path: root/lib/Reaction/InterfaceModel/Reflector/DBIC.pm
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Reaction/InterfaceModel/Reflector/DBIC.pm')
1 files changed, 774 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Reaction/InterfaceModel/Reflector/DBIC.pm b/lib/Reaction/InterfaceModel/Reflector/DBIC.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca4f8ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Reaction/InterfaceModel/Reflector/DBIC.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,774 @@
+package Reaction::InterfaceModel::Reflector::DBIC;
+use aliased 'Reaction::InterfaceModel::Action::DBIC::ResultSet::Create';
+use aliased 'Reaction::InterfaceModel::Action::DBIC::Result::Update';
+use aliased 'Reaction::InterfaceModel::Action::DBIC::Result::Delete';
+use aliased 'Reaction::InterfaceModel::Collection::Virtual::ResultSet';
+use aliased 'Reaction::InterfaceModel::Object';
+use aliased 'Reaction::InterfaceModel::Action';
+use Reaction::Class;
+use Class::MOP;
+class DBIC, which {
+ has model_class => (isa => "Str", is => 'ro', required => 1);
+ has debug_mode =>
+ (isa => 'Bool', is => 'rw', required => 1, default => '0');
+ has make_classes_immutable =>
+ (isa => 'Bool', is => 'rw', required => 1, default => '0');
+ has default_object_actions =>
+ ( isa => "ArrayRef", is => "rw", required => 1,
+ default => sub{
+ [ { name => 'Update', base => Update },
+ { name => 'Delete', base => Delete,
+ attributes => [],
+ },
+ ];
+ } );
+ has default_collection_actions =>
+ ( isa => "ArrayRef", is => "rw", required => 1,
+ default => sub{
+ [{name => 'Create', base => Create}],
+ } );
+ implements BUILD => as{
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $ok = eval {Class::MOP::load_class( $self->model_class ); };
+ unless ($ok){
+ print STDERR "Creating target class ". $self->model_class . "\n"
+ if $self->debug_mode;
+ Object->meta->create($self->model_class, superclasses => [ Object ]);
+ }
+ };
+ implements submodel_classname_from_source_name => as {
+ my ($self, $moniker) = @_;
+ return join "::", $self->model_class, $moniker;
+ };
+ implements classname_for_collection_of => as {
+ my ($self, $object_class) = @_;
+ return "${object_class}::Collection";
+ };
+ #requires domain_model everything else optional
+ implements reflect_model => as {
+ my ($self, %opts) = @_;
+ my $meta = $self->model_class->meta;
+ my $source = delete $opts{domain_model_class};
+ my $dm_name = delete $opts{domain_model_name};
+ my $dm_args = delete $opts{domain_model_args} || {};
+ my $reflect_submodels = delete $opts{reflect_submodels};
+ my %exclude_submodels = map {$_ => 1}
+ ref $opts{exclude_submodels} ? @{$opts{exclude_submodels}} : ();
+ Class::MOP::load_class($source);
+ my $make_immutable = $self->make_classes_immutable || $meta->is_immutable;
+ $meta->make_mutable if $meta->is_immutable;
+ unless( $dm_name ){
+ $dm_name = "_".$source;
+ $dm_name =~ s/::/_/g;
+ }
+ print STDERR "Reflecting model '$source' with domain model '$dm_name'\n"
+ if $self->debug_mode;
+ $meta->add_domain_model($dm_name, is => 'rw', required => 1, %$dm_args);
+ #reflect all applicable submodels on undef
+ @$reflect_submodels = $source->sources unless ref $reflect_submodels;
+ @$reflect_submodels = grep { !$exclude_submodels{$_} } @$reflect_submodels;
+ for my $moniker (@$reflect_submodels){
+ my $source_class = $source->class($moniker);
+ print STDERR "... and submodel '$source_class'\n" if $self->debug_mode;
+ my $sub_meta = $self->reflect_submodel(domain_model_class => $source_class);
+ my $col_meta = $self->reflect_collection_for(object_class => $sub_meta->name);
+ $self->add_submodel_to_model(
+ source_name => $moniker,
+ domain_model_name => $dm_name,
+ collection_class => $col_meta->name,
+ );
+ }
+ $meta->make_immutable if $make_immutable;
+ return $meta;
+ };
+ #XXX I could make domain_model_name by exploiting the metadata in the
+ #DomainModelAttribute, I'm just waiting to properly redesign DMAttr,
+ #it'll be good, I promise.
