use std::io; use constants::*; use message::Message; pub enum MessageError { ParseError(&'static str), IoError(io::IoError), } pub type MessageResult = Result; pub struct ClientBuilder { nick: String, pass: Option, realname: String, username: String, hostname: Option, servername: String, port: u16, } impl ClientBuilder { pub fn new (nick: &str, servername: &str) -> ClientBuilder { ClientBuilder { nick: nick.to_string(), pass: None, realname: nick.to_string(), username: nick.to_string(), hostname: None, servername: servername.to_string(), port: 6667, } } pub fn set_pass (&mut self, pass: &str) -> &mut ClientBuilder { self.pass = Some(pass.to_string()); self } pub fn set_username (&mut self, username: &str) -> &mut ClientBuilder { self.username = username.to_string(); self } pub fn set_realname (&mut self, realname: &str) -> &mut ClientBuilder { self.realname = realname.to_string(); self } pub fn set_hostname (&mut self, hostname: &str) -> &mut ClientBuilder { self.hostname = Some(hostname.to_string()); self } pub fn set_port (&mut self, port: u16) -> &mut ClientBuilder { self.port = port; self } pub fn connect (self) -> Client { let stream = io::TcpStream::connect(self.servername.as_slice(), self.port); let mut stream = stream.unwrap(); let socket_name = match stream.socket_name() { Ok(addr) => Some(addr.ip.to_string()), Err(_) => None, }; Client::new(self, io::BufferedStream::new(stream), socket_name) } } pub struct Client { builder: ClientBuilder, conn: io::BufferedStream, socket_name: Option, } impl Client { pub fn new (builder: ClientBuilder, conn: io::BufferedStream, socket_name: Option) -> Client { Client { builder: builder, conn: conn, socket_name: socket_name } } pub fn builder (&self) -> &ClientBuilder { &self.builder } pub fn conn (&mut self) -> &mut io::BufferedStream { &mut self.conn } pub fn socket_name (&self) -> Option<&str> { match self.socket_name { Some(ref name) => Some(name.as_slice()), None => None, } } pub fn read (&mut self) -> MessageResult { // \n isn't valid inside a message, so this should be fine. if the \n // we find isn't preceded by a \r, this will be caught by the message // parser. let mut buf = [0, ..MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH]; let mut len = 0; for (res, i) in self.conn().bytes().zip(range(0, MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH - 1)) { match res { Ok(b) => { buf[i] = b; if b == b'\n' { len = i + 1; break; } }, Err(e) => return Err(IoError(e)), } } // XXX handle different encodings match Message::parse(String::from_utf8_lossy(buf.slice(0, len)).as_slice()) { Ok(m) => Ok(m), Err(s) => Err(ParseError(s)), } } pub fn write (&mut self, msg: Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { try!(msg.write_protocol_string(self.conn())); Ok(()) } pub fn run_loop (&mut self, handler: |&mut Client, &Message| -> io::IoResult<()>) -> io::IoError { loop { let m = match { Ok(m) => m, Err(ParseError(_e)) => { // XXX this shouldn't stop the loop, but it's not clear // what it should do - warn maybe? continue }, Err(IoError(e)) => return e, }; match handler(self, &m) { Err(e) => return e, _ => {}, } } } pub fn run_loop_with_callbacks (mut self, cbs: T) -> io::IoError { cbs.run_loop(&mut self) } pub fn pass (&mut self, pass: &str) -> io::IoResult<()> { self.write(Message::new(None, Pass, vec![pass.to_string()])) } pub fn nick (&mut self, nick: &str) -> io::IoResult<()> { self.write(Message::new(None, Nick, vec![nick.to_string()])) } pub fn user (&mut self, username: &str, hostname: &str, servername: &str, realname: &str) -> io::IoResult<()> { self.write(Message::new( None, User, vec![ username.to_string(), hostname.to_string(), servername.to_string(), realname.to_string(), ] )) } pub fn oper (&mut self, user: &str, pass: &str) -> io::IoResult<()> { self.write(Message::new( None, Oper, vec![ user.to_string(), pass.to_string(), ] )) } pub fn quit (&mut self, msg: Option<&str>) -> io::IoResult<()> { self.write(Message::new( None, Quit, vec![].append(|s| s.to_string()).as_slice()) )) } pub fn join (&mut self, channels: &[&str], keys: &[&str]) -> io::IoResult<()> { let mut params = vec![channels.connect(",")]; if keys.len() > 0 { params.push(keys.connect(",")); } self.write(Message::new(None, Join, params)) } pub fn part (&mut self, channels: &[&str]) -> io::IoResult<()> { self.write(Message::new(None, Part, vec![channels.connect(",")])) } pub fn channel_mode (&mut self, channel: &str, modes: &str, params: &[&str]) -> io::IoResult<()> { let p: Vec = params.iter().map(|s| s.to_string()).collect(); self.write(Message::new( None, Mode, vec![channel.to_string(), modes.to_string()].append(p.as_slice()) )) } pub fn user_mode (&mut self, nickname: &str, modes: &str) -> io::IoResult<()> { self.write(Message::new( None, Mode, vec![nickname.to_string(), modes.to_string()] )) } pub fn topic (&mut self, channel: &str, topic: Option<&str>) -> io::IoResult<()> { self.write(Message::new( None, Topic, vec![ channel.to_string() ].append(|s| s.to_string()).as_slice()) )) } pub fn names (&mut self, channels: &[&str]) -> io::IoResult<()> { self.write(Message::new( None, Topic, if channels.len() > 0 { vec![channels.connect(",")] } else { vec![] } )) } pub fn list (&mut self, channels: &[&str], server: Option<&str>) -> io::IoResult<()> { let mut params = vec![]; if channels.len() > 0 { params.push(channels.connect(",")); } self.write(Message::new( None, List, params.append(|s| s.to_string()).as_slice()) )) } pub fn invite (&mut self, nickname: &str, channel: &str) -> io::IoResult<()> { self.write(Message::new( None, Invite, vec![nickname.to_string(), channel.to_string()] )) } pub fn kick (&mut self, channel: &str, user: &str, comment: Option<&str>) -> io::IoResult<()> { self.write(Message::new( None, Kick, vec![ channel.to_string(), user.to_string(), ].append(|s| s.to_string()).as_slice()) )) } pub fn version (&mut self, server: