: serde_path_to_error::Error, }, #[snafu(display("failed to load config from {}", file.display()))] LoadConfig { source: std::io::Error, file: std::path::PathBuf, }, #[snafu(display("failed to load config from {}", file.display()))] LoadConfigAsync { source: tokio::io::Error, file: std::path::PathBuf, }, #[snafu(display("failed to load config from {}", file.display()))] LoadConfigJson { source: serde_json::Error, file: std::path::PathBuf, }, #[snafu(display("failed to load db from {}", file.display()))] LoadDb { source: std::io::Error, file: std::path::PathBuf, }, #[snafu(display("failed to load db from {}", file.display()))] LoadDbAsync { source: tokio::io::Error, file: std::path::PathBuf, }, #[snafu(display("failed to load db from {}", file.display()))] LoadDbJson { source: serde_json::Error, file: std::path::PathBuf, }, #[snafu(display("openssl error"))] OpenSSL { source: openssl::error::ErrorStack }, #[snafu(display("pbkdf2 requires at least 1 iteration (got 0)"))] Pbkdf2ZeroIterations, #[snafu(display("pinentry cancelled"))] PinentryCancelled, #[snafu(display("pinentry error: {}", error))] PinentryErrorMessage { error: String }, #[snafu(display("error reading pinentry output"))] PinentryReadOutput { source: tokio::io::Error }, #[snafu(display("error waiting for pinentry to exit"))] PinentryWait { source: tokio::io::Error }, #[snafu(display("failed to remove db at {}", file.display()))] RemoveDb { source: std::io::Error, file: std::path::PathBuf, }, #[snafu(display("api request returned error: {}", status))] RequestFailed { status: u16 }, #[snafu(display("api request unauthorized"))] RequestUnauthorized, #[snafu(display("error making api request"))] Reqwest { source: reqwest::Error }, #[snafu(display("failed to save config to {}", file.display()))] SaveConfig { source: std::io::Error, file: std::path::PathBuf, }, #[snafu(display("failed to save config to {}", file.display()))] SaveConfigJson { source: serde_json::Error, file: std::path::PathBuf, }, #[snafu(display("failed to save db to {}", file.display()))] SaveDb { source: std::io::Error, file: std::path::PathBuf, }, #[snafu(display("failed to save db to {}", file.display()))] SaveDbAsync { source: tokio::io::Error, file: std::path::PathBuf, }, #[snafu(display("failed to save db to {}", file.display()))] SaveDbJson { source: serde_json::Error, file: std::path::PathBuf, }, #[snafu(display("error spawning pinentry"))] Spawn { source: tokio::io::Error }, #[snafu(display("two factor required"))] TwoFactorRequired { providers: Vec }, #[snafu(display("error writing to pinentry stdin"))] WriteStdin { source: tokio::io::Error }, } pub type Result = std::result::Result;