package RTest::InterfaceModel::Reflector::DBIC; use base qw/Reaction::Test::WithDB Reaction::Object/; use Reaction::Class; use Class::MOP (); use ComponentUI::TestModel; use Test::More (); use Reaction::InterfaceModel::Reflector::DBIC; has '+schema_class' => (default => sub { 'RTest::TestDB' }); has im_schema => (is =>'ro', isa => 'RTest::TestIM', lazy_build => 1); #at the moment I am only testing with the "reflect all" functionality #when I have time I will write test cases that cover all the other bases #it's just kind of a pain in the ass right now and I am behind on a lot of other shit. sub build_im_schema{ my $self = shift; my $reflector = Reaction::InterfaceModel::Reflector::DBIC->new; $reflector->reflect_schema( model_class => 'RTest::TestIM', schema_class => 'RTest::TestDB', sources => [qw/Foo Bar Baz/] ); my (@dm) = RTest::TestIM->domain_models; Test::More::ok(@dm == 1, 'Correct number of Domain Models'); my $dm = shift @dm; RTest::TestIM->new($dm->name => $self->schema); } sub test_classnames : Tests{ my $self = shift; my $reflector = Reaction::InterfaceModel::Reflector::DBIC->new; Test::More::is( $reflector->class_name_from_source_name('RTest::__TestIM','Foo'), 'RTest::__TestIM::Foo', 'Correct naming scheme for submodels' ); Test::More::is( $reflector->class_name_for_collection_of('RTest::__TestIM::Foo'), 'RTest::__TestIM::Foo::Collection', 'Correct naming scheme for submodel collections' ); } sub test_reflect_schema :Tests { my $self = shift; my $s = $self->im_schema; Test::More::isa_ok( $s, 'Reaction::InterfaceModel::Object', 'Correct base' ); my %pa = map{$_->name => $_ } $s->parameter_attributes; Test::More::ok(keys %pa == 3, 'Correct number of Parameter Attributes'); Test::More::ok($pa{Foo} && $pa{'Bar'} && $pa{'Baz'}, 'Parameter Attributes named correctly'); for my $submodel (values %pa){ Test::More::ok( $submodel->_isa_metadata->isa('Reaction::InterfaceModel::Collection::Virtual::ResultSet'), 'Parameter Attribute typed correctly' ); } Test::More::can_ok($s, qw/foo_collection bar_collection baz_collection/); for ( qw/Foo Bar Baz/ ){ Test::More::ok( Class::MOP::is_class_loaded("RTest::TestIM::${_}"), "Successfully created ${_} IM class" ); Test::More::ok( Class::MOP::is_class_loaded("RTest::TestIM::${_}::Collection"), "Successfully created ${_} IM class Collection" ); } } sub test_add_source_to_model :Tests { my $self = shift; my $s = $self->im_schema; for (qw/Foo Bar Baz /) { my $attr = $s->meta->find_attribute_by_name($_); my $reader = $_; $reader =~ s/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/${1}_${2}/g ; $reader = lc($reader) . "_collection"; Test::More::ok( $attr->is_required, "${_} is required"); Test::More::ok( $attr->has_reader, "${_} has a reader"); Test::More::ok( $attr->has_predicate, "${_} has a predicate"); Test::More::ok( $attr->has_domain_model, "${_} has a domain_model"); Test::More::ok( $attr->has_default, "${_} has a default"); Test::More::ok( $attr->is_default_a_coderef, "${_}'s defaultis a coderef"); Test::More::is( $attr->reader, $reader, "Correct ${_} reader"); Test::More::is( $attr->domain_model, "_rtest_testdb_store", "Correct ${_} domain_model"); Test::More::isa_ok( $s->$reader, "RTest::TestIM::${_}::Collection", "${_} default method works" ); } } sub test_reflect_collection_for :Tests{ my $self = shift; my $s = $self->im_schema; for ( qw/Foo Bar Baz/ ){ my $reader = $s->meta->find_attribute_by_name($_)->reader; my $collection = $s->$reader; Test::More::is( $collection->meta->name, "RTest::TestIM::${_}::Collection", "Correct Classname" ); Test::More::isa_ok( $collection, 'Reaction::InterfaceModel::Collection', "Collection ISA Collection" ); Test::More::isa_ok( $collection, 'Reaction::InterfaceModel::Collection::Virtual', "Collection ISA virtual collection" ); Test::More::isa_ok( $collection, 'Reaction::InterfaceModel::Collection::Virtual::ResultSet', "Collection ISA virtual resultset" ); Test::More::can_ok($collection, '_build_im_class'); Test::More::is( $collection->_build_im_class, "RTest::TestIM::${_}", "Collection has correct _im_class" ); } } sub test_reflect_submodel :Tests{ my $self = shift; my $s = $self->im_schema; for my $sm ( qw/Foo Bar Baz/ ){ my $reader = $s->meta->find_attribute_by_name($sm)->reader; my $collection = $s->$reader; my ($member) = $collection->members; Test::More::ok($member, "Successfully retrieved member"); Test::More::isa_ok( $member, "Reaction::InterfaceModel::Object", "Member isa IM::Object" ); Test::More::isa_ok($member, $collection->_im_class); my (@dm) = $member->domain_models; Test::More::ok(@dm == 1, 'Correct number of Domain Models'); my $dm = shift @dm; my $dm_name = Reaction::InterfaceModel::Reflector::DBIC ->dm_name_from_source_name($sm); Test::More::is($dm->_is_metadata, "rw", "Correct is metadata"); Test::More::ok($dm->is_required, "DM is_required"); Test::More::is($dm->name, $dm_name, "Correct DM name"); Test::More::can_ok($member, "inflate_result"); Test::More::is( $dm->_isa_metadata, "RTest::TestDB::${sm}", "Correct isa metadata" ); my %attrs = map { $_->name => $_ } $member->parameter_attributes; my $target; if( $sm eq "Bar"){$target = 4; } elsif($sm eq "Baz"){$target = 3; } elsif($sm eq "Foo"){$target = 4; } Test::More::is( scalar keys %attrs, $target, "Correct # of attributes"); for my $attr_name (keys %attrs){ my $attr = $attrs{$attr_name}; Test::More::ok($attr->is_lazy, "is lazy"); Test::More::ok($attr->is_required, "is required"); Test::More::ok($attr->has_clearer, "has clearer"); Test::More::ok($attr->has_default, "has defau;t"); Test::More::ok($attr->has_predicate, "has predicate"); Test::More::ok($attr->has_domain_model, "has domain model"); Test::More::ok($attr->has_orig_attr_name, "has orig attr name"); Test::More::ok($attr->is_default_a_coderef, "default is coderef"); Test::More::is($attr->_is_metadata, "ro", "Correct is metadata"); Test::More::is($attr->domain_model, $dm_name, "Correct domain model"); Test::More::is($attr->orig_attr_name, $attr_name, "Correct orig attr name"); } if($sm eq "Foo"){ Test::More::is($attrs{id}->_isa_metadata, "Int", "Correct id isa metadata"); Test::More::is($attrs{first_name}->_isa_metadata, "NonEmptySimpleStr", "Correct first_name isa metadata"); Test::More::is($attrs{last_name}->_isa_metadata, "NonEmptySimpleStr", "Correct last_name isa metadata"); Test::More::is( $attrs{baz_list}->_isa_metadata, "RTest::TestIM::Baz::Collection", "Correct baz_list isa metadata" ); } elsif($sm eq 'Bar'){ Test::More::is($attrs{name}->_isa_metadata, "NonEmptySimpleStr", "Correct name isa