Option<&str>) -> io::IoResult<()> { self.write(Message::new( None, Version, vec![].append(|s| s.to_string()).as_slice()) )) } pub fn stats (&mut self, query: Option<&str>, server: Option<&str>) -> io::IoResult<()> { self.write(Message::new( None, Stats, vec![].append(|s| s.to_string()).as_slice()) .append(|s| s.to_string()).as_slice()) )) } pub fn links (&mut self, remote_server: Option<&str>, server_mask: Option<&str>) -> io::IoResult<()> { self.write(Message::new( None, Links, vec![].append(|s| s.to_string()).as_slice()) .append(|s| s.to_string()).as_slice()) )) } pub fn time (&mut self, server: Option<&str>) -> io::IoResult<()> { self.write(Message::new( None, Time, vec![].append(|s| s.to_string()).as_slice()) )) } pub fn connect (&mut self, target_server: &str, port: Option, remote_server: Option<&str>) -> io::IoResult<()> { self.write(Message::new( None, Connect, vec![ target_server.to_string(), ].append(|s| s.to_string()).as_slice()) .append(|s| s.to_string()).as_slice()) )) } pub fn trace (&mut self, server: Option<&str>) -> io::IoResult<()> { self.write(Message::new( None, Trace, vec![].append(|s| s.to_string()).as_slice()) )) } pub fn admin (&mut self, server: Option<&str>) -> io::IoResult<()> { self.write(Message::new( None, Admin, vec![].append(|s| s.to_string()).as_slice()) )) } pub fn info (&mut self, server: Option<&str>) -> io::IoResult<()> { self.write(Message::new( None, Info, vec![].append(|s| s.to_string()).as_slice()) )) } pub fn privmsg (&mut self, receivers: &[&str], text: &str) -> io::IoResult<()> { self.write(Message::new( None, Privmsg, vec![ receivers.connect(","), text.to_string(), ] )) } pub fn notice (&mut self, nickname: &str, text: &str) -> io::IoResult<()> { self.write(Message::new( None, Notice, vec![ nickname.to_string(), text.to_string(), ] )) } pub fn who (&mut self, name: &str, o: bool) -> io::IoResult<()> { let mut params = vec![name.to_string()]; if o { params.push("o".to_string()); } self.write(Message::new(None, Who, params)) } pub fn whois (&mut self, server: Option<&str>, nickmasks: &[&str]) -> io::IoResult<()> { self.write(Message::new( None, Whois, vec![].append(|s| s.to_string()).as_slice()) .append([nickmasks.connect(",")]) )) } pub fn whowas (&mut self, nickname: &str, count: Option, server: Option<&str>) -> io::IoResult<()> { self.write(Message::new( None, Whowas, vec![ nickname.to_string(), ].append(|s| s.to_string()).as_slice()) .append(|s| s.to_string()).as_slice()) )) } pub fn kill (&mut self, nickname: &str, comment: &str) -> io::IoResult<()> { self.write(Message::new( None, Kill, vec![nickname.to_string(), comment.to_string()] )) } pub fn pong (&mut self, daemon1: &str) -> io::IoResult<()> { self.write(Message::new(None, Pong, vec![daemon1.to_string()])) } pub fn away (&mut self, message: Option<&str>) -> io::IoResult<()> { self.write(Message::new( None, Away, vec![].append(|s| s.to_string()).as_slice()) )) } pub fn rehash (&mut self) -> io::IoResult<()> { self.write(Message::new(None, Rehash, vec![])) } pub fn restart (&mut self) -> io::IoResult<()> { self.write(Message::new(None, Restart, vec![])) } pub fn summon (&mut self, user: &str, server: Option<&str>) -> io::IoResult<()> { self.write(Message::new( None, Summon, vec![ user.to_string() ].append(|s| s.to_string()).as_slice()) )) } pub fn users (&mut self, server: Option<&str>) -> io::IoResult<()> { self.write(Message::new( None, Users, vec![].append(|s| s.to_string()).as_slice()) )) } pub fn wallops (&mut self, text: &str) -> io::IoResult<()> { self.write(Message::new(None, Summon, vec![text.to_string()])) } pub fn userhost (&mut self, nicknames: &[&str]) -> io::IoResult<()> { self.write(Message::new( None, Userhost, nicknames.iter().map(|s| s.to_string()).collect() )) } pub fn ison (&mut self, nicknames: &[&str]) -> io::IoResult<()> { self.write(Message::new( None, Ison, nicknames.iter().map(|s| s.to_string()).collect() )) } } pub trait ClientCallbacks { // XXX once storing closures in structs works, we'll also want to provide // a default CallbackClient impl of Client to allow users to not have to // worry about the struct layout for simple cases. fn run_loop (mut self, client: &mut Client) -> io::IoError { match self.on_client_connect(client) { Err(e) => return e, _ => { }, } let err = client.run_loop(|client, m| { try!(self.on_any_message(client, m)); if m.is_reply() { try!(self.on_reply(client, m)); } else { try!(self.on_command(client, m)); } let from = m.from().as_ref().map(|s| s.as_slice()); let p = m.params().as_slice(); match *m.message_type() { Pass => { match (p.get(0),) { (Some(ref pass),) => { self.on_pass( client, from, pass.as_slice() ) }, _ => self.on_invalid_message(client, m), } }, Nick => { match (p.get(0), p.get(1)) { (Some(ref nick), Some(ref hopcount)) => { match from_str(hopcount.as_slice()) { Some(i) => { self.on_nick( client, from, nick.as_slice(), Some(i) ) }, _ => self.on_invalid_message(client, m), } }, (Some(ref nick), None) => { self.on_nick( client, from, nick.as_slice(), None ) }, _ => self.on_invalid_message(client, m), } }, User => { match (p.get(0), p.get(1), p.get(2), p.get(3)) { (Some(user), Some(host), Some(server), Some(real)) => { self.on_user( client, from, user.as_slice(), host.as_slice(), server.as_slice(), real.as_slice() ) }, _ => self.on_invalid_message(client, m), } }, Server => { match (p.get(0), p.get(1), p.get(2)) { (Some(ref name), Some(ref hopcount), Some(ref info)) => { match from_str(hopcount.as_slice()) { Some(i) => { self.on_server( client, from, name.as_slice(), i, info.as_slice() ) }, _ => self.on_invalid_message(client, m), } }, _ => self.on_invalid_message(client, m), } }, Oper => { match (p.get(0), p.get(1)) { (Some(ref user), Some(ref pass)) => { self.on_oper( client, from, user.as_slice(), pass.as_slice() ) }, _ => self.on_invalid_message(client, m), } }, Quit => { self.on_quit( client, from, p.get(0).map(|s| s.as_slice()) ) }, Squit => { match (p.get(0), p.get(1)) { (Some(ref server), Some(ref