+ implements add_submodel_to_model => as {
+ my($self, %opts) = @_;
+ my $reader = $opts{reader};
+ my $moniker = $opts{source_name};
+ my $dm_name = $opts{domain_model_name};
+ my $c_class = $opts{collection_class};
+ my $name = $opts{attribute_name} || $moniker;
+ my $meta = $self->model_class->meta;
+ my $make_immutable = $meta->is_immutable;
+ $meta->make_mutable if $meta->is_immutable;
+ unless ($reader){
+ $reader = $moniker;
+ $reader =~ s/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/${1}_${2}/g ;
+ $reader = lc($reader) . "_collection";
+ }
+ my %attr_opts =
+ (
+ lazy => 1,
+ isa => $c_class,
+ required => 1,
+ reader => $reader,
+ predicate => "has_${moniker}",
+ domain_model => $dm_name,
+ orig_attr_name => $moniker,
+ default => sub {
+ $c_class->new(_source_resultset => shift->$dm_name->resultset($moniker) );
+ },
+ );
+ print STDERR "... linking submodel '$c_class' through method '$reader'\n"
+ if $self->debug_mode;
+ my $attr = $meta->add_attribute($moniker, %attr_opts);
+ $meta->make_immutable if $make_immutable;
+ return $attr;
+ };
+ # requires #object_class, everything else optional
+ implements reflect_collection_for => as {
+ my ($self, %opts) = @_;
+ my $object = delete $opts{object_class};
+ my $base = delete $opts{base} || ResultSet;
+ my $actions = delete $opts{reflect_actions} || $self->default_collection_actions;
+ my $class = $opts{class} || $self->classname_for_collection_of($object);
+ Class::MOP::load_class($base);
+ my $meta = eval { Class::MOP::load_class($class) } ?
+ $class->meta : $base->meta->create($class, superclasses =>[ $base ]);
+ my $make_immutable = $self->make_classes_immutable || $meta->is_immutable;
+ $meta->make_mutable if $meta->is_immutable;
+ $meta->add_method(_build_im_class => sub{ $object } );
+ print STDERR "... Reflecting collection of $object as $class\n"
+ if $self->debug_mode;
+ for my $action (@$actions){
+ unless (ref $action){
+ my $default = grep {$_->{name} eq $action} @{ $self->default_collection_actions };
+ confess("unable to reflect action $action") unless $default;
+ $action = $default;
+ }
+ $self->reflect_submodel_action(submodel_class => $object, %$action);
+ my $act_args = sub { #override target model for this action
+ my $super = shift;
+ return { %{$super->(@_)},($_[1] eq $action->{name} ?
+ (target_model => $_[0]->_source_resultset) : () )};
+ };
+ $meta->add_around_method_modifier('_default_action_args_for', $act_args);
+ }
+ $meta->make_immutable if $make_immutable;
+ return $meta;
+ };
+ #requires domain_model_class everything else optional
+ implements reflect_submodel => as {
+ my ($self, %opts) = @_;
+ my $source = delete $opts{domain_model_class};
+ my $base = delete $opts{base} || Object;
+ my $dm_name = delete $opts{domain_model_name};
+ my $dm_opts = delete $opts{domain_model_args} || {};
+ my $inflate = exists $opts{inflate} ? delete $opts{inflate} : 1;
+ my $class = delete $opts{class} ||
+ $self->submodel_classname_from_source_name($source->source_name);
+ my $actions = delete $opts{reflect_actions} || $self->default_object_actions;
+ #create the custom class
+ Class::MOP::load_class($base);
+ my $meta = eval { Class::MOP::load_class($class) } ?
