package Reply::Plugin::ResultCache; use strict; use warnings; # ABSTRACT: retain previous results to be able to refer to them later use base 'Reply::Plugin'; =head1 SYNOPSIS ; .replyrc [ResultCache] variable = r =head1 DESCRIPTION This plugin caches the results of successful evaluations, and provides them in a lexical array (by default C<@res>, although this can be changed via the C option). This means that you can, for instance, access the value returned by the previous line with C<$res[-1]>. It also modifies the output to include an indication of where the value is stored, for later reference. =cut sub new { my $class = shift; my %opts = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_); $self->{results} = []; $self->{result_name} = $opts{variable} || 'res'; return $self; } sub compile { my $self = shift; my ($next, $line, %args) = @_; $args{environments}{''.__PACKAGE__} = { "\@$self->{result_name}" => $self->{results}, }; $next->($line, %args); } sub execute { my $self = shift; my ($next, @args) = @_; my @res = $next->(@args); if (@res == 1) { push @{ $self->{results} }, $res[0]; } elsif (@res > 1) { push @{ $self->{results} }, \@res; } return @res; } sub mangle_result { my $self = shift; my ($result) = @_; return unless defined $result; return '$' . $self->{result_name} . '[' . $#{ $self->{results} } . '] = ' . $result; } 1;