# runes looks for a configuration file in the following places: # - $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/runes/runes.conf (if $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is set) # - $HOME/.config/runes/runes.conf (if $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is not set) # - $HOME/.runesrc # - /etc/runesrc # All values in this file are the defaults. Any of these values can also be # overriden on the command line by passing them as long options - for instance, # `./runes --scrollback_length 0`. ### Geometry # cols = 80 # rows = 24 ### Fonts # font = monospace 10 # bold_is_bold = true # bold_is_bright = true ### Bells # audible_bell = true # bell_is_urgent = true ### Scrolling # scroll_lines = 3 # scrollback_length = 4096 ### Timeouts # redraw_rate = 20 # double_click_rate = 500 ### Colors # fgcolor = #d2d2d2 # bgcolor = #000000 # cursorcolor = #00ff00 # mousecursorcolor = #ffffff # color0 = #000000 # color1 = #cd0000 # color2 = #00cd00 # color3 = #cdcd00 # color4 = #0000cd # color5 = #cd00cd # color6 = #00cdcd # color7 = #e4e4e4 # color8 = #4d4d4d # color9 = #ff0000 # color10 = #00ff00 # color11 = #ffff00 # color12 = #0000ff # color13 = #ff00ff # color14 = #00ffff # color15 = #ffffff # (color16-color255 are similarly supported, for 256-color applications) ### Execution # (defaults to /bin/sh if $SHELL is not set) # command = $SHELL