+ $class->meta : $base->meta->create($class, superclasses =>[ $base ]);
+ my $make_immutable = $self->make_classes_immutable || $meta->is_immutable;
+ $meta->make_mutable if $meta->is_immutable;
+ #create the domain model
+ unless( $dm_name ){
+ ($dm_name) = ($source =~ /::([\w_\-]+)$/); #XXX be smarter at some point
+ $dm_name =~ s/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/${1}_${2}/g ;
+ $dm_name = "_" . lc($dm_name) . "_store";
+ }
+ $dm_opts->{isa} = $source;
+ $dm_opts->{is} ||= 'rw';
+ $dm_opts->{required} ||= 1;
+ my $dm_attr = $meta->add_domain_model($dm_name, %$dm_opts);
+ #Inflate the row into an IM object directly from DBIC
+ if( $inflate ){
+ my $inflate_method = sub {
+ my $class = shift; my ($src) = @_;
+ $src = $src->resolve if $src->isa('DBIx::Class::ResultSourceHandle');
+ $class->new($dm_name, $src->result_class->inflate_result(@_));
+ };
+ $meta->add_method('inflate_result', $inflate_method);
+ }
+ #attribute reflection
+ my $reflect_attrs = delete $opts{reflect_attributes};
+ my %exclude_attrs =
+ map {$_ => 1} ref $opts{exclude_attributes} ? @{$opts{exclude_attributes}} : ();
+ #reflect all applicable attributes on undef
+ $reflect_attrs = [map {$_->name} $source->meta->compute_all_applicable_attributes]
+ unless ref $reflect_attrs;
+ @$reflect_attrs = grep { !$exclude_attrs{$_} } @$reflect_attrs;
+ for my $attr_name (@$reflect_attrs){
+ $self->reflect_submodel_attribute(
+ class => $class,
+ attribute_name => $attr_name,
+ domain_model_name => $dm_name
+ );
+ }
+ for my $action (@$actions){
+ unless (ref $action){
+ my $default = grep {$_->{name} eq $action} @{ $self->default_object_actions };
+ confess("unable to reflect action $action") unless $default;
+ $action = $default;
+ }
+ $self->reflect_submodel_action(submodel_class => $class, %$action);
+ my $dm = $dm_attr->get_read_method;
+ my $act_args = sub { #override target model for this action
+ my $super = shift;
+ return { %{ $super->(@_) },
+ ($_[1] eq $action->{name} ? (target_model => $_[0]->$dm) : () ) };
+ };
+ $meta->add_around_method_modifier('_default_action_args_for', $act_args);
+ }
+ $meta->make_immutable if $make_immutable;
+ return $meta;
+ };
+ # needs class, attribute_name domain_model_name
+ implements reflect_submodel_attribute => as {
+ my ($self, %opts) = @_;
+ my $meta = $opts{class}->meta;
+ my $attr_opts = $self->parameters_for_submodel_attr(%opts);
+ my $make_immutable = $meta->is_immutable;
+ $meta->make_mutable if $meta->is_immutable;
+ my $attr = $meta->add_attribute($opts{attribute_name}, %$attr_opts);
+ $meta->make_immutable if $make_immutable;
+ return $attr;
+ };
+ # needs class, attribute_name domain_model_name
+ implements parameters_for_submodel_attr => as {
+ my ($self, %opts) = @_;
+ my $attr_name = $opts{attribute_name};
+ my $dm_name = $opts{domain_model_name};
+ my $domain = $opts{domain_model_class};
+ $domain ||= $opts{class}->meta->find_attribute_by_name($dm_name)->_isa_metadata;
+ my $from_attr = $domain->meta->find_attribute_by_name($attr_name);
+ my $source = $domain->result_source_instance;
+ #default options. lazy build but no outsider method
+ my %attr_opts = ( is => 'ro', lazy => 1, required => 1,
+ clearer => "_clear_${attr_name}",
+ predicate => "has_${attr_name}",
+ domain_model => $dm_name,
+ orig_attr_name => $attr_name,
+ );
+ #m2m / has_many
+ my $constraint_is_ArrayRef =
+ $from_attr->type_constraint->name eq 'ArrayRef' ||
+ $from_attr->type_constraint->is_subtype_of('ArrayRef');
+ if( my $rel_info = $source->relationship_info($attr_name) ){
+ my $rel_accessor = $rel_info->{attrs}->{accessor};
+ my $rel_moniker = $rel_info->{class}->source_name;
