package Reaction::UI::Widget::SiteLayout; use Reaction::UI::WidgetClass; use aliased 'Reaction::UI::Widget::Container'; use MooseX::Types::Moose 'HashRef'; use namespace::clean -except => [ qw(meta) ]; extends Container; after fragment widget { arg static_base => $_{viewport}->static_base_uri; arg title => $_{viewport}->title; }; implements fragment meta_info { my $self = shift; if ( $_{viewport}->meta_info->{'http_header'} ) { my $http_header = delete $_{viewport}->meta_info->{'http_header'}; arg 'http_header' => $http_header; render 'meta_http_header' => over [keys %$http_header]; } render 'meta_member' => over [keys %{$_{viewport}->meta_info}]; }; implements fragment meta_http_header { arg 'meta_name' => $_; arg 'meta_value' => $_{'http_header'}->{$_}; }; implements fragment meta_member { arg 'meta_name' => $_; arg 'meta_value' => $_{viewport}->meta_info->{$_}; }; __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Reaction::UI::Widget::SiteLayout - The layout of the site as a whole =head1 DESCRIPTION This is a subclass of L. It is generally used as the widget surrounding the site's content. =head1 FRAGMENTS =head2 widget Additionally provides these arguments after the parent widget fragment has been rendered: =over 4 =item static_base The C of the viewport. =item title The C attribute value of the viewport. =back =head2 meta_info If the viewports C<meta_info> contains a value for C<http_header>, It will be removed and set as C<http_header> argument. Next, the C<meta_http_header> fragment will be rendered for each key of the C<http_header> hash reference. After the C<http_header> processing, the remaining keys of the viewports C<meta_info> attribute hash reference will be rendered via the C<meta_member> fragment. =head2 meta_http_header Additionally provides these arguments: =over 4 =item meta_name The current value of the C<_> argument, which will be set to the key of the C<http_header> argument hash reference when rendered by the C<meta_info> fragment. =item meta_value The value of the C<meta_name> key in the C<http_header> argument hash reference. =back =head2 meta_member Additionally provides these arguments: =over 4 =item meta_name The current value of the C<_> argument, which will be set to the key of the viewport's C<meta_info> attribte value when rendered by the C<meta_info> fragment. =item meta_value The value of the C<meta_name> key in the viewport's C<meta_info> attribute hash reference. =back =head1 LAYOUT SETS =head2 base share/skin/base/layout/ The base layout set will provide the following layouts: =over 4 =item widget This layout will render the C<doctype> fragment at the top of the page. Then the traditional HTML layout with a C<html> element containing C<head> (rendering the C<head> fragment and C<body> (rendering the C<body> fragment) elements. =item head Will render the C<title> argument in a C<title> element. After that it will render the C<head_meta>, C<head_scripts> and C<head_style> fragments. =item head_meta Renders the C<meta_info> fragment. =item meta_http_header Renders a C<meta> element where the value of the C<http-equiv> attribute is set to the C<meta_name> argument and the C<content> attribute is set to the C<meta_value> argument. =item meta_member Renders a C<meta> element where the C<name> attribute is set to the C<meta_name> argument and the C<content> attribute is set to the C<meta_value> argument. =item head_scripts Is empty by default. =item head_style Is empty by default. =item doctype By default this renders an C<XHTML 1.0 Transitional> doctype. =item body This will render the C<inner> viewports in the focus stack. =back =head2 default share/skin/default/layout/ The C<site_layout> layout set in the C<default> skin extends the one in the C<base> skin documented above. The following layouts are provided: =over 4 =item widget This layout is mostly the same as the one in the C<base> skin, except that the C<html> element has C<xmlns> and C<xml:lang> attributes set. =back =head1 AUTHORS See L<Reaction::Class> for authors. =head1 LICENSE See L<Reaction::Class> for the license. =cut