#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; BEGIN { plan(skip_all => 'network tests disabled for shipped version') unless $ENV{RELEASE_TESTING}; } use Cwd; use File::Temp; use Path::Class; use Resource::Pack::jQuery; { my $oldcwd = getcwd; my $dir = File::Temp->newdir; chdir $dir; my $file = file('jquery-1.4.2.min.js'); my $resource = Resource::Pack::jQuery->new( version => '1.4.2', ); ok(!-e $file, "jquery doesn't exist yet"); $resource->install; ok(-e $file, "jquery exists!"); like($file->slurp, qr/jQuery JavaScript Library v1\.4\.2/, "got the right jquery version"); like($file->slurp, qr/\Q(function(A,w){function ma(){/, "got the minified jquery"); chdir $oldcwd; } { my $oldcwd = getcwd; my $dir = File::Temp->newdir; chdir $dir; my $file = file('jquery-1.4.2.js'); my $resource = Resource::Pack::jQuery->new( version => '1.4.2', minified => 0, ); ok(!-e $file, "jquery doesn't exist yet"); $resource->install; ok(-e $file, "jquery exists!"); like($file->slurp, qr/jQuery JavaScript Library v1\.4\.2/, "got the right jquery version"); like($file->slurp, qr:\Qvar jQuery = function(:, "got the non-minified jquery"); chdir $oldcwd; } { my $oldcwd = getcwd; my $dir = File::Temp->newdir; chdir $dir; my $file = file('jquery-1.3.2.min.js'); my $resource = Resource::Pack::jQuery->new( version => '1.3.2', ); ok(!-e $file, "jquery doesn't exist yet"); $resource->install; ok(-e $file, "jquery exists!"); like($file->slurp, qr/jQuery JavaScript Library v1\.3\.2/, "got the right jquery version"); like($file->slurp, qr/\Q(function(){var l/, "got the minified jquery"); chdir $oldcwd; } { my $oldcwd = getcwd; my $dir = File::Temp->newdir; chdir $dir; my $file = file('jquery-1.3.2.js'); my $resource = Resource::Pack::jQuery->new( version => '1.3.2', minified => 0, ); ok(!-e $file, "jquery doesn't exist yet"); $resource->install; ok(-e $file, "jquery exists!"); like($file->slurp, qr/jQuery JavaScript Library v1\.3\.2/, "got the right jquery version"); like($file->slurp, qr:\QjQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = {:, "got the non-minified jquery"); chdir $oldcwd; } done_testing;