+ if($rel_accessor eq 'multi' && $constraint_is_ArrayRef) {
+ #has_many
+ my $sm = $self->submodel_classname_from_source_name($rel_moniker);
+ #type constraint is a collection, and default builds it
+ $attr_opts{isa} = $self->classname_for_collection_of($sm);
+ $attr_opts{default} = sub {
+ my $rs = shift->$dm_name->related_resultset($attr_name);
+ return $attr_opts{isa}->new(_source_resultset => $rs);
+ };
+ } elsif( $rel_accessor eq 'single') {
+ #belongs_to
+ #type constraint is the foreign IM object, default inflates it
+ $attr_opts{isa} = $self->submodel_classname_from_source_name($rel_moniker);
+ $attr_opts{default} = sub {
+ shift->$dm_name
+ ->find_related($attr_name, {},{result_class => $attr_opts{isa}});
+ };
+ }
+ } elsif( $constraint_is_ArrayRef && $attr_name =~ m/^(.*)_list$/) {
+ #m2m magic
+ my $mm_name = $1;
+ my $link_table = "links_to_${mm_name}_list";
+ my ($hm_source, $far_side);
+ eval { $hm_source = $source->related_source($link_table); }
+ || confess "Can't find ${link_table} has_many for ${mm_name}_list";
+ eval { $far_side = $hm_source->related_source($mm_name); }
+ || confess "Can't find ${mm_name} belongs_to on ".$hm_source->result_class
+ ." traversing many-many for ${mm_name}_list";
+ my $sm = $self->submodel_classname_from_source_name($far_side->source_name);
+ $attr_opts{isa} = $self->classname_for_collection_of($sm);
+ #proper collections will remove the result_class uglyness.
+ $attr_opts{default} = sub {
+ my $rs = shift->$dm_name->result_source->related_source($link_table)
+ ->related_source($mm_name)->resultset;
+ return $attr_opts{isa}->new(_source_resultset => $rs);
+ };
+ } else {
+ #no rel
+ my $reader = $from_attr->get_read_method;
+ $attr_opts{isa} = $from_attr->_isa_metadata;
+ $attr_opts{default} = sub{ shift->$dm_name->$reader };
+ }
+ return \%attr_opts;
+ };
+ #XXX change superclasses to "base" ?
+ implements reflect_submodel_action => as{
+ my($self, %opts) = @_;
+ my $im_class = delete $opts{submodel_class};
+ my $base = delete $opts{base} || Action;
+ my $attrs = delete $opts{attributes};
+ my $name = delete $opts{name};
+ my $class = delete $opts{class} || $im_class->_default_action_class_for($name);
+ print STDERR "... Reflecting action $name for $im_class as $class\n"
+ if $self->debug_mode;
+ Class::MOP::load_class($_) for($base, $im_class);
+ $attrs = [ map{$_->name} $im_class->parameter_attributes] unless ref $attrs;
+ my $im_meta = $im_class->meta;
+ #create the class
+ my $meta = eval { Class::MOP::load_class($class) } ?
+ $class->meta : $base->meta->create($class, superclasses => [$base]);
+ my $make_immutable = $self->make_classes_immutable || $meta->is_immutable;
+ $meta->make_mutable if $meta->is_immutable;
+ foreach my $attr_name (@$attrs){
+ my $im_attr = $im_meta->find_attribute_by_name($attr_name);
+ my $dm_attr = $im_meta->find_attribute_by_name($im_attr->domain_model);
+ my $dm_meta = $dm_attr->_isa_metadata->meta;
+ my $from_attr = $dm_meta->find_attribute_by_name($im_attr->orig_attr_name);
+ #Don't reflect read-only attributes to actions
+ unless( $from_attr->get_write_method ) {
+ print STDERR "..... not relecting read-only attribute ${attr_name} to ${class}"
+ if $self->debug_mode;
+ next;
+ }
+ my $attr_params = $self->parameters_for_submodel_action_attribute
+ ( submodel_class => $im_class, attribute_name => $attr_name );
+ #add the attribute to the class
+ $meta->add_attribute( $attr_name => %$attr_params);
+ }
+ $meta->make_immutable if $make_immutable;
+ return $meta;
+ };
+ implements parameters_for_submodel_action_attribute => as {
+ my ($self, %opts) = @_;
+ #XXX we need the domain model name so we can do valid_values correcty....
