package Reaction::UI::ViewPort; use Reaction::Class; use Scalar::Util qw/blessed/; use namespace::clean -except => [ qw(meta) ]; sub DEBUG_EVENTS () { $ENV{REACTION_UI_VIEWPORT_DEBUG_EVENTS} } has location => (isa => 'Str', is => 'rw', required => 1); has layout => (isa => 'Str', is => 'rw', lazy_build => 1); has layout_args => (isa => 'HashRef', is => 'ro', default => sub { {} }); has outer => (isa => 'Reaction::UI::ViewPort', is => 'rw', weak_ref => 1); has inner => (isa => 'Reaction::UI::ViewPort', is => 'rw'); has focus_stack => ( isa => 'Reaction::UI::FocusStack', is => 'rw', weak_ref => 1 ); has _tangent_stacks => ( isa => 'HashRef', is => 'ro', default => sub { {} } ); has ctx => (isa => 'Catalyst', is => 'ro', weak_ref => 1); #, required => 1); sub _build_layout { ''; } sub create_tangent { my ($self, $name) = @_; my $t_map = $self->_tangent_stacks; if (exists $t_map->{$name}) { confess "Can't create tangent with already existing name ${name}"; } my $loc = join('.', $self->location, $name); my $tangent = Reaction::UI::FocusStack->new(loc_prefix => $loc); $t_map->{$name} = $tangent; return $tangent; } sub focus_tangent { my ($self, $name) = @_; if (my $tangent = $self->_tangent_stacks->{$name}) { return $tangent; } else { return; } } sub focus_tangents { return keys %{shift->_tangent_stacks}; } sub child_event_sinks { my $self = shift; return values %{$self->_tangent_stacks}; } sub apply_events { my ($self, $events) = @_; return unless keys %$events; $self->apply_child_events($events); $self->apply_our_events($events); } sub apply_child_events { my ($self, $events) = @_; return unless keys %$events; foreach my $child ($self->child_event_sinks) { confess blessed($child) ."($child) is not a valid object" unless blessed($child) && $child->can('apply_events'); my $loc = $child->location; my %child_events = map { $_ => delete $events->{$_} } grep { /^${loc}[-:]/ } keys %$events; $child->apply_events(\%child_events); } } sub apply_our_events { my ($self, $events) = @_; my $loc = $self->location; my %our_events; foreach my $key (keys %$events) { if ($key =~ m/^${loc}:(.*)$/) { $our_events{$1} = delete $events->{$key}; } } $self->handle_events(\%our_events) if keys %our_events; } sub handle_events { my ($self, $events) = @_; my $exists = exists $events->{exists}; if ($exists) { my %force = $self->force_events; my @need = grep { !exists $events->{$_} } keys %force; @{$events}{@need} = @force{@need}; } foreach my $event ($self->accept_events) { if (exists $events->{$event}) { $self->_dump_event($event, $events->{$event}) if DEBUG_EVENTS; $self->$event($events->{$event}); } } } sub _dump_event { my ( $self, $name, $value ) = @_; my $vp_name = join(' at ', $self, $self->location); print STDERR "Applying Event: $name on $vp_name with value: " . (defined $value ? $value : '') . "\n"; } sub accept_events { () } sub force_events { () } sub event_id_for { my ($self, $name) = @_; return join(':', $self->location, $name); } sub sort_by_spec { my ($self, $spec, $items) = @_; return [sort @$items] unless $spec; my @order; if (ref $spec eq 'ARRAY') { @order = @$spec; } elsif (not ref $spec) { @order = split /\s+/, $spec; } my %order_map = map {$_ => 0} @$items; for my $order_num (0..$#order) { $order_map{ $order[$order_num] } = ($#order - $order_num) + 1; } return [sort {$order_map{$b} <=> $order_map{$a}} @$items]; } __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; 1; =head1 NAME Reaction::UI::ViewPort - Page layout building block =head1 SYNOPSIS # Create a new ViewPort: # $stack isa Reaction::UI::FocusStack object my $vp = $stack->push_viewport('Reaction::UI::ViewPort', layout => 'xhtml'); # Fetch ViewPort higher up the stack (further out) my $outer = $vp->outer(); # Fetch ViewPort lower down (further in) my $inner = $vp->inner(); # Create a named tangent stack for this ViewPort my $substack = $vp->create_tangent('name'); # Retrieve a tangent stack for this ViewPort my $substack = $vp->forcus_tangent('name'); # Get the names of all the tangent stacks for this ViewPort my @names = $vp->focus_tangents(); # Fetch all the tangent stacks for this ViewPort # This is called by apply_events my $stacks = $vp->child_event_sinks(); ### The following methods are all called automatically when using ### Reaction::UI::Controller(s) # Resolve current events with this ViewPort $vp->apply_events($ctx, $param_hash); # Apply current events to all tangent stacks # This is called by apply_events $vp->apply_child_events($ctx, $params_hash); # Apply current events to this ViewPort # This is called by apply_events $vp->apply_our_events($ctx, $params_hash); =head1 DESCRIPTION A ViewPort describes part of a page, it can be a field, a form or an entire page. ViewPorts are created on a L, usually belonging to a controller or another ViewPort. Each ViewPort knows it's own position in the stack it is in, as well as the stack containing it. Each ViewPort has a specific location in the heirarchy of viewports making up a page. The hierarchy is determined as follows: The first ViewPort in a stack is labeled C<0>, the second is C<1> and so on. If a ViewPort is in a named tangent, it's location will contain the name of the tangent in it's location. For example, the first ViewPort in the 'left' tangent of the main ViewPort has location C<0.left.0>. Several ViewPort attributes are set by L when new ViewPorts are created, these are as follows: =over =item Automatic: =over =item outer The outer attribute is set to the previous ViewPort in the stack when creating a ViewPort, if the ViewPort is the first in the stack, it will be undef. =item inner The inner attribute is set to the next ViewPort down in the stack when it is created, if this is the last ViewPort in the stack, it will be undef. =item focus_stack The focus_stack attribute is set to the L object that created the ViewPort. =item ctx The ctx attribute will be passed automatically when using L to create a ViewPort in the base stack of a controller. When creating tangent stacks, you may have to pass it in yourself. =back =item Optional: =over =item location =item layout The layout attribute can either be specifically passed when calling C, or it will be determined using the last part of the ViewPorts classname. =item layout_args This read-only hashref attribute will pass all it's keys as variables to the layout at render time. They should be accessible from both the layout templates and the widget, if applicable, through the C<%_> hash. $controller->push_viewport(VPName, layout => 'foo', layout_args => { bar => 'bar'}); $_{bar} #in widget [% bar %] in template =item column_order This is generally used by more specialised ViewPorts such as the L or L. It can be either a space separated list of column names, or an arrayref of column names. =back =back =head1 METHODS =head2 outer =over =item Arguments: none =back Fetch the ViewPort outside this one in the page hierarchy. =head2 inner =over =item Arguments: none =back Fetch the ViewPort inside this one in the page hierarchy. =head2 create_tangent =over =item Arguments: $tangent_name =back Create a new named L inside this ViewPort. The created FocusStack is returned. =head2 focus_tangent =over =item Arguments: $tangent_name =back Fetch a named FocusStack from this ViewPort. =head2 focus_tangents =over =item Arguments: none =back Returns a list of names of all the known tangents in this ViewPort. =head2 focus_stack Return the L object that this ViewPort is in. =head2 apply_events =over =item Arguments: $ctx, $params_hashref =back This method is called by the FocusStack object to resolve all events for the ViewPort. =head2 apply_child_events =over =item Arguments: $ctx, $params_hashref =back Resolve the given events for all the tangents of this ViewPort. Called by L. =head2 apply_our_events =over =item Arguments: $ctx, $events =back Resolve the given events that match the location of this ViewPort. Called by L. =head2 handle_events =over =item Arguments: $events =back Actually call the event handlers for this ViewPort. Called by L. By default this will do nothing, subclass ViewPort and implement L. =head2 accept_events =over =item Arguments: none =back Implement this method in a subclass and return a list of events that your ViewPort is accepting. =head2 event_id_for =over =item Arguments: $name =back Create an id for the given event name and this ViewPort. Generally returns the location and the name, joined with a colon. =head2 sort_by_spec =over =item Arguments: $spec, $items =back Sorts the given list of items such that the ones that also appear in the spec are at the beginning. This is called by L and L, and gets passed L as the spec argument. =head1 AUTHORS See L for authors. =head1 LICENSE See L for the license. =cut