comment)) => { self.on_squit( client, from, server.as_slice(), comment.as_slice() ) }, _ => self.on_invalid_message(client, m), } }, Join => { match (p.get(0), p.get(1)) { (Some(ref channels), Some(ref keys)) => { let channels: Vec<&str> = channels.as_slice().split(',').collect(); let keys: Vec<&str> = keys.as_slice().split(',').collect(); self.on_join( client, from, channels.as_slice(), keys.as_slice() ) }, (Some(ref channels), None) => { let channels: Vec<&str> = channels.as_slice().split(',').collect(); self.on_join( client, from, channels.as_slice(), [] ) }, _ => self.on_invalid_message(client, m), } }, Part => { match (p.get(0),) { (Some(ref channels),) => { let channels: Vec<&str> = channels.as_slice().split(',').collect(); self.on_part( client, from, channels.as_slice() ) }, _ => self.on_invalid_message(client, m), } }, Mode => { match (p.get(0), p.get(1)) { (Some(name), Some(modes)) if is_channel(name.as_slice()) => { let params: Vec<&str> = p.slice_from(2).iter().map(|s| s.as_slice()).collect(); self.on_channel_mode( client, from, name.as_slice(), modes.as_slice(), params.as_slice() ) }, (Some(name), Some(modes)) => { self.on_user_mode( client, from, name.as_slice(), modes.as_slice() ) }, _ => self.on_invalid_message(client, m), } }, Topic => { match (p.get(0), p.get(1)) { (Some(ref channel), Some(ref topic)) => { self.on_topic( client, from, channel.as_slice(), Some(topic.as_slice()) ) }, (Some(ref channel), None) => { self.on_topic( client, from, channel.as_slice(), None ) }, _ => self.on_invalid_message(client, m), } }, Names => { match (p.get(0),) { (Some(ref channels),) => { let channels: Vec<&str> = channels.as_slice().split(',').collect(); self.on_names( client, from, channels.as_slice() ) }, _ => { self.on_names( client, from, [] ) }, } }, List => { match (p.get(0), p.get(1)) { (Some(ref channels), Some(ref server)) => { let channels: Vec<&str> = channels.as_slice().split(',').collect(); self.on_list( client, from, channels.as_slice(), Some(server.as_slice()) ) }, (Some(ref channels), None) => { let channels: Vec<&str> = channels.as_slice().split(',').collect(); self.on_list( client, from, channels.as_slice(), None ) }, _ => { self.on_list( client, from, [], None ) }, } }, Invite => { match (p.get(0), p.get(1)) { (Some(ref nickname), Some(ref channel)) => { self.on_invite( client, from, nickname.as_slice(), channel.as_slice() ) }, _ => self.on_invalid_message(client, m), } }, Kick => { match (p.get(0), p.get(1), p.get(2)) { (Some(ref channel), Some(ref user), Some(ref comment)) => { self.on_kick( client, from, channel.as_slice(), user.as_slice(), Some(comment.as_slice()) ) }, (Some(ref channel), Some(ref user), None) => { self.on_kick( client, from, channel.as_slice(), user.as_slice(), None ) }, _ => self.on_invalid_message(client, m), } }, Version => { self.on_version( client, from, p.get(0).map(|s| s.as_slice()) ) }, Stats => { match (p.get(0), p.get(1)) { (Some(ref query), Some(ref server)) => { self.on_stats( client, from, Some(query.as_slice()), Some(server.as_slice()) ) }, (Some(ref query), None) => { self.on_stats( client, from, Some(query.as_slice()), None ) }, _ => { self.on_stats( client, from, None, None ) }, } }, Links => { match (p.get(0), p.get(1)) { (Some(ref server), Some(ref mask)) => { self.on_stats( client, from, Some(server.as_slice()), Some(mask.as_slice()) ) }, (Some(ref mask), None) => { self.on_stats( client, from, None, Some(mask.as_slice()) ) }, _ => { self.on_stats( client, from, None, None ) }, } }, Time => { self.on_time( client, from, p.get(0).map(|s| s.as_slice()) ) }, Connect => { match (p.get(0), p.get(1), p.get(2)) { (Some(ref server), Some(ref port), Some(ref remote)) => { match from_str(port.as_slice()) { Some(port) => { self.on_connect( client, from, server.as_slice(), Some(port), Some(remote.as_slice()) ) }, _ => self.on_invalid_message(client, m), } }, (Some(ref server), Some(ref port), None) => { match from_str(port.as_slice()) { Some(port) => { self.on_connect( client, from, server.as_slice(), Some(port), None ) }, _ => self.on_invalid_message(client, m), } }, (Some(ref server), None, None) => { self.on_connect( client, from, server.as_slice(), None, None ) }, _ => self.on_invalid_message(client, m), } }, Trace => { self.on_trace( client, from, p.get(0).map(|s| s.as_slice()) ) }, Admin => { self.on_admin( client, from, p.get(0).map(|s| s.as_slice()) ) }, Info => { self.on_info( client, from, p.get(0).map(|s| s.as_slice()) ) }, Privmsg => { match (p.get(0), p.get(1)) { (Some(ref receivers), Some(ref text)) => { let receivers: Vec<&str> = receivers.as_slice().split(',').collect(); self.on_privmsg( client, from, receivers.as_slice(), text.as_slice() ) }, _ => self.on_invalid_message(client, m), } }, Notice => { match (p.get(0), p.get(1)) { (Some(ref nickname), Some(ref text)) => { self.on_notice( client, from, nickname.as_slice(), text.as_slice() ) }, _ => self.on_invalid_message(client, m), } }, Who => { match (p.get(0), p.get(1)) { (Some(ref name), Some(ref o)) => { match o.as_slice() { "o" => { self.on_who( client, from, name.as_slice(), true ) }, _ => self.on_invalid_message(client, m), } }, (Some(ref name), None) => { self.on_who( client, from, name.as_slice(), false ) }, _ => self.on_invalid_message(client, m), } }, Whois => { match (p.get(0), p.get(1)) { (Some(ref server), Some(ref nickmasks)) => { let nickmasks: Vec<&str> = nickmasks.as_slice().split(',').collect(); self.on_whois( client, from, Some(server.as_slice()), nickmasks.as_slice() ) }, (Some(ref nickmasks), None) => { let nickmasks: Vec<&str> = nickmasks.as_slice().split(',').collect(); self.on_whois( client, from, None, nickmasks.as_slice() ) }, _ => self.on_invalid_message(client, m), } }, Whowas => { match (p.get(0), p.get(1), p.get(2)) { (Some(ref nickname), Some(count), Some(ref server)) => { match from_str(count.as_slice()) { Some(i) => { self.on_whowas( client, from, nickname.as_slice(), Some(i), Some(server.as_slice()), ) }, _ => self.on_invalid_message(client, m), } }, (Some(ref nickname), Some(count), None) => { match from_str(count.as_slice()) { Some(i) => { self.on_whowas( client, from, nickname.as_slice(), Some(i), None ) }, _ => self.on_invalid_message(client, m), } }, (Some(ref nickname), None, None) => { self.on_whowas( client, from, nickname.as_slice(), None, None ) }, _ => self.on_invalid_message(client, m), } }, Kill => { match (p.get(0), p.get(1)) { (Some(ref nickname), Some(ref comment)) => { self.on_kill( client, from, nickname.as_slice(), comment.as_slice() ) }, _ => self.on_invalid_message(client, m), } }, Ping => { match (p.get(0), p.get(1)) { (Some(ref server1), Some(ref server2)) => { self.on_ping( client, from, server1.as_slice(), Some(server2.as_slice()) ) }, (Some(ref server1), None) => { self.on_ping( client, from, server1.as_slice(), None ) }, _ => self.on_invalid_message(client, m), } }, Pong => { match (p.get(0), p.get(1)) { (Some(ref daemon1), Some(ref daemon2)) => { self.on_pong( client, from, daemon1.as_slice(), Some(daemon2.as_slice()) ) }, (Some(ref daemon1), None) => { self.on_ping( client, from, daemon1.as_slice(), None ) }, _ => self.on_invalid_message(client, m), } }, Error => { match (p.get(0),) { (Some(ref message),) => { self.on_error( client, from, message.as_slice() ) }, _ => self.on_invalid_message(client, m), } }, Away => { self.on_away( client, from, p.get(0).map(|s| s.as_slice()) ) }, Rehash => { self.on_rehash( client, from ) }, Restart => { self.on_restart( client, from ) }, Summon => { match (p.get(0), p.get(1)) { (Some(ref user), Some(ref server)) => { self.on_summon( client, from, user.as_slice(), Some(server.as_slice()) ) }, (Some(ref user), None) => { self.on_summon( client, from, user.as_slice(), None ) }, _ => self.on_invalid_message(client, m), } }, Users => { self.on_users( client, from, p.get(0).map(|s| s.as_slice()) ) }, Wallops => { match (p.get(0),) { (Some(ref text),) => { self.on_wallops( client, from, text.as_slice() ) }, _ => self.on_invalid_message(client, m), } }, Userhost => { match (p.get(0),) { (Some(_),) => { self.on_userhost( client, from, m.params().iter().map(|s| s.as_slice()).collect::>().as_slice() ) }, _ => self.on_invalid_message(client, m), } }, Ison => { match (p.get(0),) { (Some(_),) => { self.on_userhost( client, from, m.params().iter().map(|s| s.as_slice()).collect::>().as_slice() ) }, _ => self.on_invalid_message(client, m), } }, RawCommand(_) => { self.on_unknown_command(client, m) }, Reply(i) => { match i { RPL_WELCOME => self.on_rpl_welcome(client, m), RPL_YOURHOST => self.on_rpl_yourhost(client, m), RPL_CREATED => self.on_rpl_created(client, m), RPL_MYINFO => self.on_rpl_myinfo(client, m), RPL_BOUNCE => self.on_rpl_bounce(client, m), RPL_USERHOST => self.on_rpl_userhost(client, m), RPL_ISON => self.on_rpl_ison(client, m), RPL_AWAY => self.on_rpl_away(client, m), RPL_UNAWAY => self.on_rpl_unaway(client, m), RPL_NOWAWAY => self.on_rpl_noaway(client, m), RPL_WHOISUSER => self.on_rpl_whoisuser(client, m), RPL_WHOISSERVER => self.on_rpl_whoisserver(client, m), RPL_WHOISOPERATOR => self.on_rpl_whoisoperator(client, m), RPL_WHOISIDLE => self.on_rpl_whoisidle(client, m), RPL_ENDOFWHOIS => self.on_rpl_endofwhois(client, m), RPL_WHOISCHANNELS => self.on_rpl_whoischannels(client, m), RPL_WHOWASUSER => self.on_rpl_whowasuser(client, m), RPL_ENDOFWHOWAS => self.on_rpl_endofwhowas(client, m), RPL_LISTSTART => self.on_rpl_liststart(client, m), RPL_LIST => self.on_rpl_list(client, m), RPL_LISTEND => self.on_rpl_listend(client, m), RPL_UNIQOPIS => self.on_rpl_uniqopis(client, m), RPL_CHANNELMODEIS => self.on_rpl_channelmodeis(client, m), RPL_NOTOPIC => self.on_rpl_notopic(client, m), RPL_TOPIC => self.on_rpl_topic(client, m), RPL_INVITING => self.on_rpl_inviting(client, m), RPL_SUMMONING => self.on_rpl_summoning(client, m), RPL_INVITELIST => self.on_rpl_invitelist(client, m), RPL_ENDOFINVITELIST => self.on_rpl_endofinvitelist(client, m), RPL_EXCEPTLIST => self.on_rpl_exceptlist(client, m), RPL_ENDOFEXCEPTLIST => self.on_rpl_endofexceptlist(client, m), RPL_VERSION => self.on_rpl_version(client, m), RPL_WHOREPLY => self.on_rpl_whoreply(client, m), RPL_ENDOFWHO => self.on_rpl_endofwho(client, m), RPL_NAMREPLY => self.on_rpl_namreply(client, m), RPL_ENDOFNAMES => self.on_rpl_endofnames(client, m), RPL_LINKS => self.on_rpl_links(client, m), RPL_ENDOFLINKS => self.on_rpl_endoflinks(client, m), RPL_BANLIST => self.on_rpl_banlist(client, m), RPL_ENDOFBANLIST => self.on_rpl_endofbanlist(client, m), RPL_INFO => self.on_rpl_info(client, m), RPL_ENDOFINFO => self.on_rpl_endofinfo(client, m), RPL_MOTDSTART => self.on_rpl_motdstart(client, m), RPL_MOTD => self.on_rpl_motd(client, m), RPL_ENDOFMOTD => self.on_rpl_endofmotd(client, m), RPL_YOUREOPER => self.on_rpl_youreoper(client, m), RPL_REHASHING => self.on_rpl_rehashing(client, m), RPL_YOURESERVICE => self.on_rpl_youreservice(client, m), RPL_TIME => self.on_rpl_time(client, m), RPL_USERSSTART => self.on_rpl_usersstart(client, m), RPL_USERS => self.on_rpl_users(client, m), RPL_ENDOFUSERS => self.on_rpl_endofusers(client, m), RPL_NOUSERS => self.on_rpl_nousers(client, m), RPL_TRACELINK => self.on_rpl_tracelink(client, m), RPL_TRACECONNECTING => self.on_rpl_traceconnecting(client, m), RPL_TRACEHANDSHAKE => self.on_rpl_tracehandshake(client, m), RPL_TRACEUNKNOWN => self.on_rpl_traceunknown(client, m), RPL_TRACEOPERATOR => self.on_rpl_traceoperator(client, m), RPL_TRACEUSER => self.on_rpl_traceuser(client, m), RPL_TRACESERVER => self.on_rpl_traceserver(client, m), RPL_TRACESERVICE => self.on_rpl_traceservice(client, m), RPL_TRACENEWTYPE => self.on_rpl_tracenewtype(client, m), RPL_TRACECLASS => self.on_rpl_traceclass(client, m), RPL_TRACERECONNECT => self.on_rpl_tracereconnect(client, m), RPL_TRACELOG => self.on_rpl_tracelog(client, m), RPL_TRACEEND => self.on_rpl_traceend(client, m), RPL_STATSLINKINFO => self.on_rpl_statslinkinfo(client, m), RPL_STATSCOMMANDS => self.on_rpl_statscommands(client, m), RPL_ENDOFSTATS => self.on_rpl_endofstats(client, m), RPL_STATSUPTIME => self.on_rpl_statsuptime(client, m), RPL_STATSOLINE => self.on_rpl_statsoline(client, m), RPL_UMODEIS => self.on_rpl_umodeis(client, m), RPL_SERVLIST => self.on_rpl_servlist(client, m), RPL_SERVLISTEND => self.on_rpl_servlistend(client, m), RPL_LUSERCLIENT => self.on_rpl_luserclient(client, m), RPL_LUSEROP => self.on_rpl_luserop(client, m), RPL_LUSERUNKNOWN => self.on_rpl_luserunknown(client, m), RPL_LUSERCHANNELS => self.on_rpl_luserchannels(client, m), RPL_LUSERME => self.on_rpl_luserme(client, m), RPL_ADMINME => self.on_rpl_adminme(client, m), RPL_ADMINLOC1 => self.on_rpl_adminloc1(client, m), RPL_ADMINLOC2 => self.on_rpl_adminloc2(client, m), RPL_ADMINEMAIL => self.on_rpl_adminemail(client, m), RPL_TRYAGAIN => self.on_rpl_tryagain(client, m), ERR_NOSUCHNICK => self.on_err_nosuchnick(client, m), ERR_NOSUCHSERVER => self.on_err_nosuchserver(client, m), ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL => self.on_err_nosuchchannel(client, m), ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN => self.on_err_cannotsendtochan(client, m), ERR_TOOMANYCHANNELS => self.on_err_toomanychannels(client, m), ERR_WASNOSUCHNICK => self.on_err_wasnosuchnick(client, m), ERR_TOOMANYTARGETS => self.on_err_toomanytargets(client, m), ERR_NOSUCHSERVICE => self.on_err_nosuchservice(client, m), ERR_NOORIGIN => self.on_err_noorigin(client, m), ERR_NORECIPIENT => self.on_err_norecipient(client, m), ERR_NOTEXTTOSEND => self.on_err_notexttosend(client, m), ERR_NOTOPLEVEL => self.on_err_notoplevel(client, m), ERR_WILDTOPLEVEL => self.on_err_wildtoplevel(client, m), ERR_BADMASK => self.on_err_badmask(client, m), ERR_UNKNOWNCOMMAND => self.on_err_unknowncommand(client, m), ERR_NOMOTD => self.on_err_nomotd(client, m), ERR_NOADMININFO => self.on_err_noadmininfo(client, m), ERR_FILEERROR => self.on_err_fileerror(client, m), ERR_NONICKNAMEGIVEN => self.on_err_nonicknamegiven(client, m), ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME => self.on_err_erroneusnickname(client, m), ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE => self.on_err_nicknameinuse(client, m), ERR_NICKCOLLISION => self.on_err_nickcollision(client, m), ERR_UNAVAILRESOURCE => self.on_err_unavailresource(client, m), ERR_USERNOTINCHANNEL => self.on_err_usernotinchannel(client, m), ERR_NOTONCHANNEL => self.on_err_notonchannel(client, m), ERR_USERONCHANNEL => self.on_err_useronchannel(client, m), ERR_NOLOGIN => self.on_err_nologin(client, m), ERR_SUMMONDISABLED => self.on_err_summondisabled(client, m), ERR_USERSDISABLED => self.on_err_usersdisabled(client, m), ERR_NOTREGISTERED => self.on_err_notregistered(client, m), ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS => self.on_err_needmoreparams(client, m), ERR_ALREADYREGISTERED => self.on_err_alreadyregistered(client, m), ERR_NOPERMFORHOST => self.on_err_nopermforhost(client, m), ERR_PASSWDMISMATCH => self.on_err_passwdmismatch(client, m), ERR_YOUREBANNEDCREEP => self.on_err_yourebannedcreep(client, m), ERR_YOUWILLBEBANNED => self.on_err_youwillbebanned(client, m), ERR_KEYSET => self.on_err_keyset(client, m), ERR_CHANNELISFULL => self.on_err_channelisfull(client, m), ERR_UNKNOWNMODE => self.on_err_unknownmode(client, m), ERR_INVITEONLYCHAN => self.on_err_inviteonlychan(client, m), ERR_BANNEDFROMCHAN => self.on_err_bannedfromchan(client, m), ERR_BADCHANNELKEY => self.on_err_badchannelkey(client, m), ERR_BADCHANMASK => self.on_err_badchanmask(client, m), ERR_NOCHANMODES => self.on_err_nochanmodes(client, m), ERR_BANLISTFULL => self.on_err_banlistfull(client, m), ERR_NOPRIVILEGES => self.on_err_noprivileges(client, m), ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED => self.on_err_chanoprivsneeded(client, m), ERR_CANTKILLSERVER => self.on_err_cantkillserver(client, m), ERR_RESTRICTED => self.on_err_restricted(client, m), ERR_UNIQOPPRIVSNEEDED => self.on_err_uniqopprivsneeded(client, m), ERR_NOOPERHOST => self.on_err_nooperhost(client, m), ERR_UMODEUNKNOWNFLAG => self.on_err_umodeunknownflag(client, m), ERR_USERSDONTMATCH => self.on_err_usersdontmatch(client, m), RPL_SERVICEINFO => self.on_rpl_serviceinfo(client, m), RPL_ENDOFSERVICES => self.on_rpl_endofservices(client, m), RPL_SERVICE => self.on_rpl_service(client, m), RPL_NONE => self.on_rpl_none(client, m), RPL_WHOISCHANOP => self.on_rpl_whoischanop(client, m), RPL_KILLDONE => self.on_rpl_killdone(client, m), RPL_CLOSING => self.on_rpl_closing(client, m), RPL_CLOSEEND => self.on_rpl_closeend(client, m), RPL_INFOSTART => self.on_rpl_infostart(client, m), RPL_MYPORTIS => self.on_rpl_myportis(client, m), RPL_STATSCLINE => self.on_rpl_statscline(client, m), RPL_STATSNLINE => self.on_rpl_statsnline(client, m), RPL_STATSILINE => self.on_rpl_statsiline(client, m), RPL_STATSKLINE => self.on_rpl_statskline(client, m), RPL_STATSQLINE => self.on_rpl_statsqline(client, m), RPL_STATSYLINE => self.on_rpl_statsyline(client, m), RPL_STATSVLINE => self.on_rpl_statsvline(client, m), RPL_STATSLLINE => self.on_rpl_statslline(client, m), RPL_STATSHLINE => self.on_rpl_statshline(client, m), RPL_STATSPING => self.on_rpl_statsping(client, m), RPL_STATSBLINE => self.on_rpl_statsbline(client, m), RPL_STATSDLINE => self.on_rpl_statsdline(client, m), ERR_NOSERVICEHOST => self.on_err_noservicehost(client, m), RPL_TOPICDATE => self.on_rpl_topicdate(client, m), ERR_MSGFORBIDDEN => self.on_err_msgforbidden(client, m), _ => self.on_unknown_reply(client, m), } }, } }); let _ = self.on_client_disconnect(client); err } fn on_client_connect (&mut self, client: &mut Client) -> io::IoResult<()> { let nick = client.builder().nick.clone(); let pass = client.builder().pass.clone(); let username = client.builder().username.clone(); let servername = client.builder().servername.clone(); let realname = client.builder().realname.clone(); match pass { Some(pass) => try!