+ #otherwise we could do away with submodel_class and use domain_model_class instead
+ #we need for domain_model to be set on the attr which we may not be sure of
+ my $submodel = delete $opts{submodel_class};
+ my $sm_meta = $submodel->meta;
+ my $attr_name = delete $opts{attribute_name};
+ my $dm_name = $sm_meta->find_attribute_by_name($attr_name)->domain_model;
+ my $domain = $sm_meta->find_attribute_by_name($dm_name)->_isa_metadata;
+ my $from_attr = $domain->meta->find_attribute_by_name($attr_name);
+ my $source = $domain->result_source_instance;
+ confess("${attr_name} is not writeable and can not be reflected")
+ unless $from_attr->get_write_method;
+ my %attr_opts = (
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => $from_attr->_isa_metadata,
+ required => $from_attr->is_required,
+ predicate => "has_${attr_name}",
+ );
+ if ($attr_opts{required}) {
+ $attr_opts{lazy} = 1;
+ $attr_opts{default} = $from_attr->has_default ? $from_attr->default :
+ sub{confess("${attr_name} must be provided before calling reader")};
+ }
+ #test for relationships
+ my $constraint_is_ArrayRef =
+ $from_attr->type_constraint->name eq 'ArrayRef' ||
+ $from_attr->type_constraint->is_subtype_of('ArrayRef');
+ if (my $rel_info = $source->relationship_info($attr_name)) {
+ my $rel_accessor = $rel_info->{attrs}->{accessor};
+ if($rel_accessor eq 'multi' && $constraint_is_ArrayRef) {
+ confess "${attr_name} is a rw has_many, this won't work.";
+ } elsif( $rel_accessor eq 'single') {
+ $attr_opts{valid_values} = sub {
+ shift->target_model->result_source->related_source($attr_name)->resultset;
+ };
+ }
+ } elsif ( $constraint_is_ArrayRef && $attr_name =~ m/^(.*)_list$/) {
+ my $mm_name = $1;
+ my $link_table = "links_to_${mm_name}_list";
+ my ($hm_source, $far_side);
+ eval { $hm_source = $source->related_source($link_table); }
+ || confess "Can't find ${link_table} has_many for ${mm_name}_list";
+ eval { $far_side = $hm_source->related_source($mm_name); }
+ || confess "Can't find ${mm_name} belongs_to on ".$hm_source->result_class
+ ." traversing many-many for ${mm_name}_list";
+ $attr_opts{default} = sub { [] };
+ $attr_opts{valid_values} = sub {
+ shift->$dm_name->result_source->related_source($link_table)
+ ->related_source($mm_name)->resultset;
+ };
+ }
+ return \%attr_opts;
+ };
+=head1 NAME
+Reaction::InterfaceModel::Reflector::DBIC - Autogenerate an Interface Model from
+a DBIx::Class Schema.
+This class will reflect a L<DBIx::Class::Schema> to a C<Reaction::InterfaceModel::Object>.
+It can aid you in creating interface models, collections, and associated actions rooted
+in DBIC storage.
+=head1 SYNOPSYS
+ #model_class is the namespace where our reflected interface model will be created
+ my $reflector = Reaction::InterfaceModel::Reflector::DBIC
+ ->new(model_class => 'RTest::TestIM');
+ #Example 1: Reflect all submodels (result sources / tables)
+ #domain_model_class ISA DBIx::Class::Schema
+ $reflector->reflect_model(domain_model_class => 'RTest::TestDB');
+ #the '_RTest_TestDB' attribute is created automatically to store the domain model
+ RTest::TestIM->new(_RTest_TestDB => RTest::TestDB->connect(...) );
+ #Example 2: Don't reflect the FooBaz submodel
+ $reflector->reflect_model(
+ domain_model_class => 'RTest::TestDB',
+ exclude_submodels => ['FooBaz'],
+ );
+ RTest::TestIM->new(_RTest_TestDB => RTest::TestDB->connect(...) );
+ #Example 3: Only reflect Foo, Bar, and Baz
+ $reflector->reflect_model(
+ domain_model_class => 'RTest::TestDB',
+ reflect_submodels => [qw/Foo Bar Baz/],
+ );
+ RTest::TestIM->new(_RTest_TestDB => RTest::TestDB->connect(...) );
+ #Example 4: Explicit domain_model_name
+ $reflector->reflect_model(
+ domain_model_class => 'RTest::TestDB',
+ domain_model_name => '_rtest_testdb',
+ );
+ RTest::TestIM->new(_rtest_testdb => RTest::TestDB->connect(...) );
+This class is meant as an aid in rapid prototyping and CRUD functionality creation.
