package Reaction::Types::Core; use MooseX::Types -declare => [qw/SimpleStr NonEmptySimpleStr Password StrongPassword NonEmptyStr PositiveNum PositiveInt SingleDigit URI/]; use MooseX::Types::Moose qw/Str Num Int Object/; subtype SimpleStr, as Str, where { (length($_) <= 255) && ($_ !~ m/\n/) }, message { "Must be a single line of no more than 255 chars" }; subtype NonEmptySimpleStr, as SimpleStr, where { length($_) > 0 }, message { "Must be a non-empty single line of no more than 255 chars" }; # XXX duplicating constraint msges since moose only uses last message subtype Password, as NonEmptySimpleStr, where { length($_) > 3 }, message { "Must be between 4 and 255 chars" }; subtype StrongPassword, as Password, where { (length($_) > 7) && (m/[^a-zA-Z]/) }, message { "Must be between 8 and 255 chars, and contain a non-alpha char" }; subtype NonEmptyStr, as Str, where { length($_) > 0 }, message { "Must not be empty" }; subtype PositiveNum, as Num, where { $_ >= 0 }, message { "Must be a positive number" }; subtype PositiveInt, as Int, where { $_ >= 0 }, message { "Must be a positive integer" }; subtype SingleDigit, as PositiveInt, where { $_ <= 9 }, message { "Must be a single digit" }; #message will require moose 0.39 class_type 'URI'; #class_type 'URI', message { 'Must be an URI object'}; coerce 'URI', from Str, via { URI->new($_) }; 1; =head1 NAME Reaction::Types::Core =head1 SYNOPSIS =head1 DESCRIPTION Reaction uses the L attributes as a base and adds a few of it's own. =over =item * SimpleStr A Str with no new-line characters. =item * NonEmptySimpleStr Does what it says on the tin. =item * Password =item * StrongPassword =item * NonEmptyStr =item * PositiveNum =item * PositiveInt =item * SingleDigit =back =head1 SEE ALSO =over =item * L =item * L =item * L =item * L =item * L =back =head1 AUTHORS See L for authors. =head1 LICENSE See L for the license. =cut