(client.pass(pass.as_slice())), None => {}, } try!(client.nick(nick.as_slice())); let hostname = match client.builder().hostname { Some(ref host) => host.clone(), None => { match client.socket_name() { Some(ref host) => host.to_string(), // XXX something better here? None => "localhost".to_string(), } }, }; try!(client.user( username.as_slice(), hostname.as_slice(), servername.as_slice(), realname.as_slice(), )); Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_client_disconnect (&mut self, client: &mut Client) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_any_message (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_invalid_message (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_unknown_command (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_unknown_reply (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_command (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_reply (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_pass (&mut self, client: &mut Client, from: Option<&str>, pass: &str) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_nick (&mut self, client: &mut Client, from: Option<&str>, nick: &str, hopcount: Option) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_user (&mut self, client: &mut Client, from: Option<&str>, username: &str, hostname: &str, servername: &str, realname: &str) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_server (&mut self, client: &mut Client, from: Option<&str>, servername: &str, hopcount: u32, info: &str) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_oper (&mut self, client: &mut Client, from: Option<&str>, user: &str, pass: &str) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_quit (&mut self, client: &mut Client, from: Option<&str>, msg: Option<&str>) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_squit (&mut self, client: &mut Client, from: Option<&str>, server: &str, comment: &str) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_join (&mut self, client: &mut Client, from: Option<&str>, channels: &[&str], keys: &[&str]) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_part (&mut self, client: &mut Client, from: Option<&str>, channels: &[&str]) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_channel_mode (&mut self, client: &mut Client, from: Option<&str>, channel: &str, modes: &str, params: &[&str]) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_user_mode (&mut self, client: &mut Client, from: Option<&str>, nickname: &str, modes: &str) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_topic (&mut self, client: &mut Client, from: Option<&str>, channel: &str, topic: Option<&str>) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_names (&mut self, client: &mut Client, from: Option<&str>, channels: &[&str]) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_list (&mut self, client: &mut Client, from: Option<&str>, channels: &[&str], server: Option<&str>) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_invite (&mut self, client: &mut Client, from: Option<&str>, nickname: &str, channel: &str) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_kick (&mut self, client: &mut Client, from: Option<&str>, channel: &str, user: &str, comment: Option<&str>) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_version (&mut self, client: &mut Client, from: Option<&str>, server: Option<&str>) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_stats (&mut self, client: &mut Client, from: Option<&str>, query: Option<&str>, server: Option<&str>) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_links (&mut self, client: &mut Client, from: Option<&str>, remote_server: Option<&str>, server_mask: Option<&str>) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_time (&mut self, client: &mut Client, from: Option<&str>, server: Option<&str>) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_connect (&mut self, client: &mut Client, from: Option<&str>, target_server: &str, port: Option, remote_server: Option<&str>) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_trace (&mut self, client: &mut Client, from: Option<&str>, server: Option<&str>) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_admin (&mut self, client: &mut Client, from: Option<&str>, server: Option<&str>) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_info (&mut self, client: &mut Client, from: Option<&str>, server: Option<&str>) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_privmsg (&mut self, client: &mut Client, from: Option<&str>, receivers: &[&str], text: &str) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_notice (&mut self, client: &mut Client, from: Option<&str>, nickname: &str, text: &str) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_who (&mut self, client: &mut Client, from: Option<&str>, name: &str, o: bool) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_whois (&mut self, client: &mut Client, from: Option<&str>, server: Option<&str>, nickmasks: &[&str]) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_whowas (&mut self, client: &mut Client, from: Option<&str>, nickname: &str, count: Option, server: Option<&str>) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_kill (&mut self, client: &mut Client, from: Option<&str>, nickname: &str, comment: &str) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_ping (&mut self, client: &mut Client, from: Option<&str>, server1: &str, server2: Option<&str>) -> io::IoResult<()> { client.pong(server1) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_pong (&mut self, client: &mut Client, from: Option<&str>, daemon1: &str, daemon2: Option<&str>) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_error (&mut self, client: &mut Client, from: Option<&str>, message: &str) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_away (&mut self, client: &mut Client, from: Option<&str>, message: Option<&str>) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rehash (&mut self, client: &mut Client, from: Option<&str>) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_restart (&mut self, client: &mut Client, from: Option<&str>) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_summon (&mut self, client: &mut Client, from: Option<&str>, user: &str, server: Option<&str>) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_users (&mut self, client: &mut Client, from: Option<&str>, server: Option<&str>) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_wallops (&mut self, client: &mut Client, from: Option<&str>, text: &str) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_userhost (&mut self, client: &mut Client, from: Option<&str>, nicknames: &[&str]) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_ison (&mut self, client: &mut Client, from: Option<&str>, nicknames: &[&str]) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_welcome (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_yourhost (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_created (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_myinfo (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_bounce (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_userhost (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_ison (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_away (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_unaway (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_noaway (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_whoisuser (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_whoisserver (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_whoisoperator (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_whoisidle (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_endofwhois (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_whoischannels (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_whowasuser (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_endofwhowas (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_liststart (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_list (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_listend (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_uniqopis (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_channelmodeis (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_notopic (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_topic (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_inviting (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_summoning (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_invitelist (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_endofinvitelist (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_exceptlist (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_endofexceptlist (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_version (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_whoreply (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_endofwho (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_namreply (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_endofnames (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_links (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_endoflinks (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_banlist (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_endofbanlist (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_info (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_endofinfo (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_motdstart (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_motd (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_endofmotd (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_youreoper (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_rehashing (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_youreservice (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_time (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_usersstart (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_users (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_endofusers (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_nousers (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_tracelink (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_traceconnecting (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_tracehandshake (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_traceunknown (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_traceoperator (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_traceuser (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_traceserver (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_traceservice (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_tracenewtype (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_traceclass (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_tracereconnect (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_tracelog (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_traceend (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_statslinkinfo (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_statscommands (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_endofstats (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_statsuptime (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_statsoline (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_umodeis (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_servlist (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_servlistend (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_luserclient (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_luserop (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_luserunknown (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_luserchannels (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_luserme (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_adminme (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_adminloc1 (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_adminloc2 (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_adminemail (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_tryagain (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_nosuchnick (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_nosuchserver (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_nosuchchannel (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_cannotsendtochan (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_toomanychannels (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_wasnosuchnick (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_toomanytargets (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_nosuchservice (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_noorigin (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_norecipient (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_notexttosend (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_notoplevel (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_wildtoplevel (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_badmask (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_unknowncommand (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_nomotd (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_noadmininfo (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_fileerror (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_nonicknamegiven (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_erroneusnickname (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_nicknameinuse (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_nickcollision (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_unavailresource (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_usernotinchannel (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_notonchannel (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_useronchannel (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_nologin (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_summondisabled (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_usersdisabled (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_notregistered (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_needmoreparams (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_alreadyregistered (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_nopermforhost (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_passwdmismatch (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_yourebannedcreep (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_youwillbebanned (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_keyset (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_channelisfull (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_unknownmode (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_inviteonlychan (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_bannedfromchan (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_badchannelkey (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_badchanmask (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_nochanmodes (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_banlistfull (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_noprivileges (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_chanoprivsneeded (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_cantkillserver (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_restricted (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_uniqopprivsneeded (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_nooperhost (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_umodeunknownflag (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_usersdontmatch (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_serviceinfo (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_endofservices (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_service (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_none (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_whoischanop (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_killdone (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_closing (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_closeend (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_infostart (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_myportis (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_statscline (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_statsnline (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_statsiline (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_statskline (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_statsqline (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_statsyline (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_statsvline (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_statslline (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_statshline (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_statsping (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_statsbline (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_statsdline (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_noservicehost (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_rpl_topicdate (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } #[allow(unused_variable)] fn on_err_msgforbidden (&mut self, client: &mut Client, m: &Message) -> io::IoResult<()> { Ok(()) } } fn is_channel (name: &str) -> bool { name.starts_with("#") || name.starts_with("&") }