+While parts of it should be useful for projects of any size, any non-trivial
+application will likely require some hand-coding or tweaking to get the most out of
+this tool. Reflection, like CRUD, is not a magic bullet. It's just a way to help you
+eliminate repetitive and unnecessary coding.
+By default (you can override this behavior later), The top-level model (the one
+corresponding to your schema) will be reflected to the class name you provide at
+instantiation, submodels to the model name plus the name of the source, and collections
+to the name of the submodel plus "Collection". Action names, if not specified directly
+will be determined by using the submodel's "_action_name_for" method.
+=head2 A Note about Immutable
+The methods that modify classes will check for class immutability and unlock classes
+for modification if they are immutable. Classes will be locked again after they are
+modified if they were locked at the start.
+=head2 model_class
+Required, Read-only. This is the name of the class where your top model will be created
+and the namespace under which all your submodels, actions, collections will be
+=head2 make_classes_immutable
+Read-Write boolean, defaults to false. If this is set to true, after classes are
+created they will be made immutable.
+=head2 default_object_actions
+=head2 default_collection_actions
+These hold an ArrayRef of action prototypes. An Action prototype is a hashref
+with at least 2 keys, "name" and "base" the latter which is an otional superclass
+for this action. By default a "Create" action is reflected for Collections and
+"Update" and "Delete" actions for IM Objects. You may add here any
+attribute that reflect_submodel_action takes, i.e. for an action that doesn't need
+any reflected attributes, like Delete, use C<attributes =E<gt> []>.
+=head2 debug_mode
+Read-Write boolean, defaults to false. In the future this will provide valuable
+information at runtime, however that has not yet been implemented.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 submodel_classname_from_source_name $source_name
+Generate the classname for a submodel from the result source's name.
+=head2 classname_for_collection_for $object_class
+Returns the classname for a collection of a certain submodel. Currently it just appends
+=head2 reflect_model %args
+=over 4
+=item C<domain_model_class> - Required, this is the classname of your Schema
+=item C<domain_model_name> - The name to use when creating the domain model attribute
+If you don't supply this one will automatically be generated by prefacing the domain_model_class
+with an underscore and replacing all instances of "::", with "_"
+=item C<domain_model_args> - Any other optional arguments suitable for passing to C<add_attribute>
+=item C<reflect_submodels> - An ArrayRef of the source names of the submodels to reflect.
+If the value is not a reference it will attempt to reflect all sources. In the future
+there may be regex support
+=item C<exclude_submodels> - ArrayRef of submodels to exclude from reflection. In the
+future there may be regex support
+This method will query the schema given to it and reflect all appropriate submodels as
+well as calling C<add_submodel_to_model> to create an attribute in the reflected model
+which returns an appropriate collection.
+=head2 add_submodel_to_model %args
+=over 4
+=item C<source_name> - The DBIC source name for this submodel
+=item C<collection_class> - The classname for the collection type for this submodel.
+=item C<attribute_name> - The name of the attribute to create in the model to represent
+this submodel. If one is not supplied the source name will be used.
+=item C<domain_model_name> - The attribute name of the domain model where the schema is
+located. In the future this may be optional since it can be detected, but it needs to
+wait until some changes are made to the attribute metaclasses.
+=item C<reader> - The read method for the submodel attribute. If one is not provided,
+a lower case version of the source name with underscores separating previous cases
+of a camel-case word change and "_collection" appended will be used. Examples:
+"FooBar" becomes C<foo_bar_collection> and "Foo" becomes C<foo_collection>.
+This will create a read-only attribute in your main model that will return a
+collection of the submodel type when the reader is called. This will return the same
+collection every time, not a fresh one. This may change in the future, but I really
+see no need for it right now.
+=head2 reflect_collection_for \%args
+=over 4
+=item C<object_class> - Required. The class ob objects this collection will be representing
+=item C<base> - Optional, if you'd like to use a different base for the Collection other
+than L<Reaction::InterfaceModel::Collection::Virtual::ResultSet> you can set it here
+=item C<reflect_actions> - Action prototypes for the actions you wish to reflect for
+this collection. If nothing is specified then C<default_collection_actions> is used.
