diff options
5 files changed, 46 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Reply/ b/lib/Reply/
index c0746d1..ed3efbb 100644
--- a/lib/Reply/
+++ b/lib/Reply/
@@ -77,23 +77,7 @@ Compiles the string of Perl code into a coderef. Takes the line of code as a
string and a hash of extra parameters, and returns the coderef to be executed.
The default implementation uses L<Eval::Closure> to compile the given string.
-The extra parameters can be anything that C<eval_closure> supports, as well as
-these additional parameters:
-=over 4
-=item package
-The package to use to evaluate the code within. Defaults to C<main>.
-=item environments
-A hashref of additional lexical environments to be merged with the main lexical
-environment in the C<environment> key. This allows plugins to ensure that their
-extra additions to the lexical scope remain visible, even if other plugins
-change what "the current lexical scope" means.
+The hash of extra parameters is passed directly to C<eval_closure>.
=item execute
@@ -135,6 +119,43 @@ should terminate.
+Reply plugins can also communicate among each other via a pub/sub mechanism. By
+calling the C<publish> method, all plugins which respond to the given message
+(implement a method of the given name) will have that method called with the
+given arguments, and all of the responses will be collected and returned. Some
+messages used by the default plugins are:
+=over 4
+=item tab_handler ($line)
+Plugins can publish this message when they want to attempt tab completion.
+Plugins that respond to this message should return a list of potential
+completions of the line which is passed in.
+=item lexical_environment ($name, $env)
+Plugins which wish to modify the lexical environment should do so by publishing
+this message. This will register it with the repl itself, as well as allowing
+other plugins which introspect the lexical environment to see it.
+There can be more than one lexical environment, which are all merged together
+when the line is evaluated. C<default> is the primary environment (typically
+corresponding to the user's code). All other environments should typically have
+unique names, and are used to add additonal variables to the environment that
+won't be overridden if a plugin decides to replace the default environment.
+=item package ($name)
+Plugins which wish to modify the currently active package should do so by
+publishing this message. This will register it with the repl itself, as well as
+allowing other plugins which introspect the current package to see it.
+Your plugins, however, are not limited to these messages - you can use whatever
+messages you want to communicate.
sub new {
@@ -148,6 +169,14 @@ sub new {
}, $class;
+=method publish ($name, @args)
+Publish a message to other plugins which respond to it. All loaded plugins
+which implement a method named C<$name> will have it called with C<@args> as
+the parameters. Returns a list of everything that each plugin responded with.
sub publish {
my $self = shift;
diff --git a/lib/Reply/Plugin/Autocomplete/ b/lib/Reply/Plugin/Autocomplete/
index b3ec05a..1742b87 100644
--- a/lib/Reply/Plugin/Autocomplete/
+++ b/lib/Reply/Plugin/Autocomplete/
@@ -32,9 +32,4 @@ sub tab_handler {
return grep { $_ =~ $re } @Functions, @Barewords;
-=for Pod::Coverage
- tab_handler
diff --git a/lib/Reply/Plugin/Autocomplete/ b/lib/Reply/Plugin/Autocomplete/
index 7c4a771..b49c4c6 100644
--- a/lib/Reply/Plugin/Autocomplete/
+++ b/lib/Reply/Plugin/Autocomplete/
@@ -72,10 +72,4 @@ sub tab_handler {
return @results;
-=for Pod::Coverage
- tab_handler
- lexical_environment
diff --git a/lib/Reply/Plugin/Autocomplete/ b/lib/Reply/Plugin/Autocomplete/
index e414e4a..d247baa 100644
--- a/lib/Reply/Plugin/Autocomplete/
+++ b/lib/Reply/Plugin/Autocomplete/
@@ -46,9 +46,4 @@ sub tab_handler {
return @results;
-=for Pod::Coverage
- tab_handler
diff --git a/lib/Reply/Plugin/ b/lib/Reply/Plugin/
index 0124b4c..ca3c047 100644
--- a/lib/Reply/Plugin/
+++ b/lib/Reply/Plugin/
@@ -118,7 +118,6 @@ sub loop {
- lexical_environment
=end Pod::Coverage