#--------#---------#---------#---------#---------#---------#---------#--------- * General - Explore NYTProf to see if it can tell us anything about places where we could improve speed - Should we set up some kind of ticketing application to keep track of issues as the project becomes larger and more complex? - If so, move all comments beginning with #XXX to proper tickets * Reaction::UI::View - Add an environment variable that disables caching of compiled templates to facilitate template tweaking on a development environment - Add an API call to clear caching of compiled templates. Most likely a simple clearer. * Reaction::UI::Controller::* - Develop a REST controller that works with the default IM Actions * groditi - Improve and finish code generator. - Run Autodoc on any files without documentation. Stubs are better than nothing. - Improve how pretty code is, which is the main problem ATM. * Reaction::UI::ViewPort::* - Improve Field vp to take a option for ordering (wreis: please elaborate) sort => 'lexical', sort => 'numberical' sort => sub {...} comes to mind isa => 'Sort', required => 0; subtype Sort => as 'CodeRef'; coerce Coderef => from Str ... - Fix HiddenArray * Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Field - Why did the check for non lazy_fail lazy attrs go away? it breaks my IMs code is commented out, but does anyone know why? * Reaction::Types::* - Eliminate the ones we can spin into external MooseX::Types stuff - re-export the types from MooseX::Types::Common as Reaction types - same thing but with the DateTime and MooseX::Types::DateTime