+An Action prototype is a hashref with at least 2 keys, "name" and "base" the latter
+is the superclass for this action. Using an empty array reference would reflect nothing.
+=item C<class> - The desired classname for this collection. If none is provided, then
+the value returned by C<classname_for_collection_of> is used.
+This method will create a new collection class that inherits from C<base> and overrides
+C<_build_im_class> to return C<object_class>. Additionally it will automatically
+override C<_default_action_args_for> as needed for reflected actions.
+=head2 reflect_submodel \%args
+=over 4
+=item C<domain_model_class> - The class from which the submodel will be created, or your
+source class, e.g. MyApp::Schema::Foo
+=item C<base> - Optional, if you'd like to use a different base other than
+=item C<domain_model_name> - the name to use for your domain model attribute. If one
+is not provided, a lower case version of the source name begining with an underscore
+and with underscores separating previous cases of a camel-case word change and
+"_store" appended will be used.
+Examples: "FooBar" becomes C<_foo_bar_store> and "Foo" becomes C<_foo_store>.
+=item C<domain_model_args> - Any additional arguments you may want to pass to the domain
+model when it is created e.g. C<handles>
+=item C<inflate> - unless this is set to zero an inflate_result method will be created.
+=item C<class> - the name of the submodel class created, if you don't specify it the
+value returned by C<submodel_classname_from_source_name> will be used
+=item C<reflect_actions> - Action prototypes for the actions you wish to reflect for
+this collection. If nothing is specified then C<default_object_actions> is used.
+An Action prototype is a hashref with at least 2 keys, "name" and "base" the latter
+is the superclass for this action. Using an empty array reference would reflect nothing.
+=item C<reflect_attributes> - an arrayref of the names of the attributes you want to
+reflect, if this is not an arrayref it will attempt to reflect all attributes,
+if you wish to not reflect anything pass it an empty arrayref
+=item C<exclude_attributes> - an arrayref of the names of the attributes to exclude.
+This method will create the submodel class, copy the applicable attributes and create
+the appropriate domain model attribute as well as create the necessary actions and
+perform the necessary overrides to C<_default_action_args_for>
+=head2 reflect_submodel_attribute \%args
+Takes the same arguments as C<parameters_for_submodel_attribute>.
+Reflect this attribute and add it to the submodel class.
+=head2 parameters_for_submodel_attribute \%args
+=over 4
+=item C<class> - the submodel class
+=item C<attribute_name> - the name of the attribute you want to reflect
+=item C<domain_model_class> - the class where we are copying the attribute from.
+If not specified, the type constraint on the domain model attribute will be used
+=item C<domain_model_name> - the name of the domain model attribute.
+This method determines the parameters necessary for reflecting the argument. Most
+of the magic here is so that relations can be accurately reflected so that many-to-one
+relationships can return submodel objects and one-to-many and many-to-many
+relationships can return collections. By default all reflected attributes will be built
+lazily from their parent domain model.
+=head2 reflect_submodel_action \%args
+=over 4
+=item C<submodel_class> - the submodel class this action will be associated with
+=item C<base> - superclass for the action class created
+=item C<attributes> - a list of the names of attributes to mirror from the submodel.
+A blank list signifies nothing, and a non list value will cause it to reflect all
+writeable parameter attributes from the submodel.
+=item C<name> - the name of the action, required.
+=item C<class> - optional, the name of the action class. By default it will query the
+submodel class through the method C<_default_action_class_for>
+Create an action class that acts on the submodel from a base class. This is most useful
+for CRUD and similar actions.
+=head2 parameters_for_submodel_action_attribute \ %args
+=over 4
+=item C<attribute_name> - name of the attribute being reflected
+=item C<submodel_class> - the submodel where this attribute is located
+Create the correct parameters for the attribute being created in the action, including
+valid_values, and correct handling of relationships and defaults.
+=head2 BUILD
+Load the C<model_class> if it exists or create one if it does not.
+=head1 TODO
+Allow reflect_* and exclude_* methods to take compiled regular expressions, tidy up
+argument names and method names, mace docs decent, make more tests, try to figure out
+more through introspection to require less arguments, proper checking of values passed
+and throwing of errors when garbage is passed in.
+=head1 AUTHORS
+See L<Reaction::Class> for authors.
+=head1 LICENSE
+See L<Reaction::Class> for the license.