% vim:foldmethod=marker commentstring=%%%s % license {{{ % This work is licensed under the Creative Commons % Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License. To view a copy of this license, % visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/1.0/ or send a letter to % Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA. % This file is adapted from Todd Courtesan's resume, at % http://www.courtesan.com/todd/resume.html % }}} % {{{ header \documentclass[letterpaper,10pt]{article} \usepackage{jesse_resume} % }}} \begin{document} % {{{ heading (contact info, etc) % look up what this actually does... \begin{tabular*}{7in}{l@{\extracolsep{\fill}}cr} jluehrs2@uiuc.edu & \textbf{\LARGE Jesse P Luehrs} & 506 E. White St., Apt \#22\\ (618) 616-6287 & & Champaign, IL 61820\\ \end{tabular*} \\ % }}} \vspace{0.1in} % {{{ Education \resheading{Education} \begin{itemize} \item \ressubheading{University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign} {Urbana, IL} {Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (in progress)} {Aug. 2004--May 2008 (expected)} \begin{itemize} \resitem{Overall GPA: 3.66, Technical GPA: 3.86} \resitem{James Scholar in Engineering (2004--2005)} \resitem{Dean's List (Fall 2004--Fall 2006)} \end{itemize} \end{itemize} % }}} % {{{ Work Experience \resheading{Work Experience} \begin{itemize} \item \ressubheading{UIUC Hydrogeology Lab} {Urbana, IL} {Programmer} {Feb. 2006--present} \begin{itemize} \resitem{Worked on the Geochemists' Workbench, a geochemistry software suite written in C++ and Tcl/Tk.} \resitem{Added or enhanced support for several different image output formats including PDF, SVG, and PostScript, including adding TrueType font embedding to PDF and PostScript files.} \end{itemize} \item \ressubheading{Smile-A-While Amusements} {Traveling, Illinois/Indiana/Missouri} {Concessions manager} {summer 2004 and 2005} \begin{itemize} \resitem{Managed several amusement games on the Luehrs' Ideal Rides carnival.} \end{itemize} \end{itemize} % }}} % {{{ Projects \resheading{Projects} \begin{itemize} %%\item \resshortsubheading{hm-command (http://tozt.net/code/hm-command/)}{2008--Present} %%\begin{itemize} %%\resitem{hm-command is a script for interacting with Hiveminder (http://hiveminder.com).} %%\resitem{It is written in Perl, and uses the Net::Hiveminder module to interact with Jifty's REST interface.} %%\end{itemize} \item \resshortsubheading{System for Defining, Documenting and Recording Game Events}{2007--Present} \begin{itemize} \resitem{This is a library written in C which can be added to games in order to track arbitrary events and report them to a remote server, for use in gameplay testing.} \resitem{This is being written as a group project for Volition, Inc., to fulfill the senior project requirement for graduation from UIUC.} \end{itemize} \item \resshortsubheading{LuaSignal (http://tozt.net/code/luasignal/)}{2007--Present} \begin{itemize} \resitem{This is a library for Lua written mostly in C, which provides POSIX signal handling support to Lua scripts.} \end{itemize} \item \resshortsubheading{LuaIRC (http://tozt.net/code/luairc/)}{2006--Present} \begin{itemize} \resitem{LuaIRC is a fully-featured IRC framework written in Lua.} \end{itemize} %%\item \resshortsubheading{Illinexus (http://www.illinexus.org/)}{2006--Present} %%\begin{itemize} %%\resitem{I am the system administrator for Illinexus, which provides a free web hosting service for UIUC students and registered student organizations.} %%\end{itemize} \item \resshortsubheading{Interhack (http://interhack.us/)}{2007} \begin{itemize} \resitem{Interhack is a program written in object-oriented Perl, using the Calf object system (a stripped down version of Moose). It provides user interface enhancements for the game NetHack.} \resitem{For Interhack I also developed the Perl module IO::Pty::Easy, which allows for spawning subprocesses on a pseudo-terminal, and provides access to stdin/stdout of that subprocess through a simple read/write interface.} \end{itemize} \item \resshortsubheading{Sonnet (http://tozt.net/code/sonnet/)}{2006} \begin{itemize} \resitem{Sonnet is an implementation of a Forth variant in Lua.} \end{itemize} \item \resshortsubheading{LSLua}{2005--2006} \begin{itemize} \resitem{LSLua is a module for the alternative Windows shell LiteStep, which provides Lua scripting capabilities to theme authors. It is written in C++, using the Lua C API.} \end{itemize} %%\item \resshortsubheading{Ars Physica (https://www-s.acm.uiuc.edu/wiki/space/Ars+Physica)}{2004--2005} %%\begin{itemize} %%\resitem{Ars Physica is a 3d puzzle game written in C++. I added Lua bindings to it, and used them to extend certain aspects of the game.} %%\end{itemize} \end{itemize} % }}} % {{{ Skills \resheading{Skills} \begin{description} \item[Languages:] \begin{minipage}[t]{6.5in} \begin{description} \item Proficient in C, C++, Lua, Bash, Perl (CPAN id: DOY), LaTeX \item Working knowledge of Ruby, OCaml, Tcl/Tk, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, PostScript, sed \end{description} \end{minipage} \item[Operating Systems:] Linux (Gentoo, Debian), Windows (2000, XP) \item[Tools:] Make, Vim, Microsoft Visual Studio, Cygwin, Darcs, Subversion \end{description} % }}} % {{{ Activities \resheading{Activities} \begin{description} \item[Inline Insomniacs:] I have been the webmaster for the Inline Insomniacs rollerblading club from 2005 until present. \item[Falling Illini:] I have been a member of the Falling Illini skydiving club since 2007. \end{description} % }}} \end{document}