package App::REPL::Plugin::Defaults; # XXX Eval::Closure imposes its own hints on things that are eval'ed at the # moment, but this may be fixed in the future BEGIN { our $default_hints = $^H; our $default_hinthash = { %^H }; our $default_warning_bits = ${^WARNING_BITS}; } use strict; use warnings; use base 'App::REPL::Plugin'; use Eval::Closure; sub display_prompt { my $self = shift; print "> "; } sub read_line { my $self = shift; return scalar <>; } my $PREFIX = "BEGIN { \$^H = \$" . __PACKAGE__ . "::default_hints; \%^H = \%\$" . __PACKAGE__ . "::default_hinthash; \${^WARNING_BITS} = \$" . __PACKAGE__ . "::default_warning_bits }"; sub evaluate { my $self = shift; my ($next, $line, %args) = @_; return eval_closure( source => "sub { $PREFIX; $line }", terse_error => 1, %args, )->(); } sub print_error { my $self = shift; my ($next, $error) = @_; print $error, "\n" if defined $error; } sub print_result { my $self = shift; my ($next, @result) = @_; print @result, "\n" if @result; } 1;