package Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Action; use Reaction::Class; use MooseX::Types::URI qw/Uri/; use MooseX::Types::Moose qw/Int Str/; use MooseX::Types::Common::String qw/NonEmptySimpleStr/; use namespace::clean -except => [ qw(meta) ]; extends 'Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Object::Mutable'; with 'Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Action::Role::OK'; sub DEBUG_EVENTS () { $ENV{REACTION_UI_VIEWPORT_DEBUG_EVENTS} } has message => (is => 'rw', isa => Str); has '+model' => (handles => [qw/error_message has_error_message/]); #this has to fucking go. it BLOWS. has method => ( is => 'rw', isa => NonEmptySimpleStr, default => sub { 'post' } ); has action => ( is => 'rw', isa => Uri ); has changed => ( is => 'rw', isa => Int, reader => 'is_changed', default => sub{0} ); sub can_apply { my ($self) = @_; foreach my $field ( @{ $self->fields } ) { return 0 if $field->needs_sync; # if e.g. a datetime field has an invalid value that can't be re-assembled # into a datetime object, the action may be in a consistent state but # not synchronized from the fields; in this case, we must not apply } return $self->model->can_apply; } sub do_apply { shift->model->do_apply; } after apply_child_events => sub { # interrupt here because fields will have been updated my ($self) = @_; $self->sync_action_from_fields; }; sub sync_action_from_fields { my ($self) = @_; foreach my $field (@{$self->fields}) { $field->sync_to_action; # get the field to populate the $action if possible } $self->model->sync_all; foreach my $field (@{$self->fields}) { $field->sync_from_action; # get errors from $action if applicable } } after handle_events => sub { my ($self, $events) = @_; foreach my $event ($self->accept_events) { unless (exists $events->{$event} ) { # for {"${event}.x"} && exists $events->{"${event}.y"} ) { $self->_dump_event($event, $events->{$event}) if DEBUG_EVENTS; $self->$event($events->{$event}); } } } }; __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; 1; __END__; =head1 NAME Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Action - Provide user with a form with OK, Apply and Close. =head1 SYNOPSIS $controller->push_viewport('Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Action', model => $interface_model_action, field_order => [qw( firstname lastname )], excluded_fields => [qw( password )], ); =head1 DESCRIPTION This subclass of L is used for rendering a complete form supporting Apply, Close and OK. =head1 ATTRIBUTES =head2 message =head2 model Inherited from L. Must be a L. Also handles C and C methods. =head2 method post / get =head2 changed Returns true if a field has been edited. =head1 METHODS =head2 can_apply Returns true if no field C and the L C. =head2 do_apply Delegates to C on the L, which is a L. =head2 sync_action_from_fields Firstly calls C on every L in L. Then it calls C on the L in L. Next it will call C on every field to repopulate them from the L. =head1 SUBCLASSING package MyApp::UI::ViewPort::Action; use Reaction::Class; use MooseX::Types::Moose qw( Int ); use namespace::clean -except => 'meta'; extends 'Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Action'; has render_timestamp => ( is => 'ro', isa => Int, default => sub { time }, required => 1, ); has '+field_order' => (default => sub {[qw( firstname lastname )]}); 1; =head1 SEE ALSO L L L L L L =head1 AUTHORS See L for authors. =head1 LICENSE See L for the license. =cut