metadata"); Test::More::is($attrs{foo}->_isa_metadata, "RTest::TestIM::Foo", "Correct foo isa metadata"); Test::More::is($attrs{published_at}->_isa_metadata, "DateTime", "Correct published_at isa metadata"); Test::More::is($attrs{avatar}->_isa_metadata, "File", "Correct avatar isa metadata"); } elsif($sm eq "Baz"){ Test::More::is($attrs{id}->_isa_metadata, "Int", "Correct id isa metadata"); Test::More::is($attrs{name}->_isa_metadata, "NonEmptySimpleStr", "Correct name isa metadata"); Test::More::is( $attrs{foo_list}->_isa_metadata, "RTest::TestIM::Foo::Collection", "Correct foo_list isa metadata" ); } } } sub test_reflect_submodel_action :Tests{ my $self = shift; my $s = $self->im_schema; for my $sm ( qw/Foo Bar Baz/ ){ my $reader = $s->meta->find_attribute_by_name($sm)->reader; my $collection = $s->$reader; my ($member) = $collection->members; Test::More::ok($member, "Successfully retrieved member"); Test::More::isa_ok( $member, "Reaction::InterfaceModel::Object", "Member isa IM::Object" ); Test::More::isa_ok($member, $collection->_im_class); my $ctx = $self->simple_mock_context; foreach my $action_name (qw/Update Delete Create/){ my $target_im = $action_name eq 'Create' ? $collection : $member; my $action = $target_im->action_for($action_name, ctx => $ctx); Test::More::isa_ok( $action, "Reaction::InterfaceModel::Action", "Create action isa Action" ); Test::More::is( $action->meta->name, "RTest::TestIM::${sm}::Action::${action_name}", "${action_name} action has correct name" ); my $base = 'Reaction::InterfaceModel::Action::DBIC' . ($action_name eq 'Create' ? '::ResultSet::Create' : "::Result::${action_name}"); Test::More::isa_ok($action, $base, 'Create action has correct base'); my %attrs = map { $_->name => $_ } $action->parameter_attributes; my $attr_num; if($action_name eq 'Delete'){next; } elsif($sm eq "Bar"){$attr_num = 4; } elsif($sm eq "Baz"){$attr_num = 1; } elsif($sm eq "Foo"){$attr_num = 3; } Test::More::is( scalar keys %attrs, $attr_num, "Correct # of attributes"); if($attr_num != keys %attrs ){ print STDERR "\t..." . join ", ", keys %attrs, "\n"; } for my $attr_name (keys %attrs){ my $attr = $attrs{$attr_name}; Test::More::ok($attr->has_predicate, "has predicate"); Test::More::is($attr->_is_metadata, "rw", "Correct is metadata"); if ($attr->is_required){ Test::More::ok($attr->is_lazy, "is lazy"); Test::More::ok($attr->has_default, "has default"); Test::More::ok($attr->is_default_a_coderef, "default is coderef"); } } if($sm eq "Foo"){ Test::More::is($attrs{first_name}->_isa_metadata, "NonEmptySimpleStr", "Correct first_name isa metadata"); Test::More::is($attrs{last_name}->_isa_metadata, "NonEmptySimpleStr", "Correct last_name isa metadata"); Test::More::is($attrs{baz_list}->_isa_metadata, "ArrayRef", "Correct baz_list isa metadata"); } elsif($sm eq 'Bar'){ Test::More::is($attrs{name}->_isa_metadata, "NonEmptySimpleStr", "Correct name isa metadata"); Test::More::is($attrs{foo}->_isa_metadata, "RTest::TestDB::Foo", "Correct foo isa metadata"); Test::More::is($attrs{published_at}->_isa_metadata, "DateTime", "Correct published_at isa metadata"); Test::More::is($attrs{avatar}->_isa_metadata, "File", "Correct avatar isa metadata"); } elsif($sm eq "Baz"){ Test::More::is($attrs{name}->_isa_metadata, "NonEmptySimpleStr", "Correct name isa metadata"); } } } } 1;