package Reaction::UI::Widget::Value::Image; use Reaction::UI::WidgetClass; use namespace::clean -except => [ qw(meta) ]; implements fragment image { if($_{viewport}->value_string) { arg uri => $_{viewport}->uri; render 'has_image'; } else { render 'no_image'; } }; __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; =head1 NAME Reaction::UI::Widget::Value::Image - An image tag or non-image alternative =head1 DESCRIPTION This widget allows you to render an image container that uses different fragments for available and non-available images. =head1 FRAGMENTS AND LAYOUTS =head2 widget Has only layout implementation. The widget fragment is inherited from L. The layout will simply render the C fragment. This fragment can be overwritten by your own layout to render, for example, a frame around the image. =head2 image Is only implemented in the widget. If the viewport has a true value in C, the C argument will be set to the value of the C attribute or method return value of the viewport, and the C fragment will be rendered. If C is false, the C fragment will be rendered. =head2 has_image This is only implemented in the layout file. It contains just an image tag and will be rendered when the viewport has a true C. =head2 no_image This has only an empty implementation in the layout file. It will output nothing and is called when then viewport has a false C. =head1 LAYOUT TEMPLATE share/skin/base/layout/value/ =head1 AUTHORS See L for authors. =head1 LICENSE See L for the license. =cut 1;