package Reaction::UI::Controller::Collection::CRUD; use Moose; BEGIN { extends 'Reaction::UI::Controller::Collection'; } use aliased 'Reaction::UI::ViewPort::ListView'; __PACKAGE__->config( action => { create => { Chained => 'base', }, delete_all => { Chained => 'base', }, update => { Chained => 'object', }, delete => { Chained => 'object', }, }, ); with( 'Reaction::UI::Controller::Role::Action::Create', 'Reaction::UI::Controller::Role::Action::Update', 'Reaction::UI::Controller::Role::Action::Delete', 'Reaction::UI::Controller::Role::Action::DeleteAll', ); around _build_action_viewport_map => sub { my $orig = shift; my $map = shift->$orig( @_ ); $map->{list} = ListView; return $map; }; sub _build_default_member_actions { [ @{shift->next::method(@_)}, qw/update delete/ ]; } sub _build_default_collection_actions { [ @{shift->next::method(@_)}, qw/create delete_all/ ]; } ##DEFAULT CALLBACKS sub on_delete_all_close_callback { my($self, $c) = @_; $self->redirect_to($c, 'list'); } sub on_create_apply_callback { my ($self, $c, $vp, $result) = @_; if( $self->can('after_create_callback') ){ $c->log->debug("'after_create_callback' has been replaced with 'on_create_apply_callback' and is deprecated."); shift @_; return $self->after_create_callback(@_); } return $self->redirect_to ( $c, 'update', [ @{$c->req->captures}, $result->id ] ); } sub on_create_close_callback { my($self, $c, $vp) = @_; $self->redirect_to( $c, 'list' ); } sub on_update_close_callback { my($self, $c) = @_; #this needs a better solution. currently thinking about it my @cap = @{$c->req->captures}; pop(@cap); # object id $self->redirect_to($c, 'list', \@cap); } sub on_delete_close_callback { my($self, $c) = @_; #this needs a better solution. currently thinking about it my @cap = @{$c->req->captures}; pop(@cap); # object id $self->redirect_to($c, 'list', \@cap); } #### DEPRECATED METHODS sub get_model_action { my ($self, $c, $name, $target) = @_; if( $c->debug ){ my ($package,undef,$line,$sub_name,@rest) = caller(1); my $message = "The method 'get_model_action', called from sub '${sub_name}' in package ${package} at line ${line} is deprecated."; $c->log->debug( $message ); } return $target->action_for($name, ctx => $c); } sub basic_model_action { my ($self, $c, $vp_args) = @_; if( $c->debug ){ my ($package,undef,$line,$sub_name,@rest) = caller(1); my $message = "The method 'basic_model_action', called from sub '${sub_name}' in package ${package} at line ${line} is deprecated."; $c->log->debug( $message ); } my $stash = $c->stash; my $target = delete $vp_args->{target}; $target ||= ($stash->{object} || $stash->{collection} || $self->get_collection($c)); my $action_name = join('', map{ ucfirst } split('_', $c->stack->[-1]->name)); my $model = $self->get_model_action($c, $action_name, $target); return $self->basic_page($c, { model => $model, %{$vp_args||{}} }); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Reaction::UI::Controller::Collection::CRUD - Basic CRUD functionality for Reaction::InterfaceModel data =head1 DESCRIPTION Controller class which extends L to provide basic Create / Update / Delete / DeleteAll actions. Building on the base of the Collection controller this controller allows you to easily create complex and highly flexible CRUD functionality for your InterfaceModel models by providing a simple way to render and process your custom InterfaceModel Actions and customize built-ins. =head1 ROLES CONSUMED This role also consumes the following roles: =over4 =item L =item L =item L =item L =back =head1 METHODS =head2 get_model_action $c, $action_name, $target_im DEPRECATED. Get an instance of the C<$action_name> L for model C<$target> This action is suitable for passing to an C viewport =head2 basic_model_action $c, \%vp_args DEPRECTAED extension to C which automatically instantiates an L with the right data target using C =head2 after_create_callback $c, $vp, $result When a action is applied, move the user to the new object's, C page. =head2 _build_action_viewport_map Map C to L. =head2 _build_default_member_actions Add C and C to the list of default actions. =head2 _build_default_collection_actions Add C and C to the list of default actions. =head1 ACTIONS =head2 create Chained to C. See L =head2 delete_all Chained to C. See L =head2 update Chained to C. See L =head2 delete Chained to C. See L =head1 SEE ALSO L, L =head1 AUTHORS See L for authors. =head1 LICENSE See L for the license. =cut