package Reply::Plugin::Editor; use strict; use warnings; # ABSTRACT: command to edit the current line in a text editor use base 'Reply::Plugin'; use File::HomeDir; use File::Spec; use Proc::InvokeEditor; =head1 SYNOPSIS ; .replyrc [Editor] editor = emacs =head1 DESCRIPTION This plugin provides the C<#e> command. It will launch your editor, and allow you to edit bits of code in your editor, which will then be evaluated all at once. The text you entered will be saved, and restored the next time you enter the command. Alternatively, you can pass a filename to the C<#e> command, and the contents of that file will be preloaded instead. The C option can be specified to provide a different editor to use, otherwise it will use the value of C<$ENV{VISUAL}> or C<$ENV{EDITOR}>. =cut sub new { my $class = shift; my %opts = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_); $self->{editor} = Proc::InvokeEditor->new( (defined $opts{editor} ? (editors => [ $opts{editor} ]) : ()) ); $self->{current_text} = ''; return $self; } sub command_e { my $self = shift; my ($line) = @_; my $text; if (length $line) { if ($line =~ s+^~/++) { $line = File::Spec->catfile(File::HomeDir->my_home, $line); } elsif ($line =~ s+^~([^/]*)/++) { $line = File::Spec->catfile(File::HomeDir->users_home($1), $line); } my $current_text = do { local $/; if (open my $fh, '<', $line) { <$fh>; } else { warn "Couldn't open $line: $!"; return ''; } }; $text = $self->{editor}->edit($current_text, '.pl'); } else { $text = $self->{editor}->edit($self->{current_text}, '.pl'); $self->{current_text} = $text